This is the core module for the piveau data platform. It manages syncs the triple store and the search index and provides a rich RESTful API.
In order to run the hub requires some other services
- Virtuoso Triplestore (Mandatory)
- piveau-search (Highly recommended)
- piveau-shacl-validation (Recommended)
- piveau-data-upload (Recommended)
- piveau-translation-service (Optional)
- Keycloak (Optional)
- Java JDK 11
- Maven
- Docker and Docker Compose
- Clone the repository and navigate into the directory
$ cp conf/config.sample.json conf/config.json
$ docker-compose up -d
- Wait a couple of seconds.
- Check if the search service was initialized properly by browsing to http://localhost:8081
- If an error is displayed restart the search service
docker-compose restart piveau-search
- Start the hub
- Windows:
$ redeploy.bat
- Linux/MacOS:
$ ./
- or
$ mvn package exec:java
- Browse to http://localhost:8080
- The provided Docker Compose file includes all services for local setup and development
- You can start it either entirely or select required services
- Currently it does not include the translation service and the Keycloak
$ mvn clean package
$ sudo docker build -t=hub .
$ sudo docker run -p 8080:8080 -d piveau-hub
- A sample configuration can be found in conf/config.sample.json
- The sample configuration works well with the provided docker-compose file
Name | Description | Type |
PIVEAU_HUB_SERVICE_PORT | The port for the service | number |
PIVEAU_HUB_SEARCH_CLI_CONFIG.port | The port for the CLI service | number |
PIVEAU_HUB_SEARCH_CLI_CONFIG.type | Type of the CLI service | string |
PIVEAU_HUB_API_KEY | The API key of the service | string |
PIVEAU_HUB_AUTHORIZATION_PROCESS_DATA.publicKey | Public key of the Keycloak service | string |
PIVEAU_HUB_AUTHORIZATION_PROCESS_DATA.clientID | Client ID of backend instance | string |
PIVEAU_HUB_AUTHORIZATION_PROCESS_DATA.client_secret | Keycloak secret for client | string |
PIVEAU_HUB_AUTHORIZATION_PROCESS_DATA.keycloak_uri | Keycloak Host | string |
PIVEAU_HUB_AUTHORIZATION_PROCESS_DATA.keycloak_realm | Keycloak realm name | string |
PIVEAU_HUB_AUTHORIZATION_PROCESS_DATA.default_owner | Default owner of all keycloak resources | string |
PIVEAU_HUB_BASE_URI | The RDF base url | string | | URL of the triplestore | string |
PIVEAU_HUB_TRIPLESTORE_CONFIG.port | Port of the triplestore | number |
PIVEAU_HUB_TRIPLESTORE_CONFIG.data_endpoint | Relative CRUD endpoint of the triplestore | string |
PIVEAU_HUB_TRIPLESTORE_CONFIG.query_endpoint | Relative query endpoint of the triplestore | string | | Relative ping endpoint of the triplestore | string |
PIVEAU_HUB_TRIPLESTORE_CONFIG.user | Username for the triplestore | string |
PIVEAU_HUB_TRIPLESTORE_CONFIG.password | Password for the triplestorell | string |
PIVEAU_HUB_VALIDATOR.enabled | Enable the use of the validator | bool |
PIVEAU_HUB_VALIDATOR.url | The URL of the validator service | string |
PIVEAU_HUB_SEARCH_SERVICE.url | Host of the piveau-search service | string |
PIVEAU_HUB_SEARCH_SERVICE.port | Port of the piveau-search service | number |
PIVEAU_HUB_SEARCH_SERVICE.api_key | API key of the piveau-search service | string |
PIVEAU_HUB_LOAD_VOCABULARIES | Enable the loading of RDF vocabularies | bool |
PIVEAU_HUB_LOAD_VOCABULARIES_FETCH | Enable the loading of RDF vocabularies from remote | bool |
PIVEAU_TRANSLATION_SERVICE.enable | Enable the machine translation service | bool |
PIVEAU_TRANSLATION_SERVICE.accepted_languages | Target languages to be translated | array |
PIVEAU_TRANSLATION_SERVICE.translation_service_url | URL of the translation servic | string |
PIVEAU_TRANSLATION_SERVICE.callback_url | URL of the callback for the translation service | string |
PIVEAU_DATA_UPLOAD.url | URL of the data upload service | string |
PIVEAU_DATA_UPLOAD.service_url | Base URL of the download URL for the data | string |
PIVEAU_DATA_UPLOAD.api_key | API key of the data upload service | string |
PIVEAU_HUB_CORS_DOMAINS | Remote URLs, without protocol, that are allowed to access the hub | JSON Array of strings |
greeting | Meaningless string | string |
- It may be possible that Elasticsearch won't start, which requires some tweaks. Please refer to this documentation: