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Events creation for RAM project and Computational Memory Lab

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Submission Utility (event creation)

This repository contains python utilities for the submission of data to centralized location, and the subsequent processing and QA of the data.

The term "database" will be used throughout. Note that the "database" is actually a collection of directories and is not a true database.



This package can be installed via conda using

conda install [-c pennmem -c conda-forge] event_creation

If you have configured your conda installation so that either channel is in your default channel list, you can omit that channel from the command.

Note that this package will only install correctly when using conda v.4+.


After cloning the repository, execute the following two commands:

git submodule init
git submodule update

This will initialize and check out the neurorad submodule.

After installation, the necessary dependencies must be installed. The easiest way to install the necessary python packages is with conda.

The file conda_environment.yml specifies the packages necessary for execution. Create the new environment with conda env create -f conda_environment.yml .

Note that this will create a new environment titled event_creation.


There are four top-level executable scripts to use for the processing of data:

  • submit: Submits source data to the database and performs processing, creating, for example, events or a montage file
  • split: GUI to split data or extract channel labels from a raw eeg file (creating a jacksheet)
  • extract_raw: GUI to extract sync pulses from a raw eeg recording. Can also be used to view single-channel data without splitting a file
  • extract_split: Same as extract_raw but works on already-split data

Each of these files activates the event_creation environment before executing the appropriate python script.

The remainder of this documentation discusses only the submit functionality and design.

Submission accepts a number of command-line options, viewable with ./submit -h. At present, these options are as follows:

usage: [-h] [--debug] [--montage-only] [--change-experiment]
                      [--change-session] [--allow-convert] [--force-convert]
                      [--force-events] [--force-eeg] [--force-montage]
                      [--force-localization] [--force-dykstra]
                      [--clean-only] [--aggregate-only] [--do-compare]
                      [--json JSON_FILE] [--build-db DB_NAME] [--view-only]
                      [--show-plots] [--set-input INPUTS] [--path PATHS]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --debug              Prints debug information to terminal during execution
  --montage-only       Imports a montage instead of importing
  --localization-only  Imports a localization instead of importing events
  --change-experiment  Signals that the name of the experiment changes on
                       import. Defaults to true for PS* behavioral
  --change-session     Signals that the session number changes on import
  --allow-convert      Attempt to convert events from matlab if standard
                       events creation fails
  --force-convert      ONLY attempt conversion of events from matlab and skips
                       standard import
  --force-events       Forces events creation even if no changes have occurred
  --force-eeg          Forces eeg splitting even if no changes have occurred
  --force-montage      Forces montage change even if no changes have occurred
  --force-localization Forces localization change even if no changes have occurred
                       (Note: will *NOT* rerun Dykstra correction)
  --force-dykstra      When re-running localization, also rerun Dykstra correction
  --clean-only         ONLY cleans the database. Removes empty folders and
                       folders without processed equivalent
  --aggregate-only     ONLY aggreate index files. Run if any paths have been
                       manually changed
  --do-compare         Compare created JSON events to MATLAB events and undo
                       import if they do mot match
  --json JSON_FILE     Imports all sessions from specified JSON file. Build
                       JSON file with option --build-db
  --build-db DB_NAME   Builds a JSON database which can later be imported.
                       Current options are "sharing" or "ram"
  --view-only          View information about already-submitted subjects
  --show-plots         Show plots of fit and residuals when aligning data (not
                       available when running with sudo)
  --set-input INPUTS   Set inputs for subsequent submission (KEY=VALUE). Will
                       not prompt for these inputs if provided. Available
                       options are: code, protocol, experiment, localization,
                       montage, original_experiment, session,
                       original_session, subject
  --path PATHS         Override the path set in config file (KEY=VALUE).
                       Available options are: events_root, rhino_root,
                       loc_db_root, db_root, data_root

The options --set-input and --paths accept arguments of the form KEY1=VALUE1:KEY2=VALUE2 such that one can set the path to rhino's root and the path to the root of the database with:

./submit --path rhino_root=/path/to/rhino:db_root=/path/to/db

In the most basic use case, creation of events can be executed with just


(you will be prompted for the details of submission).

Creation of a montage can be executed with

./submit --montage

Use cases for additional arguments:

  • --debug: More verbose output. Useful when something goes wrong
  • --change-session: Two very common uses are:
    • A session has been skipped, but should imported as subsequent sessions
    • A subject's montage has changed (e.g. R1001P -> R1001P_1). If sessions 0 and 1 were run under R1001P, and then a third session was run under R1001P_1, the "original session" of the new session would be 0, while the "new session" would be 1
  • --allow-convert: If events creation from source files fails, but matlab events exist, this flag will allow those events to be converted directly from python to json
  • --force-*: If events creation code has changed, this will allow files to be re-processed, even if no changes have occurred in the source files
  • --clean: If there are empty folders in the database due to deletions or processing failures, this will prune those directories
  • --aggregate: If a processed directory has been deleted manually, this will force re-indexing such that r1.json (or the equivalent index) will be up to date
  • --do-compare: If doing a mass-import, this should be enabled! It requires that the created JSON events match their matlab equivalent.
  • --json <FILE>: Imports multiple subjects with specifications defined in a json file. Useful for mass imports (such as data sharing)
  • --build-db <NAME>: Builds a json file which can subsequently be imported. The only (useful) currently-implemented name is sharing, which will generate a file with all sessions meant to be shared in the RAM Phase I Data sharing.
  • --view: Useful if you want to know what sessions have been imported for a given subject
  • --show-plots: If alignment fails, enable this option for a graphical view of the details of alignment. NOTE: This cannot be run with "sudo", so a user-writable database location must be specified
    • example: ./submit --show-plots --paths db_root='.'
    • Note that this will not actually submit to the real database
  • --set-input: If running a same or similar set of inputs, this can save time. Could also be useful for automation, calling from crontabs, etc. Use syntax such as:
    • ./submit --set subject=R1001P:session=0:experiment=FR1
  • --paths: Useful for testing (export to non-official location), if rhino is mounted, or if creating a database for export

For Developers

The execution of submission can be broken up into two parts (transferring and processing), which in combination make up the process of submitting.

Submission consists of the creation of a TransferPipeline (submission.pipelines.TransferPipeline), which consists of a single Transferer, and any number of PipelineTasks (which perform the processing). Pipeline tasks can be marked as non-critical, in which case a failure is allowed. By default, however, failure of an individual task rolls back the entire transfer process.

Adding New Experiments

To add a new experiment, the following steps need to be taken:

  1. Define any new files that need to be transferred in transfer_inputs/behavioral_inputs.yml, and make sure that the "groups" field for those includes the new experiment
  2. Write a new parser for the experiment that inherits from parsers.base_log_parser.BaseLogParser
    • Note that there are a number of existing, more specialized base classes for specific record formats. If your task uses existing log formats, consider subclassing BaseSessionLogParser (pyEPL- like logs) or BaseHostPCLogParser (system 3-like logs) rather than BaseLogParser
  3. Register the new parser with events_tasks.EventCreationTask, either by adding it to the appropriate case in EventCreationTask.R1_PARSERS() or by adding it to EventCreationTask.LTP_PARSERS.
    • You may have to play around with to make sure that the correct set of operations (alignment, adding stim events ) are or are not applied to your task as is appropriate.


Transfer config files

At the heart of the transfer process are the transfer configuration files (stored in submission/transfer_inputs). Following the definition of paths and defaults at the top of the file, each config contains a list of files, links, and directories that will be used in processing.

The following is a sample file definition, specifying the location of pyepl's session.log file:

  - name: session_log
    << : *FILE
    groups: [ transfer, verbal ]
    origin_directory: *BEH_SESS_DIR
    origin_file: session.log
    destination: logs/session.log

File definitions can contain the following fields:

  • name: A key by which a processing pipeline can refer to the transferred file
  • type: Must be one of [file, link, directory]. This field is not set manually, but rather inherited from the default_file entry, via the << yaml operator
  • groups: Different experiments require that different files are transferred. The groups field allows this to happen. When creating events, each pipeline is put into the groups with its protocol name, experiment name, and experiment type. (e.g., a session of FR1 would automatically have groups r1, FR and FR1). Additional groups can also be assigned, such as verbal for pyepl tasks, or system_# specifying the RAM system number. A transferer must belong to all of a file's specified groups in order for it to transfer that file.
  • origin_directory: Specifies the path to the directory containing the file(s) to transfer. The python formatting syntax can be used to insert variables into the path. NOTE: wildcard expansion does NOT work here.
  • origin_file: Specifies the path to the file to be transferred relative to the origin directory. Again, python formatting can be used to substitute variables. Wildcard substitution (UNIX style) is acceptable in this field.
  • destination: Specifies where the file should be transferred to, relative to the root of the current_source folder.

The following fields can also be specified, but are optional:

  • multiple: Set to True if multiple files can be transferred. If specified, the destination field sets a directory rather than a filename, and files are transferred with their original name.
  • required: Set to False if import of the file is optional for the current process
  • checksum_contents: True by default. If False, only the filename will be checked when determining if changes have occurred. Useful for large files.
  • files: Only for items of type directory. Specifies a list of the containing files which are to be transferred.

Transferer object and associated classes

Initialization of a file transfer begins with the creation of a Transeferer (submission.transferer.Transferer), which accepts a transfer configuration yaml file, a list of the groups that the transferer belongs to, the destination where the transferer should place the files, and keyword arguments to replace in the origin directories and filenames specified in yaml.

The Transferer initializes an instance of a TransferConfig (submission.transfer_config.TransferConfig), representing the yaml file, which in turn contains TransferFiles, representing each file to transfer.

When the transfer is initiated, the Transferer will copy each required item to their destination directories, and will roll back the transfer entirely if it fails at any point.

Functions that instantiate different types of Transferers are located in submission.transferer (generate_ephys_transferer(), generate_import_montage_transferer(), genereate_session_transferer())


At the present time, there are two types of processing pipelines that have been implemented: montage and events creation. Event creation can be further broken down into "building" and "converting" events, each of which consist of an EEG Splitting pipeline, and an Events Creation pipeline

Montage creation

Montage creation simply copies the information from the loc_db (localization database, currently located in RAM_maint's home folder) into the submission database.

Building events

As EEG splitting and events creation are separable tasks, they are organized into two separate pipelines which are run successively. These pipelines are instantiated with functions in subbmission.pipelines (build_split_pipeline(), build_events_pipeline()).

Both pipelines start by determining the groups to which the transfer belongs (submission.pipelines.determine_groups()), then proceeds with the creation of the processed files.

EEG splitting

Splitting is initialized from the SplitEEGTask (submission.tasks.SplitEEGTask) object, which instantiates an EEGReader (readers.eeg_reader.EEGReader) specific to the file format that is being split (EDF, Nihon-Kohdon, HDF, and others).

The splitting task first groups simultaneous recordings (only applicable to Blackrock ns2 files), then splits each of the files into the processed "noreref" directory.

TODO: ns[3-6] files are recorded at the same time as ns2 files, and contain micro recordings. Some way of splitting these files and generating a secondary eegoffset field has to be created.

Finally, the splitting task creats a sources.json file, which lists the basename and meta-information for each of the split files, so they can be later aligned with behavioral events.

Event creation

The EventCreationTask (submission.tasks.EventCreationTask) orchestrates the creation and aligning of events. It performs any or all of the following steps:

  • parsing: creates a child of BaseLogParser (parsers.base_log_parser.BaseLogParser), which parses the primary log file for the experiment and creates a set of np.recarray events

  • alignment: creates an aligner which fills in the eegoffset field of the events. There is no common parent class for alignment, as the methods differed widely enough I found it difficult to find common code.

  • adding stim: For System 2 and System 3, the aligner can add stimulation events to the recarray. In theory, adding stim has nothing to do with alignment and should be moved elsewhere. In practice, they use the same log file.

  • artifact detection: LTP only

  • cleaning: Performs any post-alignment removal or changing of events, if necessary


The BaseLogParser defines the steps for parsing a log file. It defines a template for the fields that are to be created in the record array (_BASE_FIELDS), as well as the fields relevant to stimulation (_STIM_FIELDS). The parser functions by splitting the log file into units (lines for epl, list elements for JSON) and determining a type for each log unit. Each type is then mapped to a function that defines the corresponding event to be created for that unit.

For example, the PSSys3LogParser (which extends BaseSys3LogParser), registers the following event creation handlers:

    STIM=self._event_skip, # Skip because it is added later with alignment

STIM events are skipped entirely, as they are handled by the Aligner class (for aforementioned bad reasons). SHAM events create a new event of type SHAM with no other modifications, and PAUSED events call the event_paused() constructor:

def event_paused(self, event_json):
    if event_json['event_value'] == 'OFF':
        return False
    event = self.event_default(event_json)
    event.type = 'AD_CHECK'
    return event

event_paused() returns False to signal that the event should be skipped in the case that the "pause" turned off (experiment is resumed), and otherwise returns the default event, but modifies the event type to be AD_CHECK.

The file parsers.base_log_parser is heavily commented and will be of great use if extending this functionality


The Aligner set of classes add the eegoffset and eegfile fields to a set of record-array events. While they share common outputs, the methods for alignment different widely enough that extracting common functionality didn't seem worth it, so each file implements the call to align() separately.

The call to align() returns a new copy of the events with eegoffset and eegfile filled in.

All aligners rely on the eeg_sources file (created during eeg splitting) to determine the start times of the files.

The code in alignment.system2 and alignment.system1 are well commented and can be refereced if interested in the specifics of the alignment method. The following are a few notes on alignment in each system

System 1:

  • Alignment depends on the files eeg_log and sync_pulses, the former of which lists the times at which the sync pulse was sent on the laptop, and the latter is a list of the samples at which eeg pulses were extracted from the raw EEG file.
  • To extract sync pulses, use the pulse_extraction tools.
  • The general method is to find a "start window" and "end window" - periods of time at the start and end of the eeg_log that can be found (via diffs) in the sync_pulses file. Once those start and end windows are located, it fits a straight line between them. There is no real error checking for good alignment.
  • TODO: The MATLAB aligntool had the ability to align multiple source files. This does not.

System 2:

  • System 2 alignment is done with either System2TaskAligner (for most events) or System2HostAligner (for PS2(.1), because it doesn't use the task laptop
  • The call to align() takes a start_type: events that occur before this type appears in the events file do not have to be aligned
  • The System2TaskAligner gets coefficients between the task and host, and host and neuroport, then aligns from task to host.
  • If --show-plot is specified, execution will pause until the plot of the fit is closed.

System 3:

  • System 3 alignment reuses much of the code from system 2.
Adding stim

The System 2 and System 3 alignment can add stimulation into the events, as stim is specified in the events on the host PC, not on the task laptop. As such, the regressions used to calculate eegoffset must be applied backwards to find the appropriate mstime at which stimulation took place.

The parameter persistent_fields specifies those fields in the recarray which persist across stim events. For example, if stim occurs during a word, the stim event should still specify that that word was onscreen.

Artifact detection

(Not covered in this document)


After events have been aligned, the parser can optionally implement a clean_events() function which takes in the events, and returns a copy with some events modified. This can be useful for post-hoc marking of, e.g., which words received stim.

Converting events

EEG and events creation are again broken into two pipelines, built with submission.pipelines.build_convert_eeg_pipeline and submission.pipelines.build_convert_events_pipeline.

These pipelines read in the initial MATLAB events, then convert these events directly to recarrays, using one of the classes in parsers.mat_converter.


If events are built from scratch and MATLAB events exist, the submission utility has the ability to compare the existing MATLAB events to the recarray events that are generated.

The file tests.test_event_creation is terrible, and contains all of the exceptions that were necessary to get the matlab events to agree with the recarray events. Most of these are individual differences due to the reprocessing of data, or due to mistakes in the original data.

Additional notes

  • Some reorganization of the files and directories into more sensible units would be nice. The directory readers should probably just be eeg, and submission.convenience should probably just be submission.submission.

  • pulse_extraction and pulse_extraction_2 contain almost identical codebases, and should be combined into a single file. They differ in that one reads split eeg and one reads raw eeg.

  • Additional command line options can be specified in config.config.yml

  • The python logging class is at the root of the loggers.logger. It simply sets up defaults so that information will be printed in the right way, and will be logged to a rotating file in the protocols database

  • There is an extra layer of abstraction in the input process through the file submission.automation. This file specifies the builders for different pipelines, and helps to keep track of errors and successes in the case in which multiple pipelines are created and processed at the same time.


Events creation for RAM project and Computational Memory Lab






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