Utility class to facilitate the extraction of properties from Ruby objects using a dotted path notation that resembles JSONPath.
Add the gem to the Gemfile
$ gem 'property_accessor', github: 'petlove/property_acessor'
If bundler is not being used to manage dependencies, you will need to build the gem manually on your local machine after cloning the repo:
$ git clone https://github.com/petlove/property_accessor.git
$ cd property_accessor
$ gem build property_accessor.gemspec
$ gem install property_accessor-1.0.0.gem
First, let's create some objects:
require 'property_acessor'
Person = Struct.new(:name)
Book = Struct.new(:author, :title, :category, :price, :written, :tags)
Store = Struct.new(:owner, :name, :books) do
def book(title)
books.find { _1.title == title }
store = Store.new(
Person.new("John Doe"),
Book.new("Nigel Rees", "Sayings of the Century", nil, 9, {year: 1996}, %w[asdf asdf2]),
Book.new("Evelyn Waugh", "Sword of Honour", "fiction", 13, {year: 1997}, %w[foo bar])
A path expression can be specified in the following five formats, with the layout of an identifying expression in parentheses:
Simple (name
The specified name identifies an individual property of a particular object (usually, a regular attr_reader
or attr_accessor
method). In fact, it can be any method that takes no arguments.
getter = PropertyAccessor.new("name")
# => "Foomart"
# It works with plain hashes too
getter = PropertyAccessor.new("name")
getter.get_value({name: "Foomart"})
# => "Foomart"
Nested (name1.name2.name3
The first name element is used to select a property, as for simple references above. The object returned for this property is then consulted, using the same approach, for a property named name2
, and so on. The property value that is ultimately retrieved is the one identified by the last name element.
getter = PropertyAccessor.new("owner.name")
# => "John Doe"
# It works with plain hashes too
getter = PropertyAccessor.new("owner.name")
getter.get_value({owner: {name: "John Doe"}})
# => "John Doe"
Indexed (name[index]
The underlying property value is assumed to be an array (or array-like). The appropriate (zero-relative) entry in the array is retrieved. It works the same way with plain arrays too.
getter = PropertyAccessor.new("books[0].author")
# => "Nigel Rees"
# You can even specify a negative index!
getter = PropertyAccessor.new("books[-1].tags[1]")
# => "bar"
# It's also possible to pull values from plain arrays
getter = PropertyAccessor.new("[0]")
# => "foo"
getter = PropertyAccessor.new("[0][2]")
getter.get_value([%w[foo bar baz]])
# => "baz"
Mapped (name(key)
The target object is assumed to have a method that takes a single argument (it will receive the key as an argument), or be an actual hash containing a value mapped to the specified key (keys :foo
and "foo"
are considered to be the same).
getter = PropertyAccessor.new("books[0].written(year)")
# => 1996
# Retrieve a book by title, then get its price
getter = PropertyAccessor.new("book(Sword of Honour).price")
# => 13
# It's also possible to pull values from plain hashes using an alternative syntax
getter = PropertyAccessor.new("(foo)(bar)")
getter.get_value({foo: {bar: "baz"}})
# => "baz"
Combined (name1.name2[index].name3(key)
Combining mapped, nested, and indexed properties is also supported. But I guess you already realized that :)
# Pay attention to the last element!
getter = PropertyAccessor.new("book(Sword of Honour).tags[0].upcase")
# => "FOO"
You can also just combine the two lines from the previous examples into one call with the convenient PropertyAccessor.get_value
PropertyAccessor.get_value(store, "owner.name")
# => "John Doe"
When pulling values from hashes, use the alternative syntax if the key contains whitespaces:
PropertyAccessor.get_value({"foo bar" => "baz"}, "(foo bar)")
# => "baz"
Note: The path parser is very "finicky", so watch out for extraneous whitespaces and invalid characters. After all, there's no point in using an invalid Ruby identifier anyway.
By default, PropertyAccessor will raise an error when a nilable property referenced in a nested path returns nil
(except for the last one). This can be changed using the :nil_tolerant
# Raises an error of type NilValueInNestedPathError
# Works fine (nil is returned)
PropertyAccessor.new("books[0].category.upcase", nil_tolerant: true).get_value(store)
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/petlove/property_accessor.