Web-based controller for Yongnuo YN360 Light Wand via Web Bluetooth (LE) API
Note: requires Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Opera.
Try for yourself: https://samuelpinches.com.au/yn360.html
- Supports YN360 and YN360-II Light Wands
- RGB colour and brightness control
- RGB fading between colours
- White light tone control
- White light fading on/off
- Individual light control (for YN360 II wands)
- 8-channel support (for YN360 II wands)
- Open Source!
Version History:
- V1.0: colour and brightness control
- V1.1: Live 'instant' control
- V1.2: multi channel support and fading support
- V1.21: Bugs + cleanup
Development Process
- Code quality: poor
- Time invested: two nights of little sleep
- Fun had: lots
- Observed device errata: wand does not report back when changing colours, only reports back when changing white tones.
More Info: