- It calculate financial year related issue
pip install --upgrade financialyear
- Input may be in 2022 or 2022-23 in
- It Returns the start date and end date of a month for a given financial year and month.
get financial_month_start_month
year = "2023-24" and month as int (e.g., 4 for April)
month_start_date returns a date like "01-04-2023"
month_end_date returns a date like "30-04-2023"
month_list returns all months of the financial year from "04-2023" to "03-2024"
get test as 2022-23 from a date
financial_year = Finyear("2023-24")
print(financial_year.month_start_date(1)) # Output: 01-04-2023
print(financial_year.month_end_date(1)) # Output: 30-04-
print(financial_year.previous_month_dates(month=1)) # return two date like :: (datetime.date(2023, 12, 1), datetime.date(2023, 12, 31))
print(financial_year.month_list()) # Output: ['04-2023', '05-2023', '06-2023', ..., '03-2024']
print(date_to_finyear(date='2022-10-2')) # output : 2022-23