This utility is primarily design to work with JIRA projects, nevertheless can be used in combination with clickup or other tools relying on ticket numbers (e.g. AB-100). The project prefix is customisable via command line tool. See the configuration section below.
In your project directory, run following command to install @pixelygroup/eslint-config-px
and husky
npm i -D @pixelygroup/commit-checker husky
- To use the tool add the following to your package.json:
// package.json
"husky": {
"hooks": {
"commit-msg": "px-commit -- -E HUSKY_GIT_PARAMS"
- Configure the project code by running the following code from your project folder.
npx px-commit --init
This will crate .pxcommitcheckrc
file in the root folder of your project and generate allowed regex strings to match XX-000 some message
and Release 1.1.1
commit messages.
Alternatively, you can create the file manually and add your own patterns
/^Release \d\.\d\.\d(-.+)?/
For more information about husky visit: