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This is a Quarkus project that connects to Keycloak REST API as a proxy and build Dashboards using the Dashbuilder project.

So, you can now build your own dashboard using Dashbuilder YAML and analyze your data properly.

Table of Contents

  1. Requirements
  2. Tested Versions
  3. Install and Setup Keycloak
  4. Configuring Keycloak-dashbuilder project
  5. Other Integrations
  6. How to create other Dashboards?
  7. Screens


  • Java JDK 17
  • Maven 3.8.5 or above

Tested Versions

Keycloak Version RH-SSO Version Quarkus Dashbuilder Version
21.0.0 - 0.26.1
20.0.5 - 0.26.1
20.0.5 - 0.26.1
- 7.6.1 0.26.1

Note: You need to use instead import the Realm File in case of running RH-SSO 7.6.

Install and Setup Keycloak

By importing REALM File

  1. First you need to download and run Keycloak 20.x as following:
sh bin/ start-dev --metrics-enabled=true
  1. Import the config/realm-export.json on your running Keycloak environment

Keycloak Create Realm

  1. Create a new User at Keycloak Dashbuilder Realm. On this new user go to Role Mapping tab and find by realm-admin role and assing it to the new user created. This new user should use this role in order to have admin permissions.

Keycloak User Config

  • When you click in Assign Role, it is possible that realm-admin role will not be shown by default, so you have to select Filter by clients and then use the search box:

Keycloak User Config

  1. Go to Clients and click on dashboard client, then go to Credentials and copy the Secret value and save.

Keycloak Secret Config

Using kcadm

  1. First you need to download and run Keycloak 20.x as following:
sh bin/ start-dev --metrics-enabled=true
  1. Login at your realm using So, go to bin/ folder and run the following commands:
./ config credentials --server http://localhost:8080/ --realm master --user {MASTER_USER} --password {MASTER_PASS}
  1. Create new Dashbuilder Realm
./ create realms -s realm=dashbuilder -s enabled=true
  1. Enable events on Events, Config tab and enable Save Events for Login Events Settings and Admin Events Settings
./ update events/config -r dashbuilder -s "eventsEnabled=true" -s "adminEventsEnabled=true"

Note: If you are using Keycloak Metrics SPI, you'd to add the metrics-listener on Events Listeners. If you're using Keycloak Native Metrics you don't

./ update events/config -r dashbuilder -s "eventsEnabled=true" -s "adminEventsEnabled=true" -s "eventsListeners+=metrics-listener"
  1. Create new client on dashbuilder realm:
./ create clients -r dashbuilder -s clientId=dashboards -s enabled=true -s clientAuthenticatorType=client-secret -s baseUrl=http://localhost:8081/dashboards -s redirectUris='["http://localhost:8081/dashboards/*"]'
Created new client with id '6c922c7c-6b2d-44ff-909f-33279b5ff257'

Note: Copy the client id to use on the next steps

  1. Creating the client secret with the client id created on step 5.
./ create -r dashbuilder clients/$CID/client-secret
  1. Retrieve the client secret with the client id created on step 5.
./ get -r dashbuilder clients/$CID --fields 'secret'
  "secret" : "FafS0NayqjSbCDjOTmYvqgK0NUeaoUML"

Copy that value and sabe, we'll use it before

  1. Now, we need to create a new user and set the password.
./ create users -r dashbuilder -s username=testuser -s enabled=true
./ set-password -r dashbuilder --username testuser --new-password secret

You can change the new user, and password as needed

  1. Finally, we need to grant the realm-admin role to the new user to be able to use the REST API
./ add-roles -r dashbuilder --uusername testuser --cclientid realm-management --rolename realm-admin

Configuring Keycloak-dashbuilder project

  1. on src/resources/ edit the following paramenters:




  • [A] Your REST API base URL. For example: http://localhost:8080/admin/realms/dashbuilder/
  • [B] Keycloak metrics URL, using --metrics-enabled=trueshould be present at /metrics. For example: http://localhost:8080/metrics
  • [C] Keycloak health URL, using keycloak-health-checks as your SPI should be present at /health/check. For example: http://localhost:8080/realms/dashbuilder/health/check
  • [D] Your Keycloak REALM URL. For exaple http://localhost:8080/realms/dashbuilder
  • [E] Secrect that you have copied before. For example oAQad2nZJRZNDHxC1j59LGpQrlYRBodn

You can retrieve the secret by as following, where $CID is the created client id:

./ get -r dashbuilder clients/$CID --fields 'secret'
  "secret" : "FafS0NayqjSbCDjOTmYvqgK0NUeaoUML"

or going to Clients -> dashboards -> Credentials tab

Keycloak Secret Config

  1. You can now compile and run the project
./mvnw quarkus:dev
  1. Finally you can access the Dashboards, http://localhost:8081/dashboards/. You should be redirected to the Keycloak Login Page, so, login with the created user.

Other Integrations

You can also, compile and install keycloak-health-checks as your SPI and use it on Dashbuilders

How to create other Dashboards?

You need to edit the src/main/resources/dashboards/monitor.dash.yaml in order to add more dashboards. Learn how to create dashboards by following Dashbuilder YAML guide.






Admin Events

Admin Events

Login Events


