Polyregress is a c11 portage from initial python polyregress solver.
It provides polynomial equation from a cloud of points.
Higher is the polynomial degree, higher is the accuracy for data fitting.
Keep in mind one degree of polynome represents one inflexion.
to build simply make
to build doc
make doc
Then doc will be generated in the doc/html folder.
./polyregress -?
The first number of the serie is the higher degree.
The following numbers are XY points and should be paired.
Degree can't be higner than the number of XY points.
echo "4 1 0 2 2 3 1 4 4 5 2" | ./polyregress -
./polyregress - <<< "4 1 0 2 2 3 1 4 4 5 2"
or changing instream separator
./polyregress -s ',' - <<< "4,1,0,2,2,3,1,4,4,5,2"
or changing instream separator with debug
./polyregress -d -s ',' - <<< "4,1,0,2,2,3,1,4,4,5,2"
It can perform from x3 upto x20 faster than the initial script, depending on gcc flags.
Default setup is designed for x20.
time echo "4 1 0 2 2 3 1 4 4 5 2" | ./polyregress -
Removing the # line 14 in Makefile, will enforce security adding sanitizers but downperf to x3.
Read Security-related flags and options for C compilers to know more.
Here we are dealing with double type.
You can change the solution accuracy from the solution.h file.
#define SOL_ACCURACY_FMT "14"
Input buffer is limited to 2048 bytes but you can change it in main.
Tests relied on CUnity/Cunit framework.
Build from source (Release v3.2.7), clone repo and follow the Readme.
sudo make install
Build all from root project.
To generate code coverage
Report can be found in doc/covsrc.
- improve tests with coverage
- C++ polyreg to reuse result and play with the gnuplot renderer.
- Array Pointer to understand how to use a 2D matrix with a 1D array and pointers.
- Matrices and Linear Algebra to find most common practices on matrices.