Go RAY Tracer
- Path tracing via rendering equation simulation (Monte Carlo method).
- Diffuse reflections (matte surfaces).
- Specular reflections (mirror surfaces).
- Light transmission (transparent surfaces).
- Depth of field effects.
- Multithreading support.
- Fast acceleration structure.
- Web UI.
- Persistent storage of partial renders.
- Ability to delete renders.
- Use fixed space font for data in UI.
- Default scene display ratio.
- Load passes statistics from accumulator.
- Calculate resolutions in backend.
- Allow to downsample resolution.
- Allow to choose exposure level.
- Try different lambda values for grid.
- Bounding Volume Hierarchy
- Use pointer to material instead of copying in each object.
- 3D patchwork: https://mattdesl.svbtle.com/pen-plotter-2