To install copy these files into your /etc/update-motd.d path and chmod +x
the number prefixed files.
When ran these files will result in output similar to:
Welcome to Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye) (GNU/Linux 5.10.0-23-amd64 x86_64)
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Last login..........: root at Fri Jun 9 11:19 from
Uptime..............: 1 day, 11 hours, 34 minutes
Load Averages.......: 1 min: 0.01% | 5 mins: 0.07% | 15 mins: 0.08%
Memory..............: Used: 342 MB | Free: 63174 MB | Total: 64277 MB
Disk................: Used: 1.7 .GB | Free: 412 GB | Total: 436 GB
SSH Logins..........: 1 users logged in
Processes...........: 199 running processes