DiscordAttachementsExporter can be used to export attachements (files, pictures, videos) from Discord channels specified in a file. It uses Tyrrrz/DiscordChatExporter to export message history from a Discord channel. A big thanks to him !
The script needs Python (version > 3.5), pip and Docker to run.
✔️ Tested on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS with Python 3.8.5 , Pip 20.3.1 and Docker 19.03.13
The script should be runnable on all OS (tests incoming)
Install pip packages and pull Tyrrrz/DiscordChatExporter image container :
cd discord-attachements-exporter
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
docker pull "tyrrrz/discordchatexporter:stable
python3 main.py [OPTIONS]
-h, --help NO Show manual
-i, --input YES Path to config file
-o, --output NO Path to directory where attachements will be downloaded
-t, --token NO Discord user token (if not defined, the DISCORD_TOKEN env must be)
-v, --verbose NO Verbose mode
python3 main.py -i channels_list -o /path/to/folder -t DISCORD_TOKEN
Once the script finished the attachements will be under /path/to/folder/ with the following structure :
├── channel1_name
| ├── attachement1
| ├── attachement2
| ...
├── channel2_name
| ├── attachement1
| ├── attachement2
| ...
To know to create the config file and get your Discord User Token and to get more examples, check out the wiki !