I recently purchased a few books in order to learn more about Elixir. The first one I am reading is Programming Elixir. This repository contains my solutions to all of the exercises as I work through them. I will try to write them in a manner to where they could be helpful to others in case someone is searching for a solution and finds mine.
- ModulesAndFunctions-1
- ModulesAndFunctions-2
- ModulesAndFunctions-3
- ModulesAndFunctions-4
- ModulesAndFunctions-5
- ModulesAndFunctions-6
- ModulesAndFunctions-7
- StringsAndBinaries-1
- StringsAndBinaries-2
- StringsAndBinaries-3
- StringsAndBinaries-4
- StringsAndBinaries-5
- StringsAndBinaries-6
- StringsAndBinaries-7
- OrganizingAProject-1
- OrganizingAProject-2
- OrganizingAProject-3
- OrganizingAProject-4
- OrganizingAProject-6
- WorkingWithMultipleProcesses-1
- WorkingWithMultipleProcesses-2
- WorkingWithMultipleProcesses-3
- WorkingWithMultipleProcesses-4
- WorkingWithMultipleProcesses-5
- WorkingWithMultipleProcesses-6
- WorkingWithMultipleProcesses-7
- WorkingWithMultipleProcesses-8
- WorkingWithMultipleProcesses-9