A lightweight, library for for creating 3D apps in React that supports Physics, Pointer Events, Gaussian Splats and a built-in Scripts out of the box.

Install with your favorite package manager...
npm install @playcanvas/react playcanvas
Create a sphere component
import { Application, Entity } from '@playcanvas/react'
import { Camera } from "@playcanvas/react/components"
import { OrbitControls } from "@playcanvas/react/scripts"
const App = () => {
return (
<Entity position={[0, 2, 0]}>
<OrbitControls />
<Entity >
<Render type="sphere" />
Et voilà! ✨
The library is built around the PlayCanvas engine and comes with lots of features for creating more complex content including...
- 🎭 Simple Scene API
- ⏳ Suspenseful Asset loading
- ️👆 Pointer Events
- 🛠️ Physics out of the box
- ⚡ Script component for high frequency updates
- 🏗️ Entity Component System
To find out more, check the Getting Started guide for a walk through, or see the other examples in the Playground.