This workshop is part of the Platform Engineering with AWS + DNB + Humanitec: Day of Containers. It starts at 12:30 on Wednesday 9th October 2024.
In this workshop we will set up a Minimal Viable Platform in 2 hours. AWS has very kindly provided Lab environments for us to work in, so let's get started.
Claim your Humanitec Organization. You should have got an email with an invite link.
Claim your AWS Lab environment. Details will be shared during the event.
Details about EKS Workshop and AWS Lab environments details here
Clone this repository into the home directory of your Lab Environment:
git clone
Install the Humanitec and other tools we will be using:
cd workshop sh
Authenticate the Humanitec CLI inside the lab environment:
humctl login
It will produce a message something like this:
Please use the following URL to approve login request
Copy and paste the URL into a web browser on your local machine and complete the authentication there.
Set up your environment:
Setup is done! Now we can get on with the workshop. We will run things through step-by-step so you can follow along easily.
To do this, we will use the Humanitec Setup Wizard. It will ask you a series of questions and then configure access and register the EKS cluster with the Platform Orchestrator.
- Run the wizard:
humanitec-setup-wizard connect
The wizard will ask you questions, in most but not all cases you can select the default answer. Here is an example run through:
? Select organization: pe-day-oslo-my-name-here ? Select cloud provider: aws ? Please enter the id for the cloud account you would like to create in your Humanitec Organization: my-cloud-account ? Only one cluster found: eks-workshop. Do you want to use it: Yes ? Only one load balancer found: abcdef012456789abcdef012456789. Do you want to use it?: Yes ? Please enter the id for the cluster you would like to create in your Humanitec Organization: my-cluster ? Cluster is publicly available. Do you want to install Humanitec Agent anyway? Yes ? Only one secret manager found: aws-secret-manager. Do you want to use it Yes ? Please enter the namespace for the operator you would like to create in your Humanitec Organization: humanitec-operator-system ? Would you like to configure the operator to authenticate Humanitec drivers? Yes ? Please enter the id for the secret store you would like to create in your Humanitec Organization my-secret-store ? Please enter the id of the namespace where the runner will run. The wizard will create it if it does not exist. humanitec-terraform ? Please enter the name of the k8s service account the wizard will create to let the runner run with humanitec-tf-runner ? Please enter the id of the config resource definition that will be created to inject Terraform runner credentials my-tf-runner-config ? Please enter the id of the terraform-runner driver resource definition that will be created to provision a fake s3 bucket (my-vd-tf-fake-s3) ? Do you want to deploy a test application? Yes ? Please enter the id for the application you would like to create in your Humanitec Organization my-application
After a few seconds, the application should be running in the cluster. You can go to the Humanitec Portal to view it:
Let's start with our Score-based workload. This will deploy a workload running stefanprodan/podinfo exposed with a DNS name.
[!INFO] Score is a platform-agnostic workload specification. It’s a Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) project. Learn more at
Change into the
directory:cd first-score
Review the Score file:
cat score.yaml | yq
will give you nice syntax highlighted output of YAML files and will also validate your YAML is correct. See yq Docs.
Create a new application to deploy out workload in:
humctl create app first-score
Deploy the workload into the app:
humctl score deploy -f score.yaml --app first-score --env development --wait
Go to the Humanitec Portal to view the deployment.
Deploying using humctl score deploy
is all very well, but a better developer experience is to do this automatically when we git push
Get your AWS account to trust your GitHub user. Replace
with your github ../use-ci sh <GITHUB_NAME>
Save the
Role ARN
that is returned by the script. You will need it later. -
Create a new app
humctl create app jokes
Generate a service user token for the CI.
- Go to the Humanitec Portal
- Select Service Users from the left hand menu
- Click
+ Create new service user
- Choose a name, select "Administrator" for the role and click
Create new service user
- Expand the new service user and click
+ Add new API token
- Choose a name for the token and click
Create new API token
- Copy the
API token
somewhere safe - you will need it later.
Create the GitHub Repository with the CI
- Go to
- Click the green
Use this template
button in the top right. - Choose a location to create it. (Recommendation: use your own GitHub.)
Configure GitHub Actions
This involves setting some variables and secrets in GitHub Actions. To find the Secrets and Variables, follow the numbers in this image in your new repository.
Create the following Repository Secret:
with value of theAPI token
(from step 3)
Create the following create 3
with the valuejokes
with your Humanitec Organization ID (e.g.:pe-day-oslo-…
with theRole ARN
(from step 1)
You can find your Organization ID with humctl config org
Test GitHub Actions
In the repository page in GitHub:
- Select the Actions tab
- Open the failed CI job
- Click Re-run Jobs
- Wait - after a while it should succeed!
- View the
application in the Humanitec Portal.