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Slack Status

A simple Slack app that updates your Slack status to the game you're currently playing on Steam, the song you're listening to on Spotify, or a recent reaction you got to one of your messages on Slack.

Firebase configuration

  1. Create a new Firebase project
  2. Upgrade to Blaze plan
  3. Set following config variables (firebase functions:config:set service.key="value"):
  "steam": {
    "api_key": "xxxxxx"
  "spotify": {
    "client_secret": "xxxxxx",
    "client_id": "xxxxxx",
  "slack": {
    "signing_secret": "xxxxxx",

Slack app configuration

  1. Create an app on Slack
  2. Enable Event Subscription
  • Request url: https://<region>-<firebase-project-id>
  • Subscribe to events on behalf of a user: reaction_added, reaction_removed
  1. Add User Token Scopes in OAuth & Permissions
  • reactions:read
  • users.profile:read
  • users.profile:write
  1. Install App
  2. Set token in Firebase config: firebase functions:config:set slack.token="xoxp-xxxxxx"

Steam configuration

(Note: This requires that your Steam profile and game details are public. You can find these settings in your Steam profile under View Profile > Edit Profile > Privacy Settings. Ensure that My profile: Public and Game details: Public are set.)

  1. Get a Steam API key here
  2. Get your numeric Steam ID: https://<region>-<firebase-project-id><your Steam display name>
  3. Set steam id in Firebase config: firebase functions:config:set steam.user_id="xxxxxx"

Spotify configuration

  1. Create a Spotify app here
  2. Set client id, client secret and redirect url in your Firebase config: firebase functions:config:set spotify.client_id="xxxxxx" spotify.client_secret="xxxxxx" spotify.redirect_uri="https://<region>-<firebase-project-id>"
  3. Get a refresh token by going through the OAUTH flow https://<region>-<firebase-project-id>
  4. Set refresh token in Firebase config: firebase functions:config:set spotify.refresh_token="xxxxxx"


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