This is the charmq's part of the Preferred Dolphin's solution.
Please place competition data under happywhale_data/
$ ls happywhale_data
backfin_test_charm.csv fullbody_train.csv test2.csv train.csv
backfin_train_charm.csv individual_id.npy test_backfin.csv train_images
fullbody_test_charm.csv pseudo_labels test_images yolov5_test.csv
fullbody_test.csv sample_submission.csv train2.csv yolov5_train.csv
fullbody_train_charm.csv species.npy train_backfin.csv
We ensembled many models in the final submission, but first we will explain how to reproduce the training of a single model using pseudo label round2.csv
This is an example command to train efficientnet-b7 with all competition training data and pseudo labels.
python -m run.train \
dataset.phase=all \
model.base_model=tf_efficientnet_b7 \
dataset.pseudo_label_filename=round2.csv \
After training is done, inference needs to be performed on the four combinations of train/test and fullbody bbox/fullbody_charm bbox.
python -m run.train \
dataset.phase=test \
dataset.bbox=fb \
test_model=$(find results/efficientnet_b7_pl_round2 -name model_weights.pth) \
python -m run.train \
dataset.phase=valid \
dataset.bbox=fb \
test_model=$(find results/efficientnet_b7_pl_round2 -name model_weights.pth) \
python -m run.train \
dataset.phase=test \
dataset.bbox=fb_charm \
test_model=$(find results/efficientnet_b7_pl_round2 -name model_weights.pth) \
python -m run.train \
dataset.phase=valid \
dataset.bbox=fb_charm \
test_model=$(find results/efficientnet_b7_pl_round2 -name model_weights.pth) \
After the inference is done, put the result files in one place for the ensemble.
cp results/efficientnet_b7_pl_round2_bbox_fb_test/test_results/test_results.npz \
cp results/efficientnet_b7_pl_round2_bbox_fb_train/test_results/test_results.npz \
cp results/efficientnet_b7_pl_round2_bbox_fb_charm_test/test_results/test_results.npz \
cp results/efficientnet_b7_pl_round2_bbox_fb_charm_train/test_results/test_results.npz \
The following commands can be used to perform cross validation. It is not recommended to use the pseudo label as it is, as it will cause a leak.
for FOLD in {0..4}; do
python -m run.train \
dataset.num_folds=5 \
dataset.test_fold=$FOLD \
model.base_model=tf_efficientnet_b7 \
out_dir=results/efficientnet_b7_$FOLD; done
Various models can be trained and ensembled by changing the architecture, image size, and bbox mix ratio, as in the following command.
python -m run.train \
dataset.phase=all \
model.base_model=tf_efficientnetv2_l \
preprocessing.h_resize_to=1024 \
preprocessing.w_resize_to=1024 \
training.batch_size=16 \
training.epoch=20 \
training.num_gpus=8 \ \
optimizer.lr_head=1e-3 \
dataset.p_fb=0.6 \
dataset.p_fb_charm=0.1 \
dataset.p_backfin=0.05 \
dataset.p_backfin_charm=0.05 \
dataset.p_detic=0.05 \
dataset.p_yolo=0.05 \
dataset.p_none=0.1 \
dataset.pseudo_label_filename=round1.csv \
dataset.pseudo_label_conf=0.5 \
training.resume_from=(path to checkpoint) \
model.restore_path=(path to weight) \
Inference commands are similar to step2.
python -m run.train \
dataset.phase=test \
dataset.bbox=fb \
model.base_model=tf_efficientnetv2_l \
preprocessing.h_resize_to=1024 \
preprocessing.w_resize_to=1024 \
test_model=(path to weight) \
# test_model=$(find results/efficientnetv2_l_pl_round1 -name model_weights.pth) \
- For an overview of our key ideas and detailed explanation, please also refer to 1st Place Solution in Kaggle discussion.
- My teammate knshnb's repository