inspired by []
SHOGUN is a decentralized wallet manager that uses Gun.js to handle wallets and private keys directly in the browser. It provides a complete authentication and key management system with support for stealth addresses.
π Advanced Security
- Secure private key management with Web Crypto API
- Stealth address support
- End-to-end encryption
- Secure entropy management
π Decentralization
- Distributed storage with Gun.js
- P2P synchronization
- No central server
π Portability
- Complete data import/export
- Encrypted backups
- Multi-device support
- Cross-platform localStorage management
- Node.js >= 16.0.0
- npm >= 7.0.0
- Modern browser with Web Crypto API support
- For Node.js: crypto module support
# Install from npm
npm install @scobru/shogun
# Or clone the repository
git clone
cd shogun
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Build
npm run build
# Test
npm test
import { WalletManager, StorageType } from '@scobru/shogun'
// Initialize with custom Gun configuration
const manager = new WalletManager({
peers: [''],
localStorage: true,
radisk: false
// Create account with error handling
try {
await manager.createAccount('username', 'password');
} catch (error) {
console.error('Account creation failed:', error);
// Login
const pubKey = await manager.login('username', 'password');
// Create wallet
const gunKeyPair = manager.getCurrentUserKeyPair();
const { walletObj, entropy } = await WalletManager.createWalletObj(gunKeyPair);
console.log('Address:', walletObj.address);
console.log('Private Key:', walletObj.privateKey);
console.log('Entropy:', walletObj.entropy);
// Save wallet (multiple options)
await manager.saveWallet(walletObj, pubKey, StorageType.BOTH); // Gun + localStorage
await manager.saveWallet(walletObj, pubKey, StorageType.GUN); // Gun only
await manager.saveWalletLocally(walletObj, pubKey); // localStorage only
// Retrieve wallet
const walletFromBoth = await manager.retrieveWallet(pubKey, StorageType.BOTH);
const walletFromGun = await manager.retrieveWallet(pubKey, StorageType.GUN);
const walletFromLocal = await manager.retrieveWalletLocally(pubKey);
const manager = new WalletManager({
peers: [
localStorage: true,
radisk: true,
gun: existingGunInstance, // Use existing Gun instance
try {
// Create account
await manager.createAccount('username', 'password');
// Login
const pubKey = await manager.login('username', 'password');
// Create and save wallet
const { walletObj } = await WalletManager.createWalletObj(manager.getCurrentUserKeyPair());
await manager.saveWallet(walletObj, pubKey, StorageType.BOTH);
} catch (error) {
if (error.message.includes('already exists')) {
console.error('Account already exists');
} else if (error.message.includes('network')) {
console.error('Network error:', error);
} else {
console.error('Unknown error:', error);
// Create wallet from specific salt
const salt = 'my_custom_salt';
const wallet = await WalletManager.createWalletFromSalt(gunKeyPair, salt);
console.log('Address:', wallet.address);
console.log('Entropy:', wallet.entropy); // Will match the salt
// Verify different wallets are created from different salts
const wallet1 = await WalletManager.createWalletFromSalt(gunKeyPair, 'salt1');
const wallet2 = await WalletManager.createWalletFromSalt(gunKeyPair, 'salt2');
console.log(wallet1.address !== wallet2.address); // true
// Check local data
const status = await manager.checkLocalData(pubKey);
console.log('Has wallet:', status.hasWallet);
console.log('Has stealth keys:', status.hasStealthKeys);
console.log('Has passkey:', status.hasPasskey);
// Save wallet locally
await manager.saveWalletLocally(wallet, pubKey);
// Retrieve local wallet
const localWallet = await manager.retrieveWalletLocally(pubKey);
// Clear local data
await manager.clearLocalData(pubKey);
// Export all data
const backup = await manager.exportAllData(pubKey);
// Import data
await manager.importAllData(backup, pubKey);
// Export Gun keypair only
const keypair = await manager.exportGunKeyPair();
// Import Gun keypair
const pubKey = await manager.importGunKeyPair(keypairJson);
- Private keys are never stored in plain text
- Entropy is used for deterministic wallet derivation
- Web Crypto API used in browser
- Node crypto used in Node.js
- Private key and address validation
// Example of secure storage
const walletData = {
address: wallet.address,
entropy: wallet.entropy // Private key is derived when needed
// Data is stored encrypted
await manager.saveWalletLocally(wallet, pubKey);
// Always clean sensitive data when not needed
await manager.clearLocalData(pubKey);
For debugging purposes, you can:
- Enable Gun.js debug logs by setting the environment variable:
Use browser developer tools to inspect:
- Gun data synchronization
- localStorage contents
- Network requests
Monitor Gun events:
const manager = new WalletManager();
const gun = manager.getGun();
// Monitor all Gun events
gun.on('out', data => {
console.log('Gun out:', data);
gun.on('in', data => {
console.log('Gun in:', data);
- Check localStorage state:
// Inspect stored data
const status = await manager.checkLocalData(pubKey);
console.log('Local storage status:', status);
- Use try-catch blocks for error handling:
try {
await manager.createAccount('username', 'password');
} catch (error) {
console.error('Operation failed:', error);
interface WalletData {
address: string; // Ethereum address
privateKey: string; // Private key
entropy: string; // Entropy used for generation
interface WalletResult {
walletObj: WalletData;
entropy: string;
interface StealthAddressResult {
stealthAddress: string;
ephemeralPublicKey: string;
recipientPublicKey: string;
enum StorageType {
GUN, // Gun only
LOCAL, // localStorage only
BOTH // Both
# All tests
npm test
# Specific tests
npm test -- -g "Local Storage"
npm test -- -g "Wallet Creation"
npm test -- -g "Gun KeyPair"
# Test with coverage
npm run test:coverage
- Chrome >= 80
- Firefox >= 78
- Safari >= 14
- Edge >= 80
- Web Crypto API support required
- localStorage support required
- Version >= 16.0.0
- crypto module
- node-localstorage for localStorage compatibility
- Gun.js for distributed storage
Pull requests are welcome! For major changes:
- π΄ Fork the repository
- π§ Create a branch (
git checkout -b feature/amazing
) - πΎ Commit changes (
git commit -m 'Add feature'
) - π Push branch (
git push origin feature/amazing
) - π Open a Pull Request
- WebAuthn/Passkey authentication
- StealthChain smart contracts