A simple HTML Templating Engine for C.
Butterknife is blade template (https://laravel.com/docs/10.x/blade) like system for templating and rendering HTML.
- clibs/clib - fantastic C Package Manager(ish).
- jwerkle/fs - node like fs tools to ease the fs burden.
- kokke/tiny-regex-c - simple, small regular expression tool.
- likle/cwalk - a useful os file path tool.
- rxi/vec - great vector type for C (Archived but publicly available).
Install with CLib or copy butterknife.c and butterknife.h and the deps folder into your project.
clib install
If you are including any of the above libraries elsewhere add this compiler flag
As well add the following to your root C file (this assumes you are using include flags:-Ideps -Ideps/cwalk
#include <fs/fs.c>
#include <tiny-regex-c/re.c>
#include <cwalk/cwalk.c>
#include <vec/vec.c>
After which you can create a basic layout:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
@yields content;
@yields footer;
And a basic page:
@layout layout.bk.html;
@section content
<p>Here is a butterknife section called content.</p>
</div><!--Content Div-->
@section footer
<p>Copyright 2023.</p>
If our example code in in the ./example directory (hint hint) we could use the following program to render the page and output it the console.
#include "butterknife.c"
int main()
buffer_t* page = bk_generate_webpage("./example/page.bk.html");
printf("Page: \n%s\n", page->data);
To build and run:
gcc app.c -o app
In butterknife.h uncomment:
#define BK_DEBUG