To be able to easily use this project, the MRT-Environment must be set up first. Please clone it from its own repository (git clone and execute the installer script before continuing with this tutorial.
The project is compiled using a makefile. To be able to compile, the $P variable in Makefile must point to the directory with the arm cross-compilation tools. This should already be the case if the workspace is located inside the MRT-Environment folder. Otherwise, please adjust it.
Before this project can be debugged remotely, you need to do some preparations:
Create the path /home/pi/remote-debugging/ on the RapberryPi. mkdir /home/pi/remote-debugging/ && chmod 777 /home/pi/remote-debugging/
This only needs to be done if the connection hasn't been created before. Note: the Raspberry Pi must be on the same network (try pinging it using the ping command from a console to verify).
- In the eclipse menu, open Window/Open Perspective/Other....
- select Remote System Explorer (RSE).
- Open the RSE perspective (upper right corner).
- Define a connection to a remote system (first icon in the left panel).
- In the new conncection assistant select SSH Only.
- Press Next and enter the IP-address of you Raspberry Pi in the Host field.
- In the Name field enter e.g. 'RemoteRPI'.
- Switch back to the C/C++ perspective.
- In the Eclipse menu, open Run/Debug Configurations....
- Select the HelloAssembler Auto Remote Debug configuration.
- On the Main tab, in the Connection: field, choose the just created connection.
From the bug icon drop-down in the toolbar select HelloAssembler Auto Remote Debug.