For user authentication and to access hitobito the app needs to be registered as an oauth application on hitobito. The application needs all available scopes and a callback URL (REDIRECT_URL_LOGIN) of the following form API_SERVER/oauth/billy/authorized
(e.g. http://localhost:4000/oauth/billy/authorized
In env/hitobito.env
the following variables need to be defined:
HITOBITO_LANG=de -- one of: de, fr, it
HITOBITO_GROUP=1 -- the group allowed to login to the application
-- the following environment variables are required until will support the API scope
HITOBITO_ALLOWED_USERS=2 -- list of users allowed to access the application
[email protected]
HITOBITO_TOKEN=Tu7aVJWyLYYMyCnZv2bz -- test system token
Until the api
scope is supported by
a API access token and user needs to be provided. (Users are required as an additional level of security - as users don't use their own token).
curl -X POST --data "person[email]=<USERNAME>&person[password]=<PASSWORD>"
For the test system:
curl -X POST --data "person[email][email protected]&person[password]=hito42bito"
In env/server.env
the following variables need to be defined:
To run locally you must add the following environment variable as well:
To use mail functionality, you need to provide the server details for the mail server in env/mail.env
: --smtp address
MAIL_PORT=25 --smpt port
MAIL_USE_TLS=0 --0 or 1
MAIL_USE_SSL=1 --0 or 1
[email protected]
[email protected]
For the banking functionality, the enivronment variables need to be set, either via .env/bank.env
or via docker-compose.yml:
To deploy billy you need to run it behind a proxy to add TLS. To make sure the API magic works your conf file should look something like this:
# redirect https to the frontend
server {
server_name; # managed by Certbot
location / {
listen [::]:443 ssl ipv6only=on; # managed by Certbot
listen 443 ssl; # managed by Certbot
# ssl stuff by Certbot...
# redirect api port to api
server {
server_name; # managed by Certbot
location / {
proxy_set_header Host $host:1921;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto https;
listen [::]:1921 ssl ipv6only=on; # managed by Certbot
listen 1921 ssl; # managed by Certbot
# ssl stuff by Certbot...
All data stored in the database are volume mapped inside ./var/mysql
. If you like to remove all data you can simply delete this directory.
Run: docker compose --profile billy up
The following profiles are available:
- billy: run the complete application
- backend: run the backend (db + server)
- db: to only run the db
- frontend: run only the frontend
- migrations: to create new migrations (see documentation)
"name": "bulk/<id>",
"title" : "...",
"issuing_date": "2020-06-023T00:00:00.000Z",
"due_date": "2020-07-30T00:00:00.000Z",
"text_invoice": "...",
"text_reminder": "...",
POST /bulk
Create a new bulk invoice.
Name | Description | Example | Required |
title | A title for the bulk invoice. | Membership 2021 | yes |
mailing_list | The url of the mailing list whose subscribers are added as recipients. | | yes |
GET /bulk/<id>
This will return the bulk invoice resource.
GET /bulk/
This will return a list of bulk invoice resources:
"items": [
PUT /bulk/<id>
Name | Description | Example | Required |
text_invoice | The text of the invoice. | no | |
text_reminder | The text of the invoice. | no |
This will return the updated bulk invoice resource.
POST /bulk/<id>:issue
POST /bulk/<id>:close
POST /bulk/<id>:send
Query Name | Description | Example | Required |
force | Force-send all emails even if they have been recently sent already. | force=1 | no |
This will send all pending invoices of this bulk via email and return the amount of invoices that have been dispatched.
"sent_count": 0
POST /bulk/<id>:generate
This will generate all pending invoices as pdf and return a a zip file containing all of them.
GET /bulk/<id>/invoice/<id>
GET /bulk/<id>/invoice/<id>
Update an indivual invoice.
Name | Description | Example | Required |
status | Update the status of the invoice. | paid, annulled | no |
status_message | Add a status message. (should not be used yet) | no |
GET /bulk/<id>/invoice
This will return a list of invoice resources that are associated with a bulk:
"items": [
POST /bulk/<id>/invoice/<id>:send
Query Name | Description | Example | Required |
force | Force-send the email even if it has been recently sent already. | force=1 | no |
This will attempt to send the invoice as an email and return the potentially updated timestamp of when this invoice was last dispatched.
"sent_time": "2021-08-01T16:03:58"
GET /bulk/<id>/invoice/<id>.pdf
This will generate the invoices as pdf and return it.
When the model in
has been changed, an alembic
revision script must be generated to upgrade the database accordingly. This is done as follows:
docker-compose --profile migration up
Inside the container
, run the commandalembic revision --autogenerate -m "message"
, where "message" should be a short description of the changes. This can be done either by attaching a shell to the container or running the following command on the host:docker container exec -it billy-migration alembic revision --autogenerate -m "message"
This will have created a new revision inside the folder
. This revision is automatically copied to the host machine, and you can stop the containers now and do the following steps on the host. -
Manually check the newly created revision: Some changes cannot automatically be detected by alembic, see the documentation. Fix any issues you discover.
Done. Rebuild the container with
docker-compose up --build
, and the new revision will automatically be applied before the first request is answered.