Provides modular inputs & framework to ingest JSON data from Github APIs.
- Store Github credentials to be used on the "Configuration" page and "Account" tab, then click "Add" to add new credentials. Since an account is specific to a GitHub instance, you must specify the server for the account (will be used for all inputs leveraging the account credentials). Specify if account is for a Github Enterprise instance via the checkbox (uses different API path and likely will fail otherwise).
- App supports authentication via username & password or account "personal access tokens"
- DOES NOT support 2-factor tokens
- GitHub Personal Access Tokens
- Add inputs via the add-on's "Inputs" page, clicking "Create New Input", then clicking an input type you wish to create and entering the repository "owner" and "repository" from which the input will collect data.
Name of user or Github organization which owns the repository. Example:[OWNER]/repo
Name of repository. Example:[REPOSITORY]
- Repository Stats (
- Repository Commits (
- Repository Issues (
###v1.0.1 Maintenance & Updates for API
- Adds input parameter and logic to handle differences beteween Github's public and enterprise API paths.
- Additional logic for API "still processing" (202 response) for stats API
- Improved logging and error handling.
###v1.0.0 Initial release. Documentation will be included in future releases.