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Tag Normaliser Plugin

A lightweight library for making available strToSlug and slugToStr filters to your Eleventy powered project. Behind the scenes there is a configurable "Tag Atlas" that keeps track of and normalises your tags.

This is known to work against v1.0.2 of Eleventy.


npm i @photogabble/eleventy-plugin-tag-normaliser


The tag atlas provides three configuration options: ignore, similar and slugify.

interface Options {
  slugify: Function;
  ignore: Array<string>;
  similar: Record<string, Array<string>>;


By default, this library depends upon the slugify library for providing the string to slug functionality. If you already have your own function or configured instance of slufify for your project that you would rather use then you may pass that through via this attribute, else, slugify will be loaded with the following options:

const options = {
  lower: true,
  replacement: '-',
  remove: /[&,+()$~%.'":*?!<>{}#/]/g,

Ignored Tags

These are tags that you do not want the tag atlas to modify when converting from slug to string. For example DOScember will by default become dos-cember excluding it will ensure the slug becomes doscember and the title remains DOScember.

For example these will all eval as true:

// ignore: ['JavaScript', 'JS'],

strToSlug('JS') === 'js';
slugToStr('js') === 'JS';

strToSlug('JavaScript') === 'javascript';
slugToStr('javascript') === 'JavaScript';

Similar Tags

This is how you teach the Tag Atlas tag similarity. For example, you might want all instances of JS to point to JavaScript.

// similar: {'JavaScript': ['JS']},

strToSlug('JS') === 'java-script';
slugToStr('js') === 'Java Script';

strToSlug('JavaScript') === 'java-script';
slugToStr('java-script') === 'Java Script';

From the above you can see why you would want to combine ignore: ['JavaScript'] so that java-script did not become Java Script.


In your Eleventy config file (defaults to .eleventy.js):

module.exports = (eleventyConfig) => {
  const config = {
    ignore: ['JavaScript', 'PHP'],
    similar: {'JavaScript': ['JS']},
  eleventyConfig.addPlugin(require('@photogabble/eleventy-plugin-tag-normaliser'), config);

You will now have strToSlug and slugToStr filters available for use in your templates as well as a memoized instance of the TagAtlas available as global data via the tagAtlas value. For example:

const atlas = eleventyConfig.globalData.tileAtlas;


This 11ty plugin is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT License