Archiving 2018:
ctf/thc18: challenges written for the THC18 on-site CTF
18/tim: randomly search for a worst-case for python's sort
18/ Bourne-again shell profiler
18/hn: HackerNews survey
18/cv: my curriculum vitæ (2017)
18/sown: A small game for Christmas written in few days
18/sntt: rewriting LWE crypto libraries to learn the hard way
18/fenestre: feature-less gateway (to be rebooted)
Archiving 2017:
ctf/thc17: challenges written for the THC17 on-site CTF
17/binfmt_misc: poor man's rootkit (some trivia involving binary formats)
17/flocks: millions of boids flocks around and toward the mouse
17/ah: rating of various ah! and denis brogniart's ah! with librosa
17/ slicing conference audio with librosa
17/eightdom: a small game about playing against yourself in a terminal
17/plcp: drop-in repository to setup a local env. to be "at home" everywhere
17/cervel: unfinished work about graph-based calculus units (to be rebooted)
17/cars: millions of cars driving toward the mouse pointer
17/spock: rock-paper-scissors-lizard-spock against a pool of 1 million players
17/perlant: « ants » with few recurrent neurons evolve to eat perlin noise
17/learn-keytoy: learning few keystrokes online (mirroring steckdenis/nnetcpp)
17/fuddly-wu: unfinished work related to Fuddly (a fuzzer written in python)
17/crawlixio: quick crawler – poll & retrieve pastes
17/.firefox-nightly: drop-in repository to setup a local firefox nightly build
Archiving 2016:
16/qbinstr: quick & basic dynamoRIO binary instrumentation