The Resource API gem is a framework for building a simple RESTFUL API in a Rails application. It provides bases classes that can be extended to customize the functionality to fit your needs.
gem build resource-api.gemspec
Update your SSH config to use your SSH key to access the resource-api repository:
# ~/.ssh/config
Host resource-api
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'resource_api', git: 'git@resource-api:performant-software/resource-api.git'
And then execute:
$ bundle install
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install resource-api
Controllers are setup in a way to perform based CRUD operations without much need for customization. Define your allowed parameters in your models (see below) and the controller will handle the rest. The Api::ResourceController
also provides protected methods that can be overwritten or extended to customize functionality:
def apply_filters(query)
return query unless params[:homeroom].present?
query.where(homeroom: params[:homeroom])
The Api::ResourceController
uses the Queryable
concern to build your query on the #index
and #show
routes. You can use the preloads
, joins
, left_joins
, and per_page
methods to optimize the query and avoid unnecessary queries during serialization.
class Api::StudentsController < Api::ResourceController
per_page 20
preloads :school, :classes
Models can be setup using the Resourceable
concern to define strong parameters. The list of parameters can be acessed using <ModelName>.permitted_params
(i.e. Student.permitted_params
). This is done automatically in the Api::ResourceController
in order to enforce the appropriate parameters.
class Student < ApplicationRecord
include Resourceable
belongs_to :school
has_many :classes, dependent: :destroy
accepts_nested_attributes_for :classes, allow_destroy: true
allow_params :first_name, :last_name, :yog, :dob, :homeroom,
classes_attributes: [:id, :section_id, :_destroy]
Serializers use the ObjectSerializer
concern to define which attributes to render and when.
The index_attributes
and belongs_to
attributes defined will be rendered on the #index
The show_attributes
, belongs_to
, and has_many
attributes defined will be rendered on the #show
, #create
, and #update
class StudentsSerializer < BaseSerializer
index_attributes :id, :first_name, :last_name
show_attributes :id, :first_name, :last_name, :yog, :dob, :homeroom
has_many classes: [:id, :section_id]
belongs_to school: SchoolsSerializer
When deploying to a staging server on Heroku, we'll need to allow Heroku access to the resource-api repository in order to install dependencies. This section will describe how to do that.
Copy the
scripts from this repository into your project. It doesn't matter where, but a directory named scripts
is usually a good idea.
Modifications to the scripts may be necessary if using more than one private repo.
In your root level package.json
, add or append the following to the scripts
"heroku-prebuild": "bash ./scripts/"
"heroku-postbuild": "bash ./scripts/"
These two scripts will install your SSH key prebuild, then after the dependencies are installed, remove it.
Note: The heroku-prebuild and heroku-postbuild scripts require the NodeJS buildpack.
You'll want to use the following syntax for defining the resource_api
dependency in your Gemfile:
gem 'resource_api', git: 'git@resource-api:performant-software/resource-api.git'
Note: yarn
does not seem to work with the above syntax. It is recommended to use npm
From your computer, generate a new public/private SSH key pair using the following command and save the key pair somewhere secure.
ssh-keygen -t rsa
Copy the public key using:
pbcopy <
Within the resource-api repository on GitHub, go to Settings > Deploy Keys. Add the copied public key for your project. Name it something obvious like "My Awesome Project Staging" so that others will know what it is used for.
Convert the private key from PEM to base64 using the following command and copy the value.
cat my-awesome-project-staging-deploy-key | base64
In the Heroku dashboard for your app, navigate to the Settings tab. Add a config var with key RESOURCE_API_SSH_KEY
and paste the value copied from the private deploy key.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.