Sisu Data
- San Francisco
- http://bailis.org
- @pbailis
A tiny nearest-neighbor embedding database built with SQLite and Pytorch. (In development!)
🧊 Open source LLM observability platform. One line of code to monitor, evaluate, and experiment. YC W23 🍓
Aqueduct is no longer being maintained. Aqueduct allows you to run LLM and ML workloads on any cloud infrastructure.
This project contains the code for running experiments with the DIRECT and SKETCHREFINE algorithms presented in the paper: Matteo Brucato, Juan Felipe Beltran, Azza Abouzied, Alexandra Meliou: Scal…
Determined is an open-source machine learning platform that simplifies distributed training, hyperparameter tuning, experiment tracking, and resource management. Works with PyTorch and TensorFlow.
Accelerating network inference over video
Sparser: Raw Filtering for Faster Analytics over Raw Data
MacroBase: A Search Engine for Fast Data
A framework for formally verifying distributed systems implementations in Coq
Alluxio, data orchestration for analytics and machine learning in the cloud
Benchmark for measuring PBS overhead in Cassandra
pbailis / voldemort-pbs
Forked from voldemort/voldemortAdding logging information to Voldemort for analysis ("profiling" branch)
Changing DynamoDB put interface to control timestamps
Tiny Transactions on Computer Systems (TinyToCS) Site
pbailis / cassandra-pbs
Forked from apache/cassandraOld Probabilistically Bounded Staleness (PBS) analysis for Cassandra (see http://www.bailis.org/blog/using-pbs-in-cassandra-1.2.0/)
Work-in-progress sample code related to Bud
The official AWS SDK for Java 1.x (In Maintenance Mode, End-of-Life on 12/31/2025). The AWS SDK for Java 2.x is available here: https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-java-v2/