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Added Dockerfile for Docker build:
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
* Dockerfile and
* Added documentation for Docker build.

Updated libgit2 from version 1.7.1 to 1.8.1:
* Removed git_error_clear() call in examples/checkout.c cause method had been removed.

Added new commands:
* examples/branch.c: List local and remote branches. Delete local branches.
* examples/log-last-commit-of-branch.c: Log info about latest commit of a branch.
* examples/rebase.c: Interactive rebase functionality.

Changed commands:
* examples/push.c: Does have an optional parameter --force for force pushing. (Needed after a rebase.)
* examples/fetch.c: Does now --prune by default.
* examples/init.c: Change default branch to main.
* examples/diff.c: Added --full-file-content option which allows printing old_file and new_file content if available.

* Added HTTP basic auth for authentication with password or pat.
* Added method writeArrayToMemory manually to post.js cause it was not found.
  • Loading branch information
rraab-dev committed Aug 21, 2024
1 parent 7236b20 commit d821437
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 17 changed files with 1,526 additions and 11 deletions.
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions Dockerfile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
FROM ubuntu:latest

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
build-essential \
curl \
wget \
cmake \
dos2unix \
git \
nodejs \
npm \
nano \
sudo \
apt-transport-https \
ca-certificates \


RUN git clone && \
/src/emsdk/emsdk install latest && \
/src/emsdk/emsdk activate latest
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -56,3 +56,28 @@ for using with `NODEFS` you'll also need

All of these pull requests are merged to emscripten master as of 2020-03-29.

See [.github/workflows/main.yml](./.github/workflows/main.yml) for a full build and test pipeline including installing emscripten.

Run []( first to download libgit2 and apply patches.

Given you have installed and activated emscripten, you can use the script in [emscriptenbuild/](emscriptenbuild/ to configure and build, and you'll find the resulting `lg2.js` / `lg2.wasm` under the generated `emscriptenbuild/examples` folder.

An example of interacting with libgit2 from nodejs can be found in [examples/example_node.js](examples/example_node.js).

An example for the browser (using webworkers) can be found in [examples/example_webworker.js](examples/example_webworker.js). You can start a webserver for this by running the [examples/webserverwithgithubproxy.js](examples/webserverwithgithubproxy.js) script, which will launch a http server at http://localhost:5000 with a proxy to github. Proxy instead of direct calls is needed because of CORS restrictions in a browser environment.

## Docker build

Build image in repository directory:

docker build -t wasm-git-image .

Example Release build and SINGLE_FILE parameter:

docker run -v .:/src/wasm-git --rm wasm-git-image /bin/bash -c "cd /src/wasm-git && git ls-files | xargs dos2unix && /src/wasm-git/ Release SINGLE_FILE"

After build outputs can be found in emscriptenbuild/libgit2/examples/lg2.js and and in case no SINGLE_FILE parameter was provided also emscriptenbuild/libgit2/examples/lg2.wasm.
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
cd /src/wasm-git
rm -rf libgit2
rm -rf emscriptenbuild/libgit2
rm -rf emscriptenbuild/CMakeFiles
rm -f emscriptenbuild/lg2.wasm
rm -f emscriptenbuild/lg2.js
rm -f emscriptenbuild/cmake_install.cmake
rm -f emscriptenbuild/CMakeCache.txt
rm -f emscriptenbuild/Makefile
npm install
source /src/emsdk/
cd /src/wasm-git/emscriptenbuild
./ "$@"
11 changes: 10 additions & 1 deletion emscriptenbuild/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,8 +32,17 @@ elif [ "$1" == "Debug-async" ]; then
export LG2_OUTPUT_NAME=lg2_async

# Check if output should be bundled in a single js file
for param in "$@"; do
# Check if the parameter is 'abc'
if [ "$param" == "SINGLE_FILE" ]; then

# Before building, remove any ../libgit2/src/ transports/emscriptenhttp.c left from running
[ -f "../libgit2/src/libgit2/transports/emscriptenhttp-async.c" ] && rm ../libgit2/src/libgit2/transports/emscriptenhttp-async.c

emmake make lg2
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions emscriptenbuild/post.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
const emscriptenhttpconnections = {};
let httpConnectionNo = 0;

var writeArrayToMemory=(array,buffer)=>{HEAP8.set(array,buffer)};

Object.assign(Module, {
emscriptenhttpconnect: function(url, buffersize, method, headers) {
Expand Down
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions emscriptenbuild/pre.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,17 @@
Object.assign(Module, globalThis.wasmGitModuleOverrides);

// Add HTTP Basic auth headers
if (Module.username || Module.accessToken) {
XMLHttpRequest.prototype._open =; = function(method, url, async, user, password) {
this._open(method, url, async, user, password);
if (Module.accessToken) {
const username = Module.username || '';
this.setRequestHeader('Authorization', `Basic ${btoa(username + ':' + Module.accessToken)}`);

if (!Module.print && !Module.printErr) {
let capturedOutput = null;
let capturedError = null;
Expand Down
137 changes: 137 additions & 0 deletions libgit2patchedfiles/examples/branch.c
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@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
* libgit2 "branch" example - Get local / remote branch list and delete a local branch.
* Written by the libgit2 contributors
* To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright
* and related and neighboring rights to this software to the public domain
* worldwide. This software is distributed without any warranty.
* You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along
* with this software. If not, see
* <>.

#include "common.h"

* The following example demonstrates how to list and delete branches with libgit2.
* It will use the repository in the current working directory and list local branches by default, but also allows deleting local branches and list remote branches with options.
* Recognized options are:
* -r: list remote branches.
* -d <branch_name>: delete local branch.

typedef struct {
int list : 1;
int remote : 1;
int delete : 1;
char* branch_name;
} branch_options;

static void print_usage(void)
fprintf(stderr, "usage: branch [options]\n"
"Options are :\n"
" : list local branches."
" -r: list remote branches.\n"
" -d <branch_name>: delete local branch.\n");

static void parse_options(const char **repo_path, branch_options *opts, struct args_info *args)
memset(opts, 0, sizeof(*opts));

/* Default values */
opts->list = 1;
opts->remote = 0;
opts->delete = 0;
opts->branch_name = NULL;

for (args->pos = 1; args->pos < args->argc; ++args->pos) {
const char *curr = args->argv[args->pos];

if (match_arg_separator(args)) {
} else if (!strcmp(curr, "-r")) {
opts->remote = 1;
if (args->pos != args->argc -1) {
} else if (!strcmp(curr, "-d")) {
opts->list = 0;
opts->delete = 1;

if (args->pos == args->argc -1) {
} else {
opts->branch_name = strdup(args->argv[args->pos + 1]);

int lg2_branch(git_repository *repo, int argc, char **argv)
struct args_info args = ARGS_INFO_INIT;
branch_options opts;
const char *path = ".";

git_branch_iterator *iter = NULL;
git_branch_t git_branch_type = GIT_BRANCH_LOCAL;
git_reference *ref = NULL;
git_reference *upstream_ref = NULL;

/** Parse our command line options */
parse_options(&path, &opts, &args);

if (opts.list) {
if (opts.remote) {
git_branch_type = GIT_BRANCH_REMOTE;

// Create the branch iterator for branches
if (git_branch_iterator_new(&iter, repo, git_branch_type) != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not create branch iterator\n");
goto cleanup;

// Iterate through the branches
while (git_branch_next(&ref, &git_branch_type, iter) != GIT_ITEROVER) {
const char *branch_name;
if (git_branch_name(&branch_name, ref) == 0) {
if (!opts.remote) {
if (git_branch_upstream(&upstream_ref, ref) == 0) {
printf("%s:%s\n", branch_name, branch_name);
} else {
printf("%s\n", branch_name);
} else {
printf("%s\n", branch_name);

} else if (opts.delete) {
// Lookup the reference for the branch
if (git_branch_lookup(&ref, repo, opts.branch_name, GIT_BRANCH_LOCAL) != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error looking up branch: %s\n", opts.branch_name);
goto cleanup;

// Delete the reference
if (git_branch_delete(ref) != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error deleting branch: %s\n", opts.branch_name);
goto cleanup;

if (iter) git_branch_iterator_free(iter);

return 0;
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions libgit2patchedfiles/examples/checkout.c
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -341,8 +341,6 @@ int lg2_checkout(git_repository *repo, int argc, char **argv)

err = git_branch_set_upstream(branch_ref,upstreamname);
if (err == GIT_ENOTFOUND) {
// no upstream exists
err = 0;
if (err != 0) {
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions libgit2patchedfiles/examples/common.h
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Expand Up @@ -56,6 +56,7 @@

extern int lg2_add(git_repository *repo, int argc, char **argv);
extern int lg2_blame(git_repository *repo, int argc, char **argv);
extern int lg2_branch(git_repository *repo, int argc, char **argv);
extern int lg2_cat_file(git_repository *repo, int argc, char **argv);
extern int lg2_checkout(git_repository *repo, int argc, char **argv);
extern int lg2_clone(git_repository *repo, int argc, char **argv);
Expand All @@ -69,10 +70,12 @@ extern int lg2_general(git_repository *repo, int argc, char **argv);
extern int lg2_index_pack(git_repository *repo, int argc, char **argv);
extern int lg2_init(git_repository *repo, int argc, char **argv);
extern int lg2_log(git_repository *repo, int argc, char **argv);
extern int lg2_log_last_commit_of_branch(git_repository *repo, int argc, char **argv);
extern int lg2_ls_files(git_repository *repo, int argc, char **argv);
extern int lg2_ls_remote(git_repository *repo, int argc, char **argv);
extern int lg2_merge(git_repository *repo, int argc, char **argv);
extern int lg2_push(git_repository *repo, int argc, char **argv);
extern int lg2_rebase(git_repository *repo, int argc, char **argv);
extern int lg2_remote(git_repository *repo, int argc, char **argv);
extern int lg2_reset(git_repository *repo, int argc, char **argv);
extern int lg2_revert(git_repository *repo, int argc, char **argv);
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