A simple maker strategy for perpetual protocol v2. Please note that it uses a basic strategy and serves as a template for developers to create their own maker strategy. Use it at your own risk!
npm >=7 <=7.24.1
nodejs >= 16
- Since maker strategy will adjust your order, please make sure there's only 0 or 1 order in the account.
Warning Check your npm version by using
npm -v
. It must be within the range ofv7.0.0
is recommended. Using the versions >7.24.1
to install packages will get stuck. To install or reinstall npm, runnpm install -g [email protected]
$ git clone https://github.com/perpetual-protocol/perp-maker.git
$ cd perp-maker
$ npm install
$ npm run build
Edit the trading parameters in src/configs/config.json
// the frequency to check price in second
// the maximum gas fee in Gwei to adjust liquidity. If gas price exceeds this number, the liquidity won't be adjusted
// Maximum 5 markets
"vBTC": {
// set to `true` to enable this market
"IS_ENABLED": true,
// how many amount of USD (after leverage) to provide in the liquidity
// the offset to upper price and lower price of the liquidity range.
// e.g. if set to 0.5, it will provide liquidity with range [current price / 1.5, current price * 1.5]
// the offset to adjust range liquidity.
// e.g. if set to 0.1, it will adjust liquidity when the current price goes out of the range [market price / 1.1, market price * 1.1]
Provide your endpoint(s) and wallet private key in .env
# endpoint(s)
# secrets
# stage
# network
We have different markets between optimism and optimism-goerli.
Please check the market metadata in the following links:
$ env $(cat .env | grep -v '#' | xargs) npm run start
$ docker build -f maker.Dockerfile -t perp-maker .
$ docker run --env-file ./.env perp-maker
should have default profile withaws_access_key_id
- copy
- Fill in envs in
npm run build
npm run sls:deploy
If any features/functionalities described in the Perpetual Protocol documentation, code comments, marketing, community discussion or announcements, pre-production or testing code, or other non-production-code sources, vary or differ from the code used in production, in case of any dispute, the code used in production shall prevail.