Bye bye global group
New year new version
There was no update for a long time. Now we have worked on a new version
and incorporated many of your feedbacks. We hope you like version 3.1!
Take care
Phil & Sepp
- Move navigation to top
- Update icons
- Add a new page to explain things
- Fix various bugs
- Add a new color picker
- Remove some tooltips
- Add padding stroke-caps
- Fix hover effects
- Add new color (black)
Functional changes
- Fix some padding issues
- Better handling of fills in tooltips. Show style names if they exist (#20, #14)
- Remove the global group and create groups in closest frame/group instead
- Add detached mode
- Remove ability to remove or hide all measurements. This is because there is no global group anymore.
- Move all settings to node, to keep color, distance etc.
- Display more fills