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This module does the following:
- Launch an Instance
- Provision the Instance running a list of initialization scripts
- Setup the Instance as a Chef Node.
- Provision the Node with a first Chef run (if a run-list is provided).
- Provision the Node with a second Chef run (if a second run-list is provided).
- Output the public and private IP addresses of the Chef Node.
The Chef runs are strictly ordered.
The following is a simple example.
For the list of available parameters see variables.tf file.
module "instance" {
source = "git::ssh://[email protected]/devcrops/devcrops-iac-terraform-oci-chefnode-module.git"
# { Environment - Cloud.
env-cloud-availability_domain = "..."
env-cloud-compartment-id = "ocid..."
# }
# { Environment - Chef.
env-chef-knife_rb_path = "/home/user/knife.rb"
env-chef-server-url = "https://chef.myorg.lan/organizations/myorg/" # Mind the trailing slash.
env-chef-user-key = "${file("/home/user/chef-key.pem")}"
env-chef-user-name = "chefuser"
# }
# { Provisioning - SSH.
prov-ssh-bastion-private_key = "${file("/home/user/bastion_user.id_rsa")}"
prov-ssh-bastion-user = "bastion_user"
prov-ssh-private_key "${file("/home/user/opc.id_rsa")}"
prov-ssh-user = "opc"
# }
# { Parameters - Instance configuration.
inst-creation_timeout = "10m"
inst-chef-environment = "env0"
inst-chef-node-attributes-json = "{ \"a\": 1, \"b\": 2 }"
inst-chef-node-name = "web0"
inst-chef-skip_install = false
inst-chef-runlist-0 = [ "role[base]" ]
inst-chef-runlist-1 = [ "role[base]", "role[webserver]" ]
inst-chef-version = "13.4"
inst-display_name = "Web Server"
inst-hostname = "web0"
inst-image-id = "ocid..."
inst-assign_public_ip = true
inst-prov-scripts = [ "${path.module}/assets/provision.sh" ]
inst-ssh-authorized_keys "..."
inst-subnet-id "ocid..."
inst-shape = "VM.Standard1.8"
# }
The inst-chef-allowed_vaults
variable can be used to grant access to one or more
Chef Vaults.
Chef Server URL is not properly validated. Related issues:
A trailing slash must be included if the URL refers to an organization.
Name resolution for Chef Server URL uses localhost
as DNS.
If this is a problem, a local UDP proxy can be setup as a workaround with socat
, substituting <dns_server_ip>
with the IP address of a DNS server (e.g.
sudo socat UDP4-RECVFROM:53,fork UDP4-SENDTO:<dns_server_ip>:53