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pierremolinaro committed Oct 28, 2018
1 parent 3dca237 commit 3213eb5
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Showing 15 changed files with 2,785 additions and 0 deletions.
229 changes: 229 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
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141 changes: 141 additions & 0 deletions examples/LoopBackDemoTeensy3x/LoopBackDemoTeensy3x.ino
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// ACAN2517FD Demo in loopback mode, using hardware SPI1, with an external interrupt

#include <ACAN2517FD.h>

// MCP2517 connections: adapt theses settings to your design
// As hardware SPI is used, you should select pins that support SPI functions.
// This sketch is designed for a Teensy 3.5, using SPI1
// But standard Teensy 3.5 SPI1 pins are not used
// SCK input of MCP2517 is connected to pin #32
// SDI input of MCP2517 is connected to pin #0
// SDO output of MCP2517 is connected to pin #1
// CS input of MCP2517 should be connected to a digital output port
// INT output of MCP2517 should be connected to a digital input port, with interrupt capability

static const byte MCP2517_SCK = 32 ; // SCK input of MCP2517
static const byte MCP2517_SDI = 0 ; // SDI input of MCP2517
static const byte MCP2517_SDO = 1 ; // SDO output of MCP2517

static const byte MCP2517_CS = 31 ; // CS input of MCP2517
static const byte MCP2517_INT = 38 ; // INT output of MCP2517

// ACAN2517FD Driver object

ACAN2517FD can (MCP2517_CS, SPI1, MCP2517_INT) ;


void setup () {
//--- Switch on builtin led
digitalWrite (LED_BUILTIN, HIGH) ;
//--- Start serial
Serial.begin (38400) ;
//--- Wait for serial (blink led at 10 Hz during waiting)
while (!Serial) {
delay (50) ;
digitalWrite (LED_BUILTIN, !digitalRead (LED_BUILTIN)) ;
//--- Define alternate pins for SPI1 (see
Serial.print ("Using pin #") ;
Serial.print (MCP2517_SDI) ;
Serial.print (" for MOSI: ") ;
Serial.println (SPI1.pinIsMOSI (MCP2517_SDI) ? "yes" : "NO!!!") ;
Serial.print ("Using pin #") ;
Serial.print (MCP2517_SDO) ;
Serial.print (" for MISO: ") ;
Serial.println (SPI1.pinIsMISO (MCP2517_SDO) ? "yes" : "NO!!!") ;
Serial.print ("Using pin #") ;
Serial.print (MCP2517_SCK) ;
Serial.print (" for SCK: ") ;
Serial.println (SPI1.pinIsSCK (MCP2517_SCK) ? "yes" : "NO!!!") ;
SPI1.setMOSI (MCP2517_SDI) ;
SPI1.setMISO (MCP2517_SDO) ;
SPI1.setSCK (MCP2517_SCK) ;
//----------------------------------- Begin SPI1
SPI1.begin () ;
//--- Configure ACAN2517FD
Serial.println ("Configure ACAN2517FD") ;
ACAN2517FDSettings settings (ACAN2517FDSettings::OSC_4MHz10xPLL, 125 * 1000, ACAN2517FDSettings::DATA_BITRATE_x1) ;
settings.mRequestedMode = ACAN2517FDSettings::InternalLoopBack ; // Select loopback mode
//--- RAM Usage
Serial.print ("MCP2517FD RAM Usage: ") ;
Serial.print (settings.ramUsage ()) ;
Serial.println (" bytes") ;
//--- Begin
const uint32_t errorCode = can.begin (settings, [] { can.isr () ; }) ;
if (errorCode == 0) {
Serial.print ("Bit Rate prescaler: ") ;
Serial.println (settings.mBitRatePrescaler) ;
Serial.print ("Arbitration Phase segment 1: ") ;
Serial.println (settings.mArbitrationPhaseSegment1) ;
Serial.print ("Arbitration Phase segment 2: ") ;
Serial.println (settings.mArbitrationPhaseSegment2) ;
Serial.print ("Arbitration SJW:") ;
Serial.println (settings.mArbitrationSJW) ;
Serial.print ("Actual Arbitration Bit Rate: ") ;
Serial.print (settings.actualArbitrationBitRate ()) ;
Serial.println (" bit/s") ;
Serial.print ("Exact Arbitration Bit Rate ? ") ;
Serial.println (settings.exactArbitrationBitRate () ? "yes" : "no") ;
Serial.print ("Arbitration Sample point: ") ;
Serial.print (settings.arbitrationSamplePointFromBitStart ()) ;
Serial.println ("%") ;
Serial.print ("Configuration error 0x") ;
Serial.println (errorCode, HEX) ;


static unsigned gBlinkLedDate = 0 ;
static unsigned gReceivedFrameCount = 0 ;
static unsigned gSentFrameCount = 0 ;


void loop() {
CANFDMessage frame ;
if (gBlinkLedDate < millis ()) {
gBlinkLedDate += 2000 ;
digitalWrite (LED_BUILTIN, !digitalRead (LED_BUILTIN)) ;
frame.len = 64 ;
for (uint8_t i=0 ; i<frame.len ; i++) { [i] = i ;
const bool ok = can.tryToSend (frame) ;
if (ok) {
gSentFrameCount += 1 ;
Serial.print ("Sent: ") ;
Serial.println (gSentFrameCount) ;
Serial.println ("Send failure") ;
if (can.available ()) {
can.receive (frame) ;
bool ok = frame.len == 64 ;
if (!ok) {
Serial.println ("length error") ;
for (uint8_t i=0 ; (i<frame.len) && ok ; i++) {
ok = [i] == i ;
gReceivedFrameCount ++ ;
Serial.print ("Received: ") ;
Serial.print (gReceivedFrameCount) ;
Serial.print (", ") ;
Serial.println (ok ? "ok" : "error") ;


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