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Giulio edited this page Feb 14, 2024 · 128 revisions


is a web API to the Phaidra repository. It can be used for CRUD operations on digital objects or other resources (like groups). It also implements some workflow steps like creating an index database or an update request for the image server.

The API supports CORS, so it could be called from a client's javascript without the need for a proxy.

Most of the methods take and return JSON-formatted data. The response is usually a JSON document with the following structure:

    "alerts": [
            "msg": "it works!",
            "type": "success"
    "status": 200,
    "method_specific_data": "some data structure",

where the 'type' of message are the types of Bootstrap alerts (success, info, warning and danger).

Continue reading:


Because the installation requires integration with the authentication resources at the particular institution, it is usually provided by the Phaidra team.

If the API isn't running at your Phaidra instance, please contact us via our support email [email protected].

The installation procedure is described here. As stated, installing the API would probably not be enough to have a fully functional API to the repository.


Methods that need authentication can be accessed:


  • using a token

If you want to use the token, you have to call the login (signin) method using Basic Authentication. The response is a JSON document containing the token, eg

  "alerts": [],
  "XSRF-TOKEN": "4f7d406dab571e601eb52d7383fe5b6602d9d697"

You'll get a cookie called XSRF-TOKEN set with the token value. You then have to send this token back in an X-XSRF-TOKEN header for each authenticated call. See 'Cross-site Request Forgery (XSRF) Protection' at AngularJS page.

Methods overview


Authentication only:

Optional authentication:


You can create an object in more than one way, see Cookbook. Depending on the way you choose you might need to call one or more of the methods.

No authentication:

Optional authentication:

Authentication only:

Admin authentication only:


No authentication:


No authentication:

No compress/decompress methods are available. Mods is always saved as compressed.


No authentication:


No authentication:


No authentication:


No authentication:


No authentication:


No authentication:

Authentication only:


If your instance is using Solr, query your Solr endpoint instead.

No Authentication:


No authentication:


No authentication:

Authentication only:


Admin authentication only:


Admin authentication only:


No authentication:


No authentication:

Image server

Admin authentication:

Optional authentication:


Authentication only:



GET signin


curl -X GET --user username:password ""




GET keepalive

This method can be used to extend the 'expires' date for the session (the session is identified by the token). Typically, if you'd implement a frontend, you'd want the API session to last as long as a session on your frontend. The API automatically extends the session on any operation, but your frontend does not necessarily contact the API when the user interacts with it. The keepalive can be used to keep the API session alive upon any user interaction so that the API session is kept alive if the user interacts with the frontend.


curl -X GET -H "X-XSRF-TOKEN: 944afd4c0b303b482e3a9cb5e31a061e76f350f3" ""

The response contains the new 'expires' date



GET signout


curl -X GET -H "X-XSRF-TOKEN: 944afd4c0b303b482e3a9cb5e31a061e76f350f3" ""

Response (if there was no session, 'No session found' message would be returned)

  "sid": "944afd4c0b303b482e3a9cb5e31a061e76f350f3",
  "alerts":[{"msg":"You have been signed out","type":"success"}]

Check authorization

GET authz/check/:pid/:op

This method can be used to check if an object is readable/writable. The ':op' parameter can be 'ro' or 'rw'. Authentication is optional, as you might want to know if an object is readable for an unauthenticated user. An object is never writable for an unauthenticated user, so checking 'rw' only makes sense with authentication. Typically, an object is only writable for its owner.

Example 1

curl -X GET ""

Response 1


Example 2

curl -X GET ""

Response 2


Get metadata

GET object/:pid/metadata

Use this method to get the object's primary metadata datastreams. These are UWMETADATA or MODS or JSON-LD, RIGHTS and GEO.


curl -X GET ""


  "metadata": {

Get uwmetadata

GET object/:pid/uwmetadata

Use this method to get the object's uwmetadata datastream. See datastream examples.

Param name Possible values
format xml
mode full, basic, resolved

If the format param is set to 'xml', the datastream would be returned as it is saved in Fedora.

If the mode is 'full', the whole tree with filled-in values will be returned.

If the mode is 'basic' (default), only the filled-in nodes are returned.

If the mode is 'resolved', the same JSON as in 'basic' mode will be returned, but all IDs will be resolved to labels.

If the format param and mode param are both used, only the format param will be considered.


curl -X GET ""


  "metadata": {

Get mods

GET object/:pid/mods

Use this method to get the object's mods datastream. See datastream examples.

Param name Possible values
format xml
mode full, basic

If the format param is set to 'xml', the datastream would be returned as it is saved in Fedora.

If the mode is 'full', the whole tree with filled-in values will be returned.

If the mode is 'basic' (default), only the filled-in nodes are returned.

If the format param and mode param are both used, only the format param will be considered.


curl -X GET ""


  "metadata": {

Get geo

GET object/:pid/geo

Use this method to get the object's geo datastream. The datastream is saved as OGC-KML XML but currently only returned in an json representation. See datastream examples.


curl -X GET ""


  "metadata": {

Get annotations

GET object/:pid/annotations

Use this method to get the object's annotations datastream. The datastream is saved as XML but currently only returned in an json representation. See datastream examples.


curl -X GET ""


  "metadata": {
    "alerts": [],
    "status": 200,
    "annotations": {
      "1": {
        "w": "0.2",
        "y": "0.6",
        "h": "0.18",
        "text": "prussian blue",
        "category": "pigments",
        "x": "0.7"
      "2": {
        "w": "0.15",
        "y": "0.8",
        "h": "0.1",
        "text": "azurite",
        "category": "pigments",
        "x": "0.1"
      "3": {
        "w": "0.1",
        "y": "0.4",
        "h": "0.1",
        "text": "Mary",
        "category": "people",
        "x": "0.7"

Get techinfo

GET object/:pid/techinfo

Use this method to get the object's techinfo datastream. This basically contains EXIF data. It is only available in XML format so you have to call it with the format=xml parameter. See datastream examples.

Param name Possible values
format xml


curl -X GET "" -d "format=xml"

Response See datastream examples

Get dc

GET object/:pid/dc

Use this method to get the object's Dublin Core datastream. See datastream examples.

Param name Possible values
format xml, index

If the format param is set to 'xml', the datastream would be returned as it is saved in Fedora.

When the format is 'index', the JSON data is formatted in a more hash-like structure. See datastream examples.


curl -X GET ""


  "metadata": {

Get oai_dc

GET object/:pid/oai_dc

Use this method to get the object's Dublin Core datastream. See datastream examples.

Param name Possible values
format xml

If the format param is set to 'xml', the datastream would be returned as it is saved in Fedora.


curl -X GET ""


  "metadata": {

Get index

GET object/:pid/index

Use this method to get a summary of the object's metadata. This method is used to fill the index (Solr) so if you want this structure and have a Solr endpoint configured, it would be better to use Solr to get it (it would probably be faster since this method is only partially cached).


curl -X GET ""


  "index": {
    "datastreams": [
    "dc_description_": [
      "Bestand der Kartensammlung der Fachbereichsbibliothek Geographie und Regionalforschung, Universität Wien"
    "dc_publisher": [
    "_updated": 1472033039,
    "dc_description_eng": [
      "Scale 1:25000"
    "dc_creator": [
      "Schaffer, Franz"
    "dc_identifier": [
    "size": 1018915252,
    "pid": "o:99038",
    "cmodel": "Picture",
    "bbox": [
      "ENVELOPE(48.1177777777778, 48.3225, 16.5775, 16.1816666666667)"
    "bib_roles_pers_aut": [
      "Franz Schaffer"
    "dc_relation": [
    "bib_publisherlocation": [
    "owner": "phaidrs5",
    "dc_rights": [
    "dc_title": [
      "Geologische Karte der k.k. Reichshaupt- und Residenzstadt Wien"
    "resourcetype": "image",
    "dc_date": [
    "latlon": [
    "dc_language": [
    "modified": "2015-11-19T20:45:31.113Z",
    "dc_subject": [
    "bib_published": [
    "created": "2015-11-19T20:44:23.306Z",
    "ispartof": [
    "bib_publisher": [
    "dc_description": [
      "Bestand der Kartensammlung der Fachbereichsbibliothek Geographie und Regionalforschung, Universität Wien",
      "Scale 1:25000",
      "Maßstab 1:25000",
      "1 Kt."
    "dc_description_deu": [
      "Maßstab 1:25000"
  "status": 200

Get identifiers

GET object/:pid/id

Get a list of identifiers that are saved in Dublin Core as


curl -X GET ""


  "alerts": [],
  "ids": [
  "status": 200

Get related objects

GET object/:pid/related

This method returns all objects which are in some relation to the object specified in url.

Param name Note
relation Specifies the relation which should be returned, see Relations
from nr of entries to skip (paging)
limit nr of entries to return (paging)
right searches for the relation in opposite direction (eg for hasCollectionMember: 0 will return a list of objects which are members of this object/collection, 1 will return a list of objects/collections where the object is a member)
fields fields from the index which should be returned. Only works for fields=dc.description. The title field is returned by default. The preferred title and description fields are the Italian ones.


curl -X GET ""


  "hits": "3",
  "alerts": [],
  "objects": [
      "cmodel": "cmodel:Asset",
      "pid": "o:62026",
      "title": "test 2",
      "titles": [{"lang":"ita","text":"test 2"}]
      "cmodel": "cmodel:PDFDocument",
      "pid": "o:16083",
      "title": "test",
      "titles": [{"lang":"ita","text":"test"}]
      "cmodel": "cmodel:PDFDocument",
      "pid": "o:16066",
      "title": "resource test",
      "titles": [{"lang":"ita","text":"risorsa test"}]
  "status": 200

Get state

GET object/:pid/state

This method returns the state of the object. Possible values: Active, Inactive, Deleted


curl -X GET ""


    "alerts": [],
    "state": "Active",
    "status": 200

Get object's data

GET object/:pid/octets

This call works only for smaller objects. The API (Mojolicious) does not fully support stream through because it makes no flow control.


curl -X GET -H "X-XSRF-TOKEN: 944afd4c0b303b482e3a9cb5e31a061e76f350f3" ""


The response contains data.

Get object's fulltext data

GET object/:pid/fulltext

Use this method to get the object's fulltext datastream. This basically contains plain text data. It is only available in plain text format so you have to call it with the format=txt parameter.

Param name Possible values
format txt


curl -X GET -H "X-XSRF-TOKEN: 944afd4c0b303b482e3a9cb5e31a061e76f350f3" "" -d "format=txt"


The response contains data.

Get object's data by disseminator

GET object/:pid/diss/:bdef/:method

Use this method to get the object's datastreams by Fedora disseminators for the given bdef service definition and associated method name. Authentication is mandatory if the object is locked.


curl -X GET -H "X-XSRF-TOKEN: 944afd4c0b303b482e3a9cb5e31a061e76f350f3" ""


The response contains data.

Create a simple object

POST picture/create, document/create, video/create, audio/create

See also Cookbook.

Param Value
file [upload file via "multipart/form-data"]
metadata See example for the metadata.json structure

Optional parameter: mimetype (if not provided, heuristics is used on server side).

Request example:

curl -X POST -u username:password -F "[email protected]" -F "[email protected]"

Response example:


Create empty object

POST object/create

See also Cookbook.


 curl -X POST -u username:password



Modify object properties

POST object/:pid/modify

Possible parameters (all are optional)

Param Value
state A (= Active), I (= Inactive), D (= Deleted)
label some string, at the moment it isn't used in Phaidra
ownerid owner's username
logmessage some string
lastmodifieddate a date in ISO format


curl -X POST -u username:password -F 'state=A'



Delete object

POST object/:pid/delete

This method permanently deletes the object from the repository.


curl -X POST -u username:password


  "alerts": [],
  "status": 200

Save metadata

POST object/:pid/metadata

Use this method to save any of the primary metadata datastreams (currently uwmetadata, mods, geo and rights) one at a time or all at once.

The metadata (JSON) can be sent as a form parameter (named 'metadata') or as a file parameter (also named 'metadata').

The particular metadata datastream has to be a child of the 'metadata' node, eg:

  "metadata": {
    "uwmetadata": ["..."],
    "rights": ["..."]

See also datastream examples.


curl -X POST -u username:password -F [email protected]


  "alerts": [
      "msg": "Metadata for o:1 saved successfully (5 s)",
      "type": "success"
  "status": 200

Add data

POST object/:pid/data

This method can be used to add actual data (OCTETS datastream) to the object (eg a jpeg, a video or a PDF). Data can be added only once. The data are sent as a file parameter (named 'file').

It is recommended to send the mimetype parameter. If not sent, heuristics will be used to infer the MIME type.

Param Note
file the file containing the data
mimetype eg 'image/tif' (optional)


curl -X POST -u username:password -F "mimetype=image/tif" -F "[email protected]"



Add or modify datastream

POST object/:pid/datastream/:dsid

With this method, you can add or modify any datastream as long as the Fedora policies allow it. The method checks if the datastream exists and then decides to add (if it does not exist) or modify it (if it exists already). Consider using the dedicated methods for the datastreams for which there is an API method available (like object/:pid/rights, etc).

As parameters, the method takes the parameters for the underlying Fedora method.

Param Note
mimetype eg 'image/tif' (optional)
location location of managed or external datastream content
dslabel For OCTETS datastream it should be the original filename (eg my_test.pdf). For other datastreams any string, it's not used by Phaidra.
dscontent the content, e.g. the XML
controlgroup one of "X", "M", "R", or "E" (Inline XML, Managed Content, Redirect, or External Referenced)


curl -X POST -u username:password -F "mimetype=application/xml" -F "controlgroup=X" -F "[email protected]" 


  "alerts": [
      "msg": "Adding MYDATASTREAM for o:1 successful.",
      "type": "success"

Get rights

GET object/:pid/rights

Use this method to get the object's access restrictions. You have to be authorized to do this, so this method expects authentication.


curl -X GET -u username:password ""


  "metadata": {
    "rights": {
      "username": [
          "value": "hudakr4",
          "expires": "2016-08-25T14:31:34Z"
    "alerts": [],
    "status": 200

Save rights

POST object/:pid/rights

This method saves the object's access restrictions. See datastream examples to see how the metadata.json should look like. Metadata can be sent as a form param or as a file param.


curl -X POST -u username:password "" -F "[email protected]"


  "alerts": [
      "msg": "RIGHTS for o:19 saved successfully (1.882326 s)",
      "type": "success"

Save geo

POST object/:pid/geo

This method saves information about the object's geolocation. See datastream examples to see how the metadata.json should look like.


curl -X POST -u username:password "" -F "[email protected]"


  "alerts": [
      "msg": "GEO for o:19 saved successfully (1.882326 s)",
      "type": "success"

Save annotations

POST object/:pid/annotations

This method can save the object's annotations. The format chosen is taken from IIPMooViewer. See datastream examples to see how the annotations.json should look like.


curl -X POST -u username:password "" -F "[email protected]"


  "alerts": [
      "msg": "ANNOTATIONS for o:19 saved successfully (1.882326 s)",
      "type": "success"

Save uwmetadata

POST object/:pid/uwmetadata

This method saves the object's metadata if you are using the uwmetadata as a metadata structure. See datastream examples to see how the metadata.json should look like.


curl -X POST -u username:password "" -F "[email protected]"


  "alerts": [
      "msg": "UWMETADATA for o:19 saved successfully",
      "type": "success"

Save mods

POST object/:pid/mods

This method saves the object's metadata if you are using the mods as a metadata structure. See datastream examples to see how the metadata.json should look like.


curl -X POST -u username:password "" -F "[email protected]"


  "alerts": [
      "msg": "MODS for o:19 saved successfully",
      "type": "success"

Add identifier

POST object/:pid/id/add

Use to add an identifier to the RELS-EXT datastream (as a relationship with the predicate ''). This way it's available in the triplestore, Dublin Core and index automatically. It's not going to be added to metadata (uwmetadata, mods). IDs added this way are usually added by Phaidra (like Handles), while the IDs in metadata are added and controlled by the user.

Param Value
hdl the handle identifier (eg: 11353/10.448537)
doi the doi identifier (eg: 10.5194/bg-11-1491-2014)
urn the urn identifier (eg: urn:nbn:at:at-ubw-30020.78240.320264-3)


curl -X POST -u username:password "" -F "hdl=11353/10.448537"


  "alerts": [],
  "status": 200

Remove identifier

POST object/:pid/id/remove

Removes identifier from the RELS-EXT datastream.

Param Value
hdl the handle identifier (eg: 11353/10.448537)
doi the doi identifier (eg: 10.5194/bg-11-1491-2014)
urn the urn identifier (eg: urn:nbn:at:at-ubw-30020.78240.320264-3)


curl -X POST -u username:password "" -F "hdl=11353/10.448537"


  "alerts": [],
  "status": 200

Add relationship

POST object/:pid/relationship/add

Use to add a relationship to the RELS-EXT datastream. This way it's available in the triplestore, Dublin Core and index automatically. Adding some system relationships (like hasModel) might be restricted. See Relations for a list of supported relationships.

Param Value
predicate the relationship (eg: 'info:fedora/fedora-system:def/model#hasModel' or '')
object the value or the identifier of the related object in the repository (eg: 'info:fedora/cmodel:Picture' or 'info:fedora/o:18' )


curl -X POST -u username:password "" -F "predicate=" -F "object=info:fedora/o:18"


  "alerts": [],
  "status": 200

Remove relationship

POST object/:pid/relationship/remove

Use to remove a relationship from the RELS-EXT datastream. Removing some system relationships (like hasModel) might be restricted. See Relations for a list of supported relationships.

Param Value
predicate the relationship (eg: 'info:fedora/fedora-system:def/model#hasModel' or '')
object the value or the identifier of the related object in the repository (eg: 'info:fedora/cmodel:Picture' or 'info:fedora/o:18' )


curl -X POST -u username:password "" -F "predicate=" -F "object=info:fedora/o:18"


  "alerts": [],
  "status": 200

Update DC

POST object/:pid/dc

Triggers the update of the object's Dublin Core datastreams (DC, DC_P, DC_OAI).


curl -X POST -u adminusername:password ""


  "results": [
      "pid": "o:19",
      "status": 200

Update index

POST object/:pid/index

Triggers the update of the object's index (Solr).


curl -X POST -u adminusername:password ""


  "results": [
      "pid": "o:19",
      "status": 200

Get the uwmetadata tree

GET uwmetadata/tree

Returns the uwmetadata structure with all nodes, labels, dictionaries, etc. The tree can be seen here.


curl -X GET ""


  "alerts": [],
  "tree": ["..."],
  "languages": ["..."],
  "status": 200

Uwmetadata json to xml

POST uwmetadata/json2xml

Transforms the uwmetadata structure from JSON to XML. See datastream examples to see how the metadata.json should look like and how the XML looks like.


curl -X POST "" -F "[email protected]"

Uwmetadata xml to json

POST uwmetadata/xml2json

Transforms the uwmetadata structure from XML to JSON (basic mode is the default). See datastream examples to see how the XML looks like and how the JSON looks like.

The XML has to be sent in the request body as raw data.

Param name Possible values
mode (optional) full, basic

If the mode is 'full', the whole tree with filled-in values will be created.


curl -X POST --data-binary '< uwmetadata xml here >' ""

Validate uwmetadata

POST uwmetadata/validate

Validates the uwmetadata structure in XML. See datastream examples to see how the XML looks like.

The XML has to be sent in the request body as raw data.


curl -X POST --data-binary '< uwmetadata xml here >' ""

Uwmetadata json to xml and validate

POST uwmetadata/json2xml_validate

Transforms the uwmetadata structure from JSON to XML and validates it. See datastream examples to see how the metadata.json should look like and how the XML looks like.


curl -X POST "" -F "[email protected]"

Compress uwmetadata

POST uwmetadata/compress

Transforms the uwmetadata structure from its full format to its basic format (no empty nodes). See datastream examples. The full format might be better for implementing an editor, but it's too large for storing.


curl -X POST "" -F "[email protected]"

Decompress uwmetadata

POST uwmetadata/decompress

Transforms the uwmetadata structure from its basic format (no empty nodes) to its full format. See datastream examples. The full format might be better for implementing an editor, but it's too large for storing.


curl -X POST "" -F "[email protected]"

Get the mods tree

GET mods/tree

Returns the MODS structure with all nodes, dictionaries, etc. The tree can be seen here.


curl -X GET ""


  "alerts": [],
  "tree": ["..."],
  "languages": ["..."],
  "vocabularies": ["..."],
  "vocabularies_mapping": ["..."],
  "status": 200

Mods json to xml

POST mods/json2xml

Transforms the mods structure from JSON to XML. See datastream examples to see how the metadata.json should look like and how the XML looks like.


curl -X POST "" -F "[email protected]"

Mods xml to json

POST mods/xml2json

Transforms the MODS structure from XML to JSON. See datastream examples to see how the XML looks like and how the JSON looks like.

The XML has to be sent in the request body as raw data.

Param Value
mode (optional) full, basic


curl -X POST --data-binary '< mods xml here >' ""

Validate mods

POST mods/validate

Validates the MODS structure in XML. See datastream examples to see how the XML looks like.

The XML has to be sent in the request body as raw data.


curl -X POST --data-binary '< mods xml here >' ""

Mods json to xml and validate

POST mods/json2xml_validate

Transforms the mods structure from JSON to XML and validates it. See datastream examples to see how the metadata.json should look like and how the XML looks like.


curl -X POST "" -F "[email protected]"

Rights json to xml

POST rights/json2xml

Transforms the rights structure from JSON to XML. See datastream examples to see how the metadata.json should look like and how the XML looks like.


curl -X POST "" -F "[email protected]"

Rights xml to json

POST rights/xml2json

Transforms the rights structure from XML to JSON. See datastream examples to see how the XML looks like and how the JSON looks like.

The XML has to be sent in the request body as raw data.


curl -X POST --data-binary '< rights xml here >' ""

Validate rights

POST rights/validate

Validates the rights structure in XML. See datastream examples to see how the XML looks like.

The XML has to be sent in the request body as raw data.


curl -X POST --data-binary '< rights xml here >' ""

Rights json to xml and validate

POST rights/json2xml_validate

Transforms the rights structure from JSON to XML and validates it. See datastream examples to see how the metadata.json should look like and how the XML looks like.


curl -X POST "" -F "[email protected]"

Geo json to xml

POST geo/json2xml

Transforms the geo structure from JSON to XML. See datastream examples to see how the metadata.json should look like and how the XML looks like.


curl -X POST "" -F "[email protected]"

Geo xml to json

POST geo/xml2json

Transforms the geo structure from XML to JSON. See datastream examples to see how the XML looks like and how the JSON looks like.

The XML has to be sent in the request body as raw data.


curl -X POST --data-binary '< geo xml here >' ""

Validate geo

POST geo/validate

Validates the geo structure in XML. See datastream examples to see how the XML looks like.

The XML has to be sent in the request body as raw data.


curl -X POST --data-binary '< geo xml here >' ""

Geo json to xml and validate

POST geo/json2xml_validate

Transforms the geo structure from JSON to XML and validates it. See datastream examples to see how the metadata.json should look like and how the XML looks like.


curl -X POST "" -F "[email protected]"

Annotations json to xml

POST annotations/json2xml

Transforms the annotations structure from JSON to XML. See datastream examples to see how the metadata.json should look like and how the XML looks like.


curl -X POST "" -F "[email protected]"

Annotations xml to json

POST annotations/xml2json

Transforms the annotations structure from XML to JSON. See datastream examples to see how the XML looks like and how the JSON looks like.

The XML has to be sent in the request body as raw data.


curl -X POST --data-binary '< annotations xml here >' ""

Validate annotations

POST annotations/validate

Validates the annotations structure in XML. See datastream examples to see how the XML looks like.

The XML has to be sent in the request body as raw data.


curl -X POST --data-binary '< annotations xml here >' ""

Annotations json to xml and validate

POST annotations/json2xml_validate

Transforms the annotations structure from JSON to XML and validates it. See datastream examples to see how the metadata.json should look like and how the XML looks like.


curl -X POST "" -F "[email protected]"

Get languages

GET languages

Get the vocabulary of the languages which can be used to eg define the language of a metadata field.


curl -X GET ""


  "alerts": [],
  "languages": {
    "ne": {
      "en": "Nepali",
      "de": "Nepalisch",
      "it": "Nepalese",
      "sr": "nepalski"

Get licenses

GET licenses

Returns licences that can be used to assign a license to an object. In uwmetadata, the value of the 'lid' field is used, in mods the license URI.


curl -X GET ""


  "alerts": [],
  "licenses": [
      "link_info": "",
      "descriptions": {
        "en": "You are free:<br />to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work<br />to make derivative works<br  /><br />Under the following conditions:<br />Attribution. You must give the original author credit.<br /><br />- For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the licence terms of this work.<br />- Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder.<br />- Nothing in this licence impairs or restricts the author's moral rights.",
        "de": "Namensnennung 2.0 Österreich<br /><br />Attribution 2.0 Austria (by)<br /><br />Wenn Sie Ihren Schutzgegenstand unter den Bedingungen dieser Lizenz anbieten, gestatten Sie jedem Lizenznehmer, Ihren Schutzgegenstand in körperlicher oder unkörperlicher Form zu verwerten, insbesondere<br />- zu vervielfältigen, zu verbreiten, vorzuführen, zu senden und der Öffentlichkeit zur Verfügung zu stellen;<br />- zu bearbeiten und die Bearbeitungen zu verwerten.<br /><br />Der Lizenznehmer muss Ihren Namen in Verbindung mit Ihrem Schutzgegenstand stets in der von Ihnen festgelegten Weise nennen.<br /><br />Im Falle einer Verbreitung muss der Lizenznehmer anderen die Lizenzbedingungen, unter welche dieser Schutzgegenstand fällt, mitteilen.<br />Jede der vorgenannten Bedingungen kann aufgehoben werden, sofern Sie als Rechteinhaber Ihre Einwilligung dazu erteilen.<br />Diese Lizenz lässt die Urheberpersönlichkeitsrechte unberührt."
      "link_uri": "",
      "lid": 2,
      "link_text": "",
      "labels": {
        "en": "CC BY 2.0 AT",
        "de": "CC BY 2.0 AT"

Get organisational units

GET directory/get_org_units

Get the list of the org units. These are used eg to find objects explicitly associated with them or to restrict rights for a particular org unit.

Param Value
parent_id Id of the parent unit. If not set, returns the top-level units.
values_namespace If provided, the values returned (in the 'uri' field) will be prefixed with the value of this parameter


curl -X GET "" -d "values_namespace="


  "terms": [
      "en": "A47: Faculty of Psychology",
      "de": "A47: Fakultat fur Psychologie",
      "uri": ""

Get parent of a unit

GET directory/get_parent_org_unit_id

Get the id of the parent of an org unit, e.g. id of a faculty for a particular institute, where institute will be specified by 'child_id' parameter.

Param Value
child_id id of the child unit


curl -X GET "" -d "child_id=A471"


  "parent_id": "A47"

Get study

GET directory/get_study

Get the list of studies in a study plan.

Param Value
spl id of the child unit
@ids (array) study ids
values_namespace If provided, the values returned (in the 'uri' field) will be prefixed with the value of this parameter


curl -X GET "" -F "spl=32"


  "terms": [
      "de": "057",
      "uri": "057"
      "de": "085",
      "uri": "085"
      "de": "033",
      "uri": "033"
      "de": "067",
      "uri": "067"
      "de": "996",
      "uri": "996"
      "de": "050",
      "uri": "050"
      "de": "360",
      "uri": "360"
      "de": "091",
      "uri": "091"
      "de": "449",
      "uri": "449"
      "de": "066",
      "uri": "066"

Get study name

GET directory/get_study_name

Param Value
spl id of the child unit
@ids (array) study ids


curl -X GET "" -F "spl=32" -F "ids=067"


  "study_name": {
    "de": "Individuelles Magisterstudium Pharmazie "

Get user data

GET directory/user/:username/data

Get user's name, affiliation and other data


curl -X GET ""


  "user_data": {
    "org_units_l1": [
    "firstname": "Rastislav",
    "lastname": "Hudak",
    "org_units_l2": [
    "username": "hudakr4"

Get the name of a user

GET directory/user/:username/name

Get user's name


curl -X GET ""


  "name": "Rastislav Hudak"

Get the email of a user

GET directory/user/:username/email

Get the user's email


curl -X GET ""


  "email": "[email protected]"

Search users

GET directory/user/search

Searches the user database. Only the first 50 results are returned.

Param Value
q query (it will be automatically suffixed with *)


curl -X GET -u username:password "" -F "q=hud"


  "hits": 1,
  "accounts": [ 
      "uid": "hudakr4",
      "value": "Hudak, Rastislav",
      "type": "uuid"

Search for triples

GET search/triples

Param name Note
q triple query (eg 'info:fedora/o:19 * *')
limit nr of entries to return


curl -X GET "" -d "q=<info:fedora/o:19> * *"


  "alerts": [],
  "status": 200,
  "result": [
      "\"OpenAIRE collection\"@eng"
      "\"Admin, A. (Admin)\""
      "\"New object created Mon Jun 25 17:46:02 2012\""
      "\"All rights reserved\""
      "\"OpenAIRE collection created to collect objects which are supposed to be available via ec_fundedresources set in oaiprovider.\"@eng"

Get term's labels

GET terms/label

Get labels for a particular term using its URI as a parameter. It could be a term of a classification or a vocabulary (any type, even licenses and organisational units).

Param name Note
uri Examples:,,,


curl -X GET "" -d "uri="


  "alerts": [],
  "status": 200,
  "labels": {
    "nonpreferred": [],
    "upstream_identifier": "1",
    "term_id": null,
    "labels": {
      "en": "NATURAL SCIENCES",

Get term's children

GET terms/children

Get children for a particular classification term using its URI as a parameter.

Param name Note
uri Example:


curl -X GET "" -d "uri="


  "alerts": [],
  "status": 200,
  "terms": [
      "upstream_identifier": "4",
      "term_id": null,
      "labels": {
      "uri": ""
      "upstream_identifier": "3",
      "term_id": null,
      "labels": {
        "en": "HUMAN MEDICINE",
        "de": "HUMANMEDIZIN"
      "uri": ""
      "upstream_identifier": "6",
      "term_id": null,
      "labels": {
        "en": "HUMANITIES",
      "uri": ""
      "upstream_identifier": "1",
      "term_id": null,
      "labels": {
        "en": "NATURAL SCIENCES",
      "uri": ""
      "upstream_identifier": "5",
      "term_id": null,
      "labels": {
        "en": "SOCIAL SCIENCES",
      "uri": ""
      "upstream_identifier": "2",
      "term_id": null,
      "labels": {
        "en": "TECHNICAL SCIENCES",
      "uri": ""

Get term's parent

GET terms/parent

Get parent for a particular classification term using its URI as a parameter.

Param name Note
uri Example:


curl -X GET "" -d "uri="


  "parent": ""

Search for a term

GET terms/search

Returns terms matching query in any language found in any of the available classifications.

Param name Note
q text query


curl -X GET "" -d "q=query"


  "alerts": [],
  "status": 200,
  "terms": [
      "hits": 0,
      "terms": [],
      "labels": {
        "en": "OSNO - Op�ta sistematizacija nau?nih oblasti",
        "de": "OSNO - Op�ta sistematizacija nau?nih oblasti",
        "it": null,
        "ru": null,
        "nl": null,
        "sr": null
      "uri": ""
      "hits": 2,
      "terms": [
          "upstream_identifier": "2603701",
          "term_id": "945393",
          "preferred": "1",
          "labels": {
            "en": "Query Creek",
            "de": "Query Creek"
          "uri": ""
      "labels": {
        "en": "Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names",
        "de": "Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names",
        "it": null,
        "ru": null,
        "nl": null,
        "sr": null
      "uri": ""
      "hits": 6,
      "terms": [
          "upstream_identifier": "H.2.3.4",
          "term_id": null,
          "preferred": "1",
          "labels": {
            "en": "Query languages",
            "de": "Query languages"
          "uri": ""
          "upstream_identifier": "H.3.3.3",
          "term_id": null,
          "preferred": "1",
          "labels": {
            "en": "Query formulation",
            "de": "Query formulation"
          "uri": ""
          "upstream_identifier": "H.2.4.6",
          "term_id": null,
          "preferred": "1",
          "labels": {
            "en": "Query processing",
            "de": "Query processing"
          "uri": ""
      "labels": {
        "en": "The ACM Computing Classification System [1998 Version]",
        "de": "The ACM Computing Classification System [1998 Version]",
        "it": "The ACM Computing Classification System [1998 Version]",
        "ru": null,
        "nl": null,
        "sr": null
      "uri": ""
      "hits": 0,
      "terms": [],
      "labels": {
        "en": "ÖFOS",
        "de": "ÖFOS",
        "it": null,
        "ru": "ÖFOS",
        "nl": "ÖFOS",
        "sr": null
      "uri": ""
      "hits": 0,
      "terms": [],
      "labels": {
        "en": "ÖFOS 2012",
        "de": "ÖFOS 2012",
        "it": null,
        "ru": null,
        "nl": null,
        "sr": null
      "uri": ""
      "hits": 0,
      "terms": [],
      "labels": {
        "en": "Dewey Decimal Classification",
        "de": "Dewey-Dezimalklassifikation",
        "it": "Classificazione decimale Dewey",
        "ru": null,
        "nl": null,
        "sr": "Deweyev decimalni sistem klasifikacije"
      "uri": ""
      "hits": 0,
      "terms": [],
      "labels": {
        "en": "Getty Union List of Artist Names",
        "de": "Getty Union List of Artist Names",
        "it": null,
        "ru": null,
        "nl": null,
        "sr": null
      "uri": ""
      "hits": 0,
      "terms": [],
      "labels": {
        "en": "EuroVoc 4.2",
        "de": "EuroVoc 4.2",
        "it": "EuroVoc 4.2",
        "ru": null,
        "nl": null,
        "sr": null
      "uri": ""
      "hits": 0,
      "terms": [],
      "labels": {
        "en": "European Projects",
        "de": "European Projects",
        "it": "European Projects",
        "ru": null,
        "nl": null,
        "sr": null
      "uri": ""
      "hits": 0,
      "terms": [],
      "labels": {
        "en": "Conferences",
        "de": null,
        "it": null,
        "ru": null,
        "nl": null,
        "sr": null
      "uri": ""
      "hits": 0,
      "terms": [],
      "labels": {
        "en": "BIC Standard Subject Categories",
        "de": null,
        "it": null,
        "ru": null,
        "nl": null,
        "sr": null
      "uri": ""
      "hits": 0,
      "terms": [],
      "labels": {
        "en": "BIC Standard Subject Qualifiers",
        "de": null,
        "it": null,
        "ru": null,
        "nl": null,
        "sr": null
      "uri": ""
      "hits": 0,
      "terms": [],
      "labels": {
        "en": "University of Vienna",
        "de": "Universität Wien",
        "it": null,
        "ru": null,
        "nl": null,
        "sr": null
      "uri": ""
      "hits": 0,
      "terms": [],
      "labels": {
        "en": "Physics and Astronomy Classification Scheme",
        "de": "Physics and Astronomy Classification Scheme",
        "it": "Physics and Astronomy Classification Scheme",
        "ru": null,
        "nl": null,
        "sr": null
      "uri": ""
      "hits": 0,
      "terms": [],
      "labels": {
        "en": "Basisklassifikation",
        "de": "Basisklassifikation",
        "it": null,
        "ru": null,
        "nl": null,
        "sr": null
      "uri": ""
      "hits": 0,
      "terms": [],
      "labels": {
        "en": "Getty Art & Architecture Thesaurus",
        "de": "Getty Art & Architecture Thesaurus",
        "it": null,
        "ru": null,
        "nl": null,
        "sr": null
      "uri": ""

Get collection members

GET collection/:pid/members

Returns members of collection ordered if the COLLECTIONORDER datastream is available. Consider using the get related objects method instead to get the members with a title.


curl -X GET ""


  "alerts": [],
  "metadata": {
    "members": [
        "pid": "o:98076",
        "pos": null
        "pid": "o:26111",
        "pos": null
        "pid": "o:18",
        "pos": null
        "pid": "o:62026",
        "pos": null

Create collection object

POST collection/create

Use to create collection object in one method call. In the metadata parameter, you have to provide both: bibliographical metadata and members.

Param Value
metadata See example for the metadata.json structure. Additionally, the structure should contain 'members' (see collection members example). You can define positions but it's optional.

Request example:

curl -X POST -u username:password "" -F "[email protected]"


  "alerts": [],
  "status": 200,
  "pid": "o:19"

Add collection members

POST collection/:pid/members/add

Used to add members to a collection.

Param Value
metadata Have to contain 'members' with an array of members to add (see collection members example). You can define positions but it's optional.


curl -X POST -u username:password "" -F "[email protected]"


  "alerts": [],
  "status": 200

Remove collection members

POST collection/:pid/members/remove

Used to remove members from a collection.

Param Value
metadata Have to contain 'members' with an array of members to remove (see collection members example).


curl -X POST -u username:password "" -F "[email protected]"


  "alerts": [],
  "status": 200

Order collection members

POST collection/:pid/members/order

Used to change the order of collection members.

Param Value
metadata Have to contain 'members' with an array of members to remove (see collection members example) with positions defined


curl -X POST -u username:password "" -F "[email protected]"


  "alerts": [],
  "status": 200

Change collection member position

POST collection/:pid/members/:itempid/order/:position

Changes order of a single collection member. Practical eg for drag&drop. It is a POST method only to emphasize that it changes the structure, but it does not have any parameters.


curl -X POST -u username:password ""


  "alerts": [],
  "status": 200

Update DC for provided pids


Triggers the update of Dublin Core datastreams (DC, DC_P, DC_OAI) for every object in the provided list.

Param Value
pids json structure with and array of pids (eg { "pids": ["o:19","o:18"] })


curl -X POST -u adminusername:password "" -F "[email protected]"


  "results": [
      "pid": "o:19",
      "res": "OK"
      "pid": "o:18",
      "res": "OK"

Update index for provided pids

POST index

Triggers the update of the index in the configured mongo database for every object in the provided list.

Param Value
pids json structure with and array of pids (eg { "pids": ["o:19","o:18"] })


curl -X POST -u adminusername:password "" -F "[email protected]"


  "results": [
      "pid": "o:19",
      "status": 200
      "pid": "o:18",
      "status": 200

Get object's usage statistics

GET stats/:pid


curl -X GET ""


  "stats": {
    "downloads": "0",
    "detail_page": "5"

Get object's downloads count

GET stats/:pid/downloads

Returns an integer. Useful eg for ajax content update without any response parsing necessary.


curl -X GET ""



Get object's detail page views count

GET stats/:pid/detail_page

Returns an integer. Useful eg for ajax content update without any response parsing necessary.


curl -X GET ""



Get all pids

GET utils/get_all_pids


curl -X GET ""


  "pids": ["..."]

Create imageserver job for one pid

POST imageserver/:pid/process

If image server is configured, creates a job in the image server's database to process a particular pid.

Param name Possible values Note
ds 'USERTHUMB' By default, OCTETS is processed. This is a possibility to define another datastream.
skipexisting 1 If a job for this pid (and this datastream, if the ds parameter is set) already exists, a new job won't be created and an existing job will be returned


curl -X POST -u adminusername:password ""



Create imageserver job for provided pids

POST imageserver/process

If image server is configured, creates a job in the image server's database to process all the pids from the provided list.

Param Value Note
pids JSON structure with an array of pids (eg { "pids": ["o:19","o:18"] })
skipexisting 1 If a job for a pid already exists, creating a job for this pid will be skipped


curl -X POST -u adminusername:password "" -F "[email protected]"



Get imageserver job status

GET imageserver/:pid/status

If image server is configured, returns the record from the image server job database for the pid specified.


curl -X GET -u adminusername:password ""


  "curl_lines": [
    "  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current",
    "                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed",
    "100 64.5M  100 64.5M    0     0  11.3M      0  0:00:05  0:00:05 --:--:-- 13.8M"
  "image": "/var/www/iipsrv/data/sandbox/9/5/95372eaad9c6c861b0ca81902816e65da0a520da.tif",
  "status": "finished",
  "created": 1462971570,
  "idhash": "95372eaad9c6c861b0ca81902816e65da0a520da",
  "conversion": "ok",
  "vips_lines": [
    "vips /tmp/sandbox/o_19: 5789 x 3897 pixels, 4 threads, 5789 x 1 tiles, 256 lines in buffer",
    "vips temp-7: 5789 x 3897 pixels, 4 threads, 5789 x 1 tiles, 256 lines in buffer",
    "vips temp-7: done in 0.168s",
    "vips /tmp/sandbox/o_1981: done in 0.477s"
  "_id": "57332cb29d459f1382450000",
  "pid": "o:19",
  "ts_iso": "20160511T145936",
  "agent": "pige"

Imageserver api

GET imageserver

Proxy for the imageserver API. This is necessary for the frontend. The images at the image server are hashed so that it's possible to restrict access to them. This method checks if the user (if credentials are provided) is authorized to access the image and if it is, it uses the configured secret to create the hash under which image server knows the image. It then accesses the image server proxying all the parameters and proxies back the response.


curl -X GET ",256/0/default.jpg"

The response contains the data needed by the IIP-compatible viewers.

Get user's groups

GET groups


curl -X GET -u username:password ""


  "alerts": [],
  "groups": [
      "created": 1443529100,
      "name": "xxx",
      "updated": 1443529100,
      "groupid": "2BF2E33E-66A4-11E5-A027-6E978F0EBC48"
      "created": 1443529100,
      "name": "rasta",
      "updated": 1443777146,
      "groupid": "2BDB116E-66A4-11E5-A027-6E978F0EBC48"
      "created": 1443529100,
      "name": "ttt",
      "updated": 1443529100,
      "groupid": "2BE683AA-66A4-11E5-A027-6E978F0EBC48"
      "created": 1443529100,
      "name": "1111",
      "updated": 1444398827,
      "groupid": "2BCB96C6-66A4-11E5-A027-6E978F0EBC48"
      "created": 1453367318,
      "name": "gr1",
      "updated": 1453367347,
      "groupid": "8F43FEEA-C01E-11E5-AC29-7B0537B6CEAB"

Get group

GET group/:gid


curl -X GET -u username:password ""


  "group": {
    "owner": "hudakr4",
    "members": [
        "name": "Rastislav Hudak",
        "username": "hudakr4"
    "created": 1453367318,
    "_id": {
      "$oid": "56a0a0164faa168d07000000"
    "name": "gr1",
    "updated": 1453367347,
    "groupid": "8F43FEEA-C01E-11E5-AC29-7B0537B6CEAB"
  "alerts": []

Add group

POST group/add

Param Value
name text - name of the group


curl -X POST -u username:password "" -F "name=blibla"


  "group": "13F1F574-6BB0-11E6-AA0B-B6775AD3CFB6",
  "alerts": []

Remove group

POST group/:gid/remove


curl -X POST -u username:password ""


  "alerts": []

Add group members

POST group/:gid/members/add

Param Value
members JSON array containing usernames to add


curl -X POST -u username:password "" -F "members={"members":["hudakr4"]}"


  "alerts": []

Remove group members

POST group/:gid/members/remove

Param Value
members JSON array containing usernames to remove


curl -X POST -u username:password "" -F "members={"members":["hudakr4"]}"


  "alerts": []
Clone this wiki locally