- This is my pet project. Project based at Yii2 Minimal
- Have no version
- Summary of set up
- Configuration
- Dependencies
- Database configuration
- How to run tests
- Deployment instructions
- Check your local web-site
- Future changes
home/ contains all main work code what you can not get outer from server.
home/apps/ contains all application.
home/myLittleHelper/ contains my little script what helps me write configuration for Application
home/yii2/ contains yii2-framework and composer for update.
home/yii2/vendor contains yii2-frameworks dependent 3rd-party packages.
www/ contains the entry script and Web resources
For details about structure into application better look any Yii2 doc
The minimum requirement by this application template that your Web server supports PHP 5.4.0.
- Create project's dir
- Get project via git
- Install vendor via composer
- Create log files (optional)
- Prepare server
- Set permissions
- Create database
Create a dir where you want to create that project, on your taste.
Following commands will downloading project to your directory:
$ git init
$ git clone https://github.com/planet17/self-recruiting-panel .
Use composer for get vendor part of project. If you do not have Composer, you may install it by following instructions at getcomposer.org.
After installing Composer, run the following command to install the Composer Asset Plugin:
$ php composer global require "fxp/composer-asset-plugin:~1.1.0"
If you have Composer and Plugin yet, then just install vendor via composer using the following command at home/yii2
$ cd home/yii2
$ php composer install
NOTES: If you get error with fxp like:
[ReflectionException] - Class Fxp\Composer\AssetPlugin\Repository\NpmRepository does not exist
Use following command to fix it:
$ composer global update fxp/composer-asset-plugin --no-plugins
Create files for logs [optional - if you don't need this you can skip this step] You can create dir and files using the following command:
$ mkdir log
$ touch log/access.log|touch log/error.log
Prepare your server. Add domain to your host. I run my app at my local. I use it at my:
Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS
Server an Apache >= 2.4 or Nginx >= 1.4
PHP >= 5.6
So as example add domain to my hosts: http://[my.domain.name]
Use following command:
$ sudo gedit /etc/hosts
b) Example of my settings for Apache2:
DocumentRoot [path-to-the-dir]/www
<Directory [path-to-the-dir]/www>
Options Indexes FollowSymlinks
AllowOverride All
Require all granted
ErrorLog [path-to-the-dir]/log/error.log
CustomLog [path-to-the-dir]/log/access.log combined
- About add an ErrorLog and CustomLog is optional, so if you don't create logs dir above...
I use single file for all my setting of apache. I almost sure what you use other way to configuration. So be care, cause you might to do other actions. But anyway for example (If you need it). I write sets from above to the file from the following command:
$ sudo gedit /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf
c) And finally for preparing server you can restart it by following command:
$ sudo service apache2 restart
>> back to installation << Now setting of permission don't work automatically, so you need using the following command:
$ chmod 777 home/apps/common/runtime
$ chmod 777 home/apps/web/runtime
$ chmod 777 home/apps/api/runtime
$ chmod 777 www/assets
I create database and user through bash, you can use any other way at your taste. For example I marked only password but you can change DATABASE NAME and USER too. Any restrictions for that.
Get access to database by following command:
$ mysql -h localhost -u root -p
Then into MySql console I use following commands:
CREATE DATABASE srp_db CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;
CREATE USER 'srp_manager'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '[your_password]';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON srp_db . * TO 'srp_manager'@'localhost';
TODO that item.
Create all tables by migrates through Yii-console-application.
Go to home/yii2
and using the following Yii-command:
$ cd home/yii2
$ php yii migrate/new
$ php yii migrate
You need rename file /home/apps/common/config/db-local.php-dist
, to php
Also edit this file with real data, for example:
return [
'class' => 'yii\db\Connection',
'dsn' => 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=srp_db',
'username' => 'srp_manager',
'password' => '[your_password]',
'charset' => 'utf8',
- Don't forget that instructions only about development version.
When you need prepare project to PRODUCTION you need changes into
, just comment following:
// comment out the following two lines when deployed to production
defined('YII_DEBUG') or define('YII_DEBUG', true);
defined('YII_ENV') or define('YII_ENV', 'dev');
And also you need set-up all other configuration file server-version what you will have:
- All command work relatively to root-dir of project. I usually use terminal into my IDE, so I don't need to write a full path.
- Yii won't create the database for you, this has to be done manually before you can access it.
- Check and edit the other files in the
directory to customize your application as required.
Now you should be able to access the application through the following URL, assuming your server webroot is pointed to
Login and password to panel:
lgn: demo@demo
pwd: demodemo
- If you get an error 403 with htaccess while following URL, it is might be cause you download project by zip-archive or any other way, what is reason for wrong permission in project. Following command help you fix it:
$ find ./ -type f -exec chmod 0644 {} \;
$ find ./ -type d -exec chmod 0755 {} \;
After used it, you might be need set-up permissions again.
Look `REQUIREMENTS.md` for that.
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