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Prototype exporter for nfdump. It exposes metrics processed by the Proetheus monitoring system

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Nfdump Exporter

This is a prototype exporter for nfdump. It exposes metrics processed by the Prometheus monitoring system.

It's purpose is to play and experiment with nfdump netflow data and Promtheus/Grafana to build a new graphical UI as a repacement for aging NfSen.

This experimental exporter exposes counters for flows/packets and bytes per protocol (tcp/udp/icmp/other) and the source identifier from the nfcapd collector. (currently hardwired "live"). Multiple collectors (ident) with multiple exporters each may send metrics to the exporter.


  namespace = "nfsen"
	uptime = prometheus.NewDesc(
		prometheus.BuildFQName(namespace, "collector", "uptime"),
		"nfsen uptime.",
		[]string{"version"}, nil,
	flowsReceived = prometheus.NewDesc(
		prometheus.BuildFQName(namespace, "collector", "flows"),
		"How many flows have been received (per ident and protocol (tcp/udp/icmp/other)).",
		[]string{"ident", "exporter", "proto"}, nil,
	packetsReceived = prometheus.NewDesc(
		prometheus.BuildFQName(namespace, "collector", "packets"),
		"How many packets have been received (per ident and protocol) (tcp/udp/icmp/other).",
		[]string{"ident", "exporter", "proto"}, nil,
	bytesReceived = prometheus.NewDesc(
		prometheus.BuildFQName(namespace, "collector", "bytes"),
		"How many bytes have been received (per ident and protocol) (tcp/udp/icmp/other).",
		[]string{"ident", "exporter", "proto"}, nil,


Usage of ./nfsen_exporter:
  -UNIX socket string
    	Path for nfcapd collectors to connect (default "/tmp/nfsen.sock")
  -listen string
    	Address to listen on for telemetry (default ":9141")
  -metrics URI string
    	Path under which to expose metrics (default "/metrics")

The nfsen_exporter listens on a UNIX socket for statistics sent by the nfcapd collector.

Add this to prometheus.yml:

  - job_name: "nfsen"

    # metrics_path defaults to '/metrics'
    # scheme defaults to 'http'.

      - targets: ["localhost:9141"]


The metric export is integrated in nfdump 1.7-beta

In order not to pollute an existing nfdump netflow installation, forward the traffic from an existing collector. Add: -R to the argument list and setup the new collector. You may also send it to another host, which runs also Prometheus for example.

Build nfdump 1.7-beta:

git clone -b unicorn nfdump.unicorn

Build nfdump with sh; ./configure but do not run make install, as it would replace your existing installation. Create a tmp flow dir and run the collector from the src directory. For example:

./nfcapd -l <tmpflows> -S2 -y -p 9999 -m <metric socket>

If adding -m <metric socket> nfcapd exports the internal statistics every 5s the the exporter.

Please use for discussions.


Only the statistics values are exposed and not the netflow records itself.


Prototype exporter for nfdump. It exposes metrics processed by the Proetheus monitoring system






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