This provides django the ability of dynamic switching of the settings.SIDE_ID. This allows you to then alter the template paths based on the SITE_ID by referencing settings.SITE_FOLDERS.
The way this works is first by dynamically setting (thread-safe) the settings.SITE_ID based on the request.get_host() (which is based in part on request.META['HTTP_HOST']). Once the SITE_ID is established, then it uses that to dynamically look up any template path folder structure you define.
Lets assume we want to have all traffic going to // to use our new templates tree
called 'beta' for a new template app_detail.html
. This app will allows you to place the
following templates folder structure in your app to achieve this:
We need to reference the two sites in question - so in the sites app assume the following. SITE_ID: 1 domain: SITE_ID: 2 domain:
Now to enable this to work you need to do the following:
Add the
to the settings.INSTALLED_APPS -
Add the
to the settings.TEMPLATE_LOADERS. I put it first. -
Add the
to the settings.MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES -
Add the following settings to reference the folder beta.
SITE_FOLDERS = { 2: 'beta', }
That's it.
Now when you go to // you will use the template in the beta tree and when you go to the list view on beta it will refer to the parent app_list.html.
You do NOT need to reference the SITE_ID 1 as there isn't a path change for that.
You don't have to put every url. We also support the notion of aliases through the use of settings.SITE_ALIASES dictionary. This will force // to also use the beta templates.
SITE_ALIASES = { '': 2, }
- 1.0.x Django 1.8
- 1.1.x Django 1.9 < 2
- Update the
inside of the application. Commit and push. - Tag the release with the version.
git tag <version> -m "Release"; git push --tags
- Build the release
rm -rf dist build *egg-info; python sdist bdist_wheel
- Upload the data
twine upload dist/*
Have fun!