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Brian Cavalier edited this page Sep 1, 2011 · 5 revisions


This plugin lets you apply AOP techniques like decorators, introductions (mixins), and pointcut-based advice aspects to components during the wiring process.


	module: 'wire/debug',
	// aspects
	// Array of aspects to apply during wiring
	aspects: [
		// Can reference aspects declared later in the wire spec
		// Or pointcuts can be declared explicitly
			// pointcut can be Array of Strings, RegExp, or String ref
			// name of pointcut declared later in the wire spec
			pointcut: ['aMethodNameToAdvise', 'anotherMethodNameToAdvise'],
			// Reference to advice declared later in the wire spec
			advice: 'refToAdvice'
		// ... more aspects ...


Decorators allow you to apply a standard decorator pattern explicitly to components in the wire spec.


	// Add the wire/aop plugin
	plugins: [
		{ module: 'wire/aop' }
	// Create a decorator
	// This should be a function that will decorate a component
	myDecorator: { module: 'my/Decorator' },
	// Create a component
	myComponent: {
		// Create an instance of my/Component
		create: 'my/Component',

		// Explicitly decorate it with myDecorator
		// myComponent will be passed as the first parameter to
		// myDecorator.  Other args specified below will be the
		// second, third, etc. parameters.
		decorate: {
			myDecorator: [/* other args to pass to decorator function */]


More coming soon


Introductions allow you to mixin functionality to components in the wire spec.

	// Add the wire/aop plugin
	plugins: [
		{ module: 'wire/aop' }

	// Create the mixin
	// This can be any object
	myMixin: { module: 'my/Mixin' },
	// Create a component
	myComponent: {
		// Create an instance of my/Component
		create: 'my/Component',

		// Explicitly introduce myMixin into myComponent.
		// All of myMixins properties will be added to myComponent.
		introduce: ['myMixin' /*, ... other mixins ... */]

		// Shorthand if you only have a single mixin:
		// introduce: 'myMixin'

More coming soon


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Pointcut-based Advice

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