The CRUD stands for Create, Read/Retrieve, Update, and Delete. These are the four basic functions of the persistence storage. The CRUD operation can be defined as user interface conventions that allow view, search, and modify information through computer-based forms and reports.
The controller is RESTFul and returns data in a JSON format.
public String showFormForAdd(Model theModel) {
// create model attribute to bind form data
Employee theEmployee = new Employee();
theModel.addAttribute("employee", theEmployee);
return "/employees/employee-form";
public String saveEmployee(@ModelAttribute("employee") Employee theEmployee) {
// save the employee;
// use a redirect to prevent duplicate submissions
return "redirect:/employees/list";
public String listEmployees(Model theModel) {
// get employees from db
List<Employee> theEmployees = employeeService.findAll();
// add to the spring model
theModel.addAttribute("employees", theEmployees);
return "/employees/list-employees";
public String showFormForUpdate(@RequestParam("employeeId") int theId,
Model theModel) {
// get the employee from the service
Employee theEmployee = employeeService.findById(theId);
// set employee as a model attribute to pre-populate the form
theModel.addAttribute("employee", theEmployee);
// send over to our form
return "/employees/employee-form";
public String delete(@RequestParam("employeeId") int theId) {
// delete the employee
// redirect to /employees/list
return "redirect:/employees/list";
Here we have the implementation of the sorting method.
public List<Employee> findAll() {
return employeeRepository.findAllByOrderByLastNameAsc();
public List<Employee> searchBy(String theName) {
List<Employee> results = null;
if (theName != null && (theName.trim().length() > 0)) {
results = employeeRepository.findByFirstNameContainsOrLastNameContainsAllIgnoreCase(theName, theName);
else {
results = findAll();
return results;
In the application, we want to display content based on user role.
- Employee role: users in this role will only be allowed to list employees.
- Manager role: users in this role will be allowed to list, add and update employees.
- Admin role: users in this role will be allowed to list, add, update and delete employees.
These restrictions are currently in place with the code:
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.antMatchers("/employees/showForm*").hasAnyRole("MANAGER", "OWNER")
.antMatchers("/employees/save*").hasAnyRole("MANAGER", "OWNER")
.antMatchers("/employees/delete").hasAnyRole("ADMIN", "OWNER")
.antMatchers("/employees/**").hasAnyRole("EMPLOYEE", "OWNER")
We also, want to hide/display the links on the view page. For example, if the user has only the "EMPLOYEE" role, then we should only display links available for "EMPLOYEE" role. Links for "MANAGER" and "ADMIN" role should not be displayed for the "EMPLOYEE".
We can make use of Thymeleaf Security to handle this for us.
- Add support for Thymeleaf Security To use the Thymeleaf Security, we need to add the following to the XML Namespace
File: list-employees.html
<html lang="en"
Note the reference for xmlns:sec
- "Update" button Only display the "Update" button for users with role of MANAGER OR ADMIN
<div sec:authorize="hasAnyRole('ROLE_MANAGER', 'ROLE_OWNER')">
<a th:href="@{/employees/showFormForAdd}"
class="btn btn-primary btn-sm mr-5 mb-3">
Add Employee
- "Delete" buton Only display the "Delete" button for users with role of ADMIN
<!-- Add "delete" button/link -->
<a th:href="@{/employees/delete(employeeId=${})}"
class="btn btn-danger btn-sm"
onclick="if (!(confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this employee?'))) return false">
- Before running the application, make sure the database tables are set up (via SQL files). Also, be sure to update for database connection (url, userid, pass)
# JDBC properties
# app.datasource.jdbc-url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/employee_directory?useSSL=false&serverTimezone=UTC
# Spring Data JPA properties
# SECURITY JDBC properties
- Run the Spring Boot application:
package com.luv2code.springboot.thymeleafdemo;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
public class ThymeleafdemoApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
Open a web browser for the app: http://localhost:8080
Log in using one of the accounts
| user id | password | roles |
| john | cse123 | ROLE_EMPLOYEE |
| mary | cse123 | ROLE_EMPLOYEE, ROLE_MANAGER |
| susan | cse123 | ROLE_EMPLOYEE, ROLE_ADMIN |
| chris | cse123 | ROLE_EMPLOYEE, ROLE_OWNER |
- Confirm that you can login and access data based on the roles.