Webex can be used to host a Web App which exposes a nice User Interface ( nice formulars ). For acheiving this we have to send Adaptive cards to the Webex Room.
The script into this repo gives you some examples of such formulars. It allows you to select and send to a Webex room one example of an advanced webex cards located into the [cards_attachements_examples] subfolder
The file contained into this subfloder are only the attachment key of the Webex Card JSON data to be sent the the webex room. This key contains the body that is dispplayed into the message.
You must have created a webex bot first. If your bot is located into your laptop then use ngork to make it available on the INTERNET.
Have a look to the instructions here for that Create a webex bot
Create a working directory into your laptop. Open a terminal CMD window into it. Name It XDR_BOT for example.
The Download ZIP Method
The easiest way for anyone not familiar with git is to copy the ZIP package available for you in this page. Click on the Code button on the top right of this page. And then click on Download ZIP.
Unzip the zip file into your working directory.
The "git clone" method with git client
And here under for those of you who are familiar with Github.
You must have a git client installed into your laptop. Then you can type the following command from a terminal console opened into your working directory.
git clone https://github.com/pcardotatgit/webex_for_xdr_part-1_card_examples.git
Once the code unzipped into your laptop, then Go to the code subfolder.
It is still a best practice to create a python virtual environment. Thank to this you will create a dedicated package with requested modules for this application.
python -m venv venv
python3 -m venv venv
Depending on the python version you installed into your Mac you might have to type either
- python -m venv venv
or maybe
- python3 -m venv venv : python3 for python version 3.x
or maybe
- python3.9 -m venv venv : if you use the 3.9 python version
And then move to the next step : Activate the virtual environment.
source venv/bin/activate
You can install them with the following 2 commands one after the other ( Windows / Mac / Linux ):
The following command might be required if your python version is old.
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
Then install required python modules ( Windows / Mac / Linux )
pip install -r requirements.txt
1- You must have a valid BOT_ACCESS_TOKEN. That means that you must have created a Webex BOT first. 2- You must know the room_id of the destination webex room and the Webex Bot must be invited into it.
Then Edit the config.py file and set the correct values for the DESTINATION_ROOM_ID and BOT_ACCESS_TOKEN
Just run the script
python select_and_send_an_advanced_webex_card.py
The expected result is the selected card to be displayed into the Webex Room
Go to the next chapter in order to see an example of an advanced Alert Adaptative Card.