Mithril semantic-ui calendar widget
It requires mithril and semantic-ui-table and semantic-ui-grid
It is expected for mithril to be in global (m variable) or it will attempt to load it with require('mithril')
, webpack its recommended
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src="bower_components/mithril/mithril.js"></script>
<script src="Calendar.js"></script>
<script src="test.js"></script>
(function (m, Calendar) {
var module = {};
module.controller = function () {
module.vm = {};
module.vm.init = function (data) {
this.customers = data;
this.rowsperpage = 10;
this.filter = m.prop('');
this.calendar = new Calendar({
mindate: new Date(new Date().getTime() + 10*24*60*60*1000),
maxdate: new Date(new Date().getTime() + 30*24*60*60*1000 + 10000000)
this.calendar2 = new Calendar({small: true});
module.view = function (/*ctrl*/) {
return m('', [
m('', [
m('h1.ui.dividing.header', 'Calendar Widget')
m('', [
m('h2', 'Basic Calendar'),
m('button.ui..button.primary', {
onclick: function() {
}, 'get')
m('', [
m('h2', 'Small Calendar'),
m('.row', [
m('.ui.column.five.wide', [
m('.ui.grid', [
m('button.ui.button.primary', {
onclick: function() {
}, 'get')
m.module(window.document.body, module);
}(m, Calendar));
It accepts the following properties, all of them are optional
- mindate, min date that can be selected
- maxdate, max date that can be selected
- small, boolean, if you want to show a small calendar
- value, date, current selected date
- formatCell, function to format the cell, recieves a date object,
- time, boolean, to display the time
- onclick, function to react when the cell its clicked, doesnt work if formatcell its passed too
- i18n, object map with:
- monthsLong, array of string months in a long format
January, February
... - months, array of string months in a small format
Jan, Feb
... - daysLong, array of string days in a long format
Monday, Tuesday
... - days, array of string days in a small format
Mon, Tue
- monthsLong, array of string months in a long format
Creating a calendar
var calendar = new Calendar({
mindate: new Calendar();
Loading the view calendar
m('div', calendar.view())
You can jump to a date with
calendar.goToDate(date); //date must be a Date object
You can get the seleted date
calendar.getDate(); //returns Date object
You can set the maxdate and mindate