Percepio Tracealyzer provides trace observability for system-level debugging, verification and profiling of C/C++ embedded, IoT and Edge software.
Tracealyzer is available for several popular real-time operating systems, such as FreeRTOS, Zephyr, Azure RTOS ThreadX, where Percepio provides and maintains the RTOS integration code.
Tracealyzer SDK enable customers and partners to create custom Tracealyzer extensions for any C/C++ system and take full advantage of the powerful capabilities in Percepio Tracealyzer. Moreover, this allows for extending the Tracealyzer observability beyond RTOS events, for example by adding instrumentation in communication stacks, peripheral drivers and other important C/C++ APIs in your application.
This repository provides demo projects for the Tracealyzer SDK, that can be used as starting point for creating custom Tracealyzer extensions.
See the files in the subfolders for specific information about each demo.