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Hands-on tutorial {#Hands_on}

In this tutorial, you will build a PDI-enabled application step-by-step from a PDI-free base. You will end-up building the C version of the \ref PDI_example "example provided with PDI" for the the \ref trace_plugin "Trace", \ref Decl_HDF5_plugin "Decl'HDF5", and \ref pycall_plugin "Pycall" plugins. Additional examples are available for the other plugins.


\attention To run this hands-on tutorial, you first need to \ref Installation "install PDI" and setup your environment.

PDI installation

\ref Installation "PDI installation" is documented in a \ref Installation "dedicated page".

Hands-on tutorial setup

Once %PDI is installed, you can proceed with getting the sources for the hands-on tutorial from github:

git clone
cd tutorial


Before compilation, configure the tutorial by detecting all dependencies:

pdirun cmake .

\attention If you installed PDI in a standard path, the pdirun prefix is never required.

Once you have correctly modified each exercise according to instructions, you can compile it by running:

pdirun make ex?

Where ? is the number of the exercise.


You can run each exercise with the following command:

pdirun mpirun -n 4 ./ex?

Where ? is the number of the exercise and 4 represents the number of MPI processes to use.

Execution with storage of the log

To store the logs for later comparison, you can use the following command (for example for ex2.):

pdirun mpirun -n 1 ./ex2 | tee ex2.result.log

Now you're ready to work, good luck!

PDI-free code

Ex1. Getting started

Ex1. implements a simple heat equation solver using an explicit forward finite difference scheme parallelized with MPI. The code uses a block domain decomposition where each process holds a 2D block of data.

Data domain decomposition in the example

Locally, each process holds its local block of data with one additional element on each side for ghost zones.

Data domain decomposition in the example

In the following exercises however, %PDI will only be used to decouple I/O operations. There is no need to fully dive in the core of the solver described in the \ref heat_algorithm "PDI example algorithm" and implemented in the iter and exchange functions.

The specification tree in the .yml files and the main function are the locations where all the I/O-related aspects will be handled and the only ones you will actually need to fully understand or modify.

  • Examine the source code, compile it and run it. There is no input/output operations in the code yet, so you can not see any result.

This example gets its configuration from a file in the \ref YAML "YAML format": ex1.yml file. If you're not familiar with YAML, please have a look at our quick \ref YAML "YAML format documentation" to understand it. The example uses the paraconf library to read this file.

  • Play with and understand the code parameters in ex1.yml.

  • Set values in ex1.yml to be able to run the code with 4 MPI processes.

mpirun -np 4 ./ex1

PDI core & trace plugin

Ex2. Now with some PDI

Ex2. C code is similar to ex1. C code with %PDI calls added in main function. This exercise will be run sequentially.

  • Examine the source code, compile it and run it.

In our YAML file (ex2.yml), the pdi key is added. The sub-tree, defined after this key, is the %PDI specification tree passed to %PDI at initialization.

  • To observe %PDI calls on the standard output, add \ref trace_plugin "Trace plugin" (trace) plugin of %PDI in our YAML file (ex2.yml).

  • In the C file (ex2.c), add ::PDI_share and ::PDI_reclaim call to share some data with %PDI. The shared data are defined in the line that starts with "//***" in ex2.c.

Here, the objective is to match the output of ex2.log file. In this file, only the line corresponding to [Trace-plugin] have been kept. Moreover, the time are given for each %PDI calls. To compare, we need to remove this information from the log. It is done by adding this line in the sub-tree of the trace plugin.

  logging: { pattern: '[PDI][%n-plugin] *** %l: %v' }

Additionally, we run sequentially to facilitate the comparison between logs (in parallel each rank send a trace message and the order of writing can be different).

  • Add the previous line in the sub-tree of \ref trace_plugin "Trace plugin" (don't forget to indent this line correctly). Using the previous section Execution with storage of the log, run this exercise and save the output log in the file ex2.result.log. After that you can easily check if the files are the same by running the command:
  diff ex2.log <(grep Trace-plugin ex2.result.log)

\attention Notice that some share/reclaim pairs come one after the other while others are interlaced. Is one better than the other? If you do not know the answer to this question, just wait until ex5. :)

\attention In this exercise, the shared variable and the reclaimed variable are not defined in the YAML file (see ex3. and further for this).

Decl'HDF5 plugin

From exercise 3 to exercise 9 included, we present the \ref Decl_HDF5_plugin "Decl'HDF5 plugin" (decl_hdf5). We will introduce some keywords (when, datasets, ...) in the sub-tree of decl_hdf5 in configuration YAML file.

All keywords are defined in the last section full configuration example of \ref Decl_HDF5_plugin "Decl'HDF5 plugin".

Ex3. HDF5 through PDI

In this exercise, the C code is the same as in ex2. You only need to modify the YAML file (ex3.yml).

  • Examine the YAML file, compile the code and run it.

The \ref Decl_HDF5_plugin "Decl'HDF5 plugin" (decl_hdf5) is added in the specification tree. In its configuration, the dsize variable is defined as a metadata for %PDI.

  • Write the psize and pcoord variables in addition to dsize in a file ex3.h5 with one MPI process. To achieve this result, you will need to fill 2 sections in the YAML file:

    1. The data section to indicate to %PDI the \ref datatype_node "type" of the fields that are exposed.

    2. The decl_hdf5 section for the configuration of the \ref Decl_HDF5_plugin "Decl'HDF5 plugin".

  • Use the h5dump command to see the content of your HDF5 output file in the same format as the h5dump file ex3.h5dump. You can easily check if the files are the same by running:

  diff ex3.h5dump <(h5dump ex3*.h5)

To see your h5 file in readable file format, you can check the section Comparison with the h5dump command.

\warning If you relaunch the executable, remember to delete your old ex3.h5 file before, otherwise the data will not be changed.

\warning When more than one MPI rank is used, we write to the same location in the file independently of the MPI rank. For this reason, this exercise will fail. The next exercise solves this issue.

Ex4. Writing some real data

In this exercise each MPI process will write its local 2D array block contained in the main_field variable to a separate HDF5 file. Once again, this can be done by modifying the YAML file only, no need to touch the C file.

  • Examine the YAML file, compile the code and run it.

\note Notice that in the YAML file ex4.yml, a list was used in the decl_hdf5 section with multiple write blocks instead of a single one as before in order to write to multiple files.

\note Notice that we have moved fields (dsize, psize and pcoord) in the metadata section.

  metadata: # small values for which PDI keeps a copy
    #*** add ii as metadata
    dsize: { type: array, subtype: int, size: 2 }

You can reference them from dynamic "$-expressions" in the configuration file.

\remark Also notice that this example now runs in parallel with 4 processes. To ensure we do not write to the same file, we need to specify the file name using "$-expressions" for the different process rank.

Unlike the other fields manipulated until now, the type of main_field is not fully known, its size is dynamic. Therefore, we need to define the size in YAML file for %PDI using "$-expressions".

  • Describe the temperature data on the current iteration by using a $-expression to specify the size of main_field in data section.

Unlike the other fields manipulated until now, main_field is exposed multiple times along execution. In order not to overwrite it every time it is exposed, you propose to write one file per rank only at the first iteration (ii=1) with the directive when.

  • Add the iteration loop ii as a metadata.
  • Write the curent temperature field in one file per process at first iteration.

You should be able to match the expected output described in ex4.h5dump. You can easily check if the files are the same by running:

  diff ex4.h5dump <(h5dump ex4-data-*.h5)

To see your h5 file in readable file format, you can check the section Comparison with the h5dump command.

\note A definition of metadata and data can be:

  • metadata: small values for which PDI keeps a copy. These value can be referenced by using "$-expressions" in the configuration YAML file.

  • data : values for which PDI does not keep a copy.

Ex5. Introducing events and group of dataset

This exercise is done sequentially to facilitate the comparison between logs.

Ex 5.1 PDI event and on_event

In ex4, two variables were written to ex4-data-*.h5, but the files were opened and closed for each and every write.

Since Decl'HDF5 only sees the data appear one after the other, it does not keep the file open. Since ii and main_field are shared in an interlaced way, they are both available to %PDI at the same time and could be written without opening the file twice. You have to use events for that, you will modify both the C and YAML file in this exercise.

  • Examine the YAML file and source code.

  • In the C file, add a %PDI event named loop when both ii and main_field are shared.

    With the \ref trace_plugin "Trace plugin", check that the event is indeed triggered at the expected time as described in ex5.log (only the lines matching [Trace-plugin] have been kept). Using the previous section Execution with storage of the log, run this exercise in saving the output log in the ex5.result.log. After that you can easily check if the files are the same by running:

  diff ex5.log <(grep Trace-plugin ex5.result.log)
  • In the YAML file, use the on_event mechanism to trigger the write of ii and main_field for event loop only. This mechanism can be combined with a when directive, in that case the write is only executed when both mechanisms agree.
  • Add the when directive to write only at iteration 1 and 2. Use the symbol & which corresponds to the logical operation and.

Ex 5.2 group of dataset

In ex4, the name of the datasets of .h5 file are ii and main_field(see ex4.h5dump). Using the keyword dataset, it is possible to have a different name from the %PDI variable name.

The name of the dataset is given after the definition of the data

          ii: # name of the PDI data to write
            dataset: 'new_name' 

Using this mechanism, it is possible to define a group object of hdf5 see If you want to add a dataset my_data in the sub-group groupA of the group my_group, the name of the dataset will be:

dataset: 'my_group/groupA/my_data'.

where the symbol "/" is used to separate groups in path.

  • Change the YAML file to write main_field and ii at iterations 1 and 2, in two distinct groups iter1 and iter2.

    To match the expected output described in ex5.h5dump. You can easily check if the files are the same by running:

  diff ex5.h5dump <(h5dump ex5-data-*.h5)

To see your h5 file in readable file format, you can check the section Comparison with the h5dump command.

Ex6. Simplifying the code

As you can notice, the %PDI code is quite redundant. In this exercise, you will use ::PDI_expose and ::PDI_multi_expose to simplify the code while keeping the exact same behaviour. For once, there is no need to modify the YAML file here, you only need to modify the C file. Moreover, this exercise will be launched sequentially to facilitate the comparison between logs.

  • Examine the source code, compile it and run it.

\remark At the end of the iteration loop, a new event finalization is added.

There are lots of matched ::PDI_share/::PDI_reclaim in the code.

  • Replace these by ::PDI_expose that is the exact equivalent of a ::PDI_share followed by a matching ::PDI_reclaim.

This replacement is not possible for interlaced ::PDI_share/::PDI_reclaim with events in the middle. This case is however handled by ::PDI_multi_expose call that exposes all data, then triggers an event and finally does all the reclaim in reverse order.

  • Replace the remaining ::PDI_share/::PDI_reclaim by ::PDI_exposes and ::PDI_multi_exposes and ensure that your code keeps the exact same behaviour as in previous exercise by comparing its trace to ex6.log (only the lines matching [Trace-plugin] have been kept). Using the previous section Execution with storage of the log, run this exercise in saving the output log in the ex6.result.log. After that you can easily check if the files are the same by running:
  diff ex6.log <(grep Trace-plugin ex6.result.log)

In summary:

  1. ::PDI_expose is equivalent to ::PDI_share + ::PDI_reclaim.

  2. ::PDI_multi_expose is equivalent to ::PDI_share + ::PDI_event + ::PDI_reclaim.

Ex7. Writing a selection

In this exercise, you will only write a selection of the 2D array in memory excluding ghosts to the HDF5 file. Once again, you only need to modify the YAML file in this exercise, no need to touch the C file.

\remark This exercise will run with 4 MPI processes.

  • Examine the YAML file and compile the code.

As you can notice, now the dataset is independently described in the file.

  • Restrict the selection to the non-ghost part of the array in memory (excluding one element on each side).

You can achieve this by using the memory_selection directive in ex7.yml that specifies the selection of data from memory to write.

You should be able to match the expected output described in ex7.h5dump. You can easily check if the files are the same by running:

  diff ex7.h5dump <(h5dump ex7*.h5)

To see your h5 file in readable file format, you can check the section Comparison with the h5dump command.

graphical representation

Ex8. Selecting on the dataset size

In this exercise, you will once again change the YAML file to handle a selection in the dataset in addition to the selection in memory from the previous exercise. In this exercise, you don't want to get one output file per iteration. You will write the 2D array from the previous exercise as a slice of a 3D dataset including a time dimension for iterations 1 to 3 (inclusive).

Once again, you only need to modify the YAML file in this exercise, no need to touch the C file.

  • Examine the YAML file and compile the code.

Notice how the dataset is extended with an additional dimension

        #*** add one dimention to main_field datasets to represent the time step
        main_field: { type: array, subtype: double, size: [..., '$dsize[0]-2', '$dsize[1]-2' ] }
  • replace ... in previous line by the number of iteration time, we want to save in this exercise.

  • Change the when directive to write the main_field at iterations 1 to 3 inclusive.

  • Write the 2D selection from main_field at iterations 1 to 3 inclusive into slices at coordinate 0 to 2 of the first dimension of the 3D dataset.

You can achieve this by using the dataset_selection directive that specifies the selection where to write in the file dataset.

You should be able to match the expected output described in ex8.h5dump. You can easily check if the files are the same by running:

  diff ex8.h5dump <(h5dump ex8*.h5)

To see your h5 file in readable file format, you can check the section Comparison with the h5dump command.

graphical representation

parallel Decl'HDF5

Ex9. Going parallel

Running the code from the previous exercises in parallel should already work and yield one file per process containing the local data block. In this exercise you will write one single file ex9.h5(see ex9.yml) with parallel HDF5 whose content should be independent from the number of processes used.

\attention You need to do this exercise with a parallel version of HDF5 and the \ref Decl_HDF5_plugin "Decl'HDF5 plugin" compiled in parallel.

Once again, you only need to modify the YAML file in this exercise, no need to touch the C file.

  • Examine the YAML file and compile the code.

  • Load the mpi plugin to make sharing MPI communicators possible.

  • Define the communicator directive of the \ref Decl_HDF5_plugin "Decl'HDF5 plugin" to switch to parallel I/O for HDF5. Set the value of the communicator to MPI_COMM_WORLD.

\note We have added the directive collision_policy: write_into of the \ref Decl_HDF5_plugin "Decl'HDF5 plugin" (see section COLLISION_POLICY). This parameter is used to define what to do when writing to a file or dataset that already exists.

  • Set the size of the dataset to take the global (parallel) array size into account. You will need to multiply the local size by the number of processes in each dimension (use psize).

  • Ensure the dataset selection of each process does not overlap with the others. You will need to make a selection in the dataset that depends on the global coordinate of the local data block (use pcoord).

You should be able to match the expected output described in ex9.h5dump. You can easily check if the files are the same by running:

  diff ex9.h5dump <(h5dump ex9*.h5)

To see your h5 file in readable file format, you can check the section Comparison with the h5dump command.

\warning If you relaunch the executable, remember to delete your old ex9.h5 file before, otherwise the data will not be changed correctly.

graphical representation of the parallel I/O


Ex10. Post-processing the data in python

\attention You need to have a version %PDI with the \ref pycall_plugin "Pycall plugin" to do this exercise.

In this exercise, you will once again modify the YAML file only and use python to post-process the data in situ before writing it to HDF5. Here, you will write the square root of the raw data to HDF5 instead of the data itself.

  • Examine the YAML file and compile the code.

  • Load the \ref pycall_plugin "Pycall plugin" and enable this plugin when the loop event is triggered.

Some variables of the python script inside ex10.yml are not defined. The with directive of this plugin allows to specify input variables (parameters) to pass to Python as a set of "$-expressions". These parameters can be given as multiple blocks.

  • Add a with block with the missing parameter to let the Python code process the data exposed in main_field for event loop.

  • Use the keyword exec of \ref pycall_plugin "Pycall plugin". After the colon (":"), add a space and a vertical bar (" |"). Uncomment the python script.

Notice that the Decl'HDF5 configuration was simplified, no memory selection is applied, the when condition disappeared because it is done in the python script:

  if 0 < iter_id < 4:
    transformed_field = np.sqrt(source_field[1:-1,1:-1])
    pdi.expose('transformed_field', transformed_field, pdi.OUT)

The last line of the python script allows to expose the transformed field to %PDI. Moreover, this data is known to %PDI in this call.

  • Modify the Decl'HDF5 configuration to write the new data transformed_field exposed from Python.

\attention The dataset name is however explicitly specified now because it does not match the %PDI variable name anymore, you will instead write a new variable exposed from python.

You should be able to match the expected output described in ex10.h5dump. You can easily check if the files are the same by running:

  diff ex10.h5dump <(h5dump ex10*.h5)

To see your h5 file in readable file format, you can check the section Comparison with the h5dump command.

\warning If you relaunch the executable, remember to delete your old ex10.h5 file before, otherwise the data will not be changed.

\attention In a more realistic setup, one would typically not write much code in the YAML file directly, but would instead call functions specified in a .py file on the side.

set value of data and metadata

Ex12. set_value plugin

The \ref set_value_plugin "set_value" plugin allows setting values to data and metadata descriptors from the YAML file. In the \ref set_value_plugin "set_value", the user can trigger action upon: on_init, on_finalize, on_data, on_event. In this plugin, we have five different types of action:

  • Share data (share) - plugin will share new allocated data with given values.
  • Release data (release) - plugin will release shared data.
  • Expose data (expose) - plugin will expose new allocated data with given values.
  • Set data (set) - plugin will set given values to the already shared data.
  • Calling an event (event) - plugin will call an event.

\note examples with keywords share, release, expose, set and event are given at the end of section "set_value" plugin in the website.

In this exercise, we expose the integer switch to %PDI at each iteration. This interger is used to enable or to disable the writing of main_field. We want to start writing once this integer passes 50 and stop when it's below 25. For this purpose, we introduce a new logical variable should_output in ex12.yml. The value of should_output is defined by:

  if(switch > 50) should_output = true
  if(switch < 25) should_output = false
  //otherwise the value of should_output doesn't change.
  • At initialization of %PDI, define the should_output to 0 (false).
  • At finalization, release the variable should_output.
  • When switch is shared with %PDI, set the value of should_output according to its definition. \attention %PDI doesn't known directive if in YAML file. Therefore, you need to redefine the value of should_output according to the previous value of should_output and the value of switch.

You should be able to match the expected output described in should_output_solution.dat. You can easily check if the files are the same by running:

  diff should_output_solution.dat should_output.dat
  • Enable the writing of main_field according to the value of should_output.

You should be able to match the expected output described in ex12.h5dump. You can easily check if the files are the same by running:

  diff ex12.h5dump <(h5dump ex12*.h5)

To see your h5 file in readable file format, you can check the section Comparison with the h5dump command.

Call a user C function

Ex11. user_code plugin

In this exercise, you will learn how to call a user C function in %PDI with the \ref user_code_plugin "user_code plugin". Moreover, to reduce the standard output log, we run sequentially and we reduce the number of iterations.

\attention You need to read the section \ref important_notes_node "Important notes" before using \ref user_code_plugin "user_code plugin". To compile the program ex11 with Wl,--export-dynamic or -rdynamic, we have added the following line:

set_target_properties(ex11 PROPERTIES ENABLE_EXPORTS TRUE)

in the CMakeList.txt provided.

The objective is to write the integral of main_field on the file integral.dat. This integral is computed in the C function compute_integral defined in ex11.c.

  • Examine the C file, the YAML file and compile the code.

\remark In the compute_integral function, the %PDI function ::PDI_access and ::PDI_release are called (see \ref annotation "Code annotation"). For example,

int *iter;
PDI_access("ii", (void **)&iter, PDI_IN);

::PDI_access sets our pointer (iter) to the data location of ii. We need to pass PDI_IN because data flows from PDI to our application. We also want to use ::PDI_release, because ::PDI_reclaim would end the sharing status of this descriptor and we reclaim this data later in the main function.

The keyword on_event allows to call a C function inside ::PDI_event. You can call a user C function inside ::PDI_share using the keyword on_data in the \ref user_code_plugin "user_code plugin".

In this exercise, we only modify ex11.yml.

  • Open the file integral.dat at event “initialization” for recording the integral of the main_field in calling open_file function.

  • Close the file integral.dat at event “finalization” in calling close_file function.

  • Compute the integral of main_field and write this to the file integral.dat (using compute_integral function) when main_field is shared to %PDI.

You should be able to match the expected output described in integral_solution.dat. You can easily check if the files are the same by running:

  diff integral_solution.dat integral.dat
  • Check that the call of C functions defined by on_event and on_data are indeed done in the expected order in the log.

\remark The keywords on_event and on_data are also used in other plugins to execute instructions in ::PDI_event and ::PDI_share respectively.

What next ?

In this tutorial, you used the C API of %PDI and from YAML, you used the \ref trace_plugin "Trace", \ref Decl_HDF5_plugin "Decl'HDF5", and \ref pycall_plugin "Pycall" plugins.

If you want to try PDI from another language (Fortran, python, ...) or if you want to experiment with other \ref Plugins "PDI plugins", have a look at the examples provided with PDI.