English at the bottom
Pequeño framework (25kb min, 8kb min y gzip)
Hice el framework usando piezas de diferentes lados, de jquery y otros frameworks, no recuerdo todos ellos, pero si vez algo que sea tuya dejamelo saber para darte crédito por ello, ademas de cosas mías
Maneja selector y cache para las selecciones ademas de algunas funciones útiles
Solo soporte para cliente por ahora
Carga el script en tu header o despues de body
<script src="gecko.min.js"></script>
Puedes usar gecko
o gk
para las funciones
para user el document on ready como en jquery:
//funcionalidad aqui
para ver la version
Gecko usa selectores css2 como:
gk('#h3') //for id
gk('div') //for tags
gk('.class') //by class
gk('.ho1', gk('#h1')) //with context
gk('#h1 > #h11 > div') //inside others, like context
gk('#h1 .ho1') //see more examples in test file
gk('#h5', false) //pasar false para borrar el cache y volver a buscar
Tomar atributos
gk('#h2').a('id') //atributo a
gk('#h2').a('class') //class
gk('#h2').a('class', null); //setear atributo
//setear objeto
var prop = {prop: 1, prop2: 2};
gk('#h4').a('hu', prop);
Ver el html
Borrar elementos
Tomar valores de los inputs
Actualizar estilos
gk('#h2').c('height'); //leer
gk('#h2').c('width', '150px'); //escribir
Soporta eventos
gk('.ho1').e('click', function(){ console.log('hola') }); //al dar click, muestra hola en consola
Revisar si tiene una clase el elemento o setear una clase
Leer cookies
Hacer elemento dragable (que se pueda mover con el mouse)
/* Puedes pasar las siguientes opciones
* options{
* box: gecko object,
* handler: gecko object,
* begin: function,
* dragging: function,
* end: function
* }
También se pueden hacer resizables (cambiar de tamaño)
/* Puedes pasar las siguientes opciones
* options{
* box: gecko obj,
* minx: int or string
* miny: int or string
* begin: function,
* resizing: function,
* end: function
* }
Formatear fechas
gk.df.date(new Date(1324252305569),"dd/MM/yyyy"); //18/12/2011
gk.df.date(new Date(1324252305569),"dd/MMM/yyyy"); //18/Dec/2011
Mas funciones como:
isF //is function
e //evento
eh //manejador del evento
w //en q parte del array esta
f //filtrar array
parallel //ejecutar funciones en paralelo
series //ejecutar funciones en serie
eachParallel //for each en parallel
eachSync //for each synchrony
keys //todas las llaves de un array
eachSeries //each serial
j //para llamadas json/jsonp t.j([url:String], [callback:String(Function name), Function], [timeout,Integer(ms, optional)]);
a //para llamadas ajax
method:[method:String,(GET|POST), optional],
data:[postdata:String|Object, optional],
type:[response Object:String(Text, Xml, ...), optional],
async:[callback:Function, optional]
p //parametrizar objetos t.p([object:Object], [middle:String, optional], [connector:String, optional], [prefix:String, optional], [suffix:String, optional], [filter1:Function, optional], [filter2:Function, optional]);
show //mostrar un elemento
Puedes extender la funcionalidad de gecko con plugins como jquery de la siguiente forma
//plugin boilerplate
//You need an anonymous function to wrap around your function to avoid conflict
(function( gk ){
//Attach this new method to gecko
//This is where you write your plugin's name
pluginname: function() {
//Iterate over the current set of matched elements
return this.each(function() {
//code to be inserted here
})( gecko );
Bugs supongo que muchos :)
Probado en chrome, opera, safari, ff
Si te sirve hazmelo saber para ponerlo en la lista de paginas que lo usan :)
See license
Corre test/test.html para ver los resultados
Usado evidence para las pruebas
Small framework (25kb min, 8kb min and gzip)
I did it by gathering some pieces from here and there some from jquery and other frameworks, i don't recall all of them :( but if you see one let me know to give you credit for it, also have some pieces by my own of course
It has a selector and cache for selection plus some utilities functions
Only supported on client for now
Load the scripts at the header or after the body
<script src="gecko.min.js"></script>
You can use gecko
or gk
To do a document ready like jquery do:
//functions here
To see the version
Gecko use css2 selectors such as
gk('#h3') //for id
gk('div') //for tags
gk('.class') //by class
gk('.ho1', gk('#h1')) //with context
gk('#h1 > #h11 > div') //inside others, like context
gk('#h1 .ho1') //see more examples in test file
gk('#h5', false) //pass false to erase cache
Set/get attributes
gk('#h2').a('id') //attribute a
gk('#h2').a('class') //class
gk('#h2').a('class', null); //set attribute
//set objetc
var prop = {prop: 1, prop2: 2};
gk('#h4').a('hu', prop);
Get the html
Erase elements
Take values from input
Update styles
gk('#h2').c('height'); //read
gk('#h2').c('width', '150px'); //write
Support events
gk('.ho1').e('click', function(){ console.log('hello') }); //on click show hello on console
Check if we have a class in an element or you can set it
Read cookies
Make element draggable
/* You can pass this options
* options{
* box: gecko object,
* handler: gecko object,
* begin: function,
* dragging: function,
* end: function
* }
Can make them resizable also
/* You can pass this options
* options{
* box: gecko obj,
* minx: int or string
* miny: int or string
* begin: function,
* resizing: function,
* end: function
* }
format dates
gk.df.date(new Date(1324252305569),"dd/MM/yyyy"); //18/12/2011
gk.df.date(new Date(1324252305569),"dd/MMM/yyyy"); //18/Dec/2011
More functions like:
isF //is function
e //events
eh //event handler
w //which part on the array is it
f //filter array
parallel //execute functions in parallel
series //execute functions in serial
eachParallel //for each in parallel
eachSync //for each synchrony
keys //all keys
eachSeries //each serial
j //to make calls json/jsonp t.j([url:String], [callback:String(Function name), Function], [timeout,Integer(ms, optional)]);
a //to make ajax calls
method:[method:String,(GET|POST), optional],
data:[postdata:String|Object, optional],
type:[response Object:String(Text, Xml, ...), optional],
async:[callback:Function, optional]
p //parametrize objects t.p([object:Object], [middle:String, optional], [connector:String, optional], [prefix:String, optional], [suffix:String, optional], [filter1:Function, optional], [filter2:Function, optional]);
show //show an element
Functions can be chained
You can extend the functionality with plugins
//plugin boilerplate
//You need an anonymous function to wrap around your function to avoid conflict
(function( gk ){
//Attach this new method to gecko
//This is where you write your plugin's name
pluginname: function() {
//Iterate over the current set of matched elements
return this.each(function() {
//code to be inserted here
})( gecko );
Maybe a lot of bugs, but you can help
Tested on chrome, opera, safari, ff
See license
Run test/test.hml to see the results
Evidence used to do the testing