- Vue.js - Javascript Front-end framework
- AngularJS - Javascript Front-end framework
- React - Javascript Front-end framework
- Ember.js - Javascript Front-end framework
- jQuery - Javascript Front-end framework
- webpack - bundle up application dependencies.
- airbnb-javascript - with ESLint
- ESLint - javascript Standardized grammar tools
- Mocha - Javascript framework test runs on Node.js
- Jasmine - a behavior-driven development framework for testing JavaScript code.
- Study - testing library designed to be clear, minimal, and flexible.
- moment - Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates and times in JavaScript
- lodash - A modern JavaScript utility library delivering modularity, performance & extras.
- Axios - Promise based HTTP Client for the browser and node.js
- underscore.js - JavaScript library that provides a whole mess of useful functional programming helpers without extending any built-in objects.
- socket.io - Realtime application framework (Node.JS server)
- D3 - help you bring that data to life by using HTML, CSS etc..
- Slick - solve all of your carousel needs.
- Chart.js - for designer and developers to add beatiful charts to site.
- Hammer.js - help you add support for touch getstures on your site.
- bojiler - Email framework for developing responsive and lightweight email templates that will render correctly across each of the most popular email clients.
- primer-css - The CSS framework that powers GitHub's front-end design.
- r2 - Early in Node.js I wrote an HTTP client library called request
- Push - The world's most versatile desktop notifications framework
- lozard - lazy loads elements performantly using pure JavaScript
- Devicon - representing programming languages, designing & development tools.
- billboardjs - Javascript chart library, based on D3 v4+
- EAGLE.JS - a web-based slideshow framework for Vue.js
- Swiper - Swiper component for Vue.js
- BABEL - Simple javascript compiler, use it without wating for browser support to catch up.
- gitignore - git ignore tips
- Nuxt - Versatile Vue.js Framework
- Quasar - Build hybrid mobile apps with near-native like user interface
- Onsen UI - Offer Framework-agnostic UI Components which supports AngularJS, React, Vue.js...
- Framework7 - mobile HTML framework to develop hybird mobile apps with iOS or Android
- Vuetify.js - Google’s Material Design patterns for the UI components
- Keen UI - collection of Material Design UI components written with Vue.js.
- Mint UI - provides CSS and JS components for building mobile applications such as toast, date-time picker
- Bootstrap Vue - offers Bootstrap 4 based components For Vue.js 2
- aweswome-vue - explain about vue layout, design
- vue-material - how to use vue material icon/component
- element-ui - vue element ui
- Vue-Blu - UI Component Library based on Vue.js 2.x and Bulma CSS framework
- Weex - a similar framework by the Alibaba group, which works with Vue.js and allows you to build cross-platform native mobile apps.
Some have probably seen most of these, but I’m glad if someone discovers something new and useful.
Slideout.js — Slideout navigation menu for mobile apps
Jquerymy — Two way data bindings using jquery
Cleave.js — Format content while typing
Page — Client side routing for single page applications
Selectize.js — Hybrid select box for adding tags
Nice select — Jquery library for creating beautiful select boxes
Tether — Efficiently attach absolute positioned elements
Shepherd.js — Guide users through your app
Tooltip — Name speaks for itself
Select2 — Jquery replacement for select boxes
IziToast — Easy to implement js notifications
IziModal — Easy to implement js modals
Motio — A library for sprite based animations and panning
Animstion — Jquery plugin for css animated page transitions
Barba.js — Fluid page transitions
TwentyTwenty — A visual diff tool to spot differences
Vivus.js— A library for making drawing animation on SVG
Wow.js — Reveal animations when you scroll
Scrolline.js — See how much you have scrolled untill the end of the page
Velocity.js — Very fast and smooth javascript animations
Animate on scroll — Pretty straightforward
Topcoat — Framework
Create ken burns effect — Ken burns effect using css3 animations
DynCSS — Add functions to css, to make it dynamic
Magic animations — Name speaks for itself
CSSpin — Collection of css spinners
Feather icons — Icons
Ion icons — Icons
Font awesome — Icons
Font generator — Combine multiple fonts and create a mixture
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