Firebot script to scroll end stream credits.
- Add this to the script directory in Firebot. Custom scripts must be enabled.
- If you already have a pm.includes folder, this should add to it, and may replace existing files. Up to you, if you have made any local changes to files that it overwrites.
- You should end up with a credits folder, with a data folder, with folders for each action.
In Firebot create events with the following chat effect:
(check whisper and enter your username for each)
- Follow
- !creditcommands add follows $(user)
- Sub
- !creditcommands add subs $(user)
- Host
- !creditcommands add hosts $(user)
- Banned
- !creditcommands add bans $(user)
In Firebot create the following commands:
- creditCmds
- Trigger: !creditcommands
- Custom script: credits.js
- rollcredits
- Trigger: !rollcredits
- Toggle Connection -> Interactive (this is optional, but I prefer to turn off other buttons for credits)
- Custom script: credits.js
- Chat: whisper a message to yourself telling you credits started (optional)
- wipecredits
- Trigger: !wc
- Chat: (whisper yourself) !creditcommands clear
- dono
- Trigger: !dono
- Chat: (whisper yourself) !creditcommands add donos
$(arg1) $ (user) true
This can be a button, or a command. Totally up to you.
Create a button or command for your mods to add themselves to the credits, to show they were here and helped.
Chat (whisper yourself) !creditcommands add mods
In the pm.includes/credits folder you can edit
- Titles
- Sponsors
- Just an array of names, adjust to your liking. I left mine as examples.
- Images
- I stuck mine on Imgur and left them in the file for examples for you. You can add/remove to your needs.
- Note how the twitter image has a "txt" value, you can do that with each image if you wanted.
- Tracking booleans
- Set a section to false, to not track it.
In the settings.js file
After setting up, close Firebot and refresh your source just to be sure (OBS, xSplit, etc)
- When you get a donation, use the !dono command ex: !dono @mrviewer
- To wipe the credits for a new stream, or at the end of the stream use !wc (you can whisper this to yourself too)
- To start the credits at the end of the stream, type !rollcredits.
I switch to a scene w music when I run the credits.
The timing, for now is based off total number of names. Its a best guess, and you can tweak it in the credits.js file around line 163. But for reference default is 60 seconds, > 100 is 90 seconds, > 200 is 120 seconds, and so on. Again, best guess.
Im sure there will be issues. This is just a script I wrote for myself, and wanted to share with the rest of my friends at Mixer.