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Releases: pmhalvor/website

Reactor home: Flask/Notion

06 Mar 16:06
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The home site has been converted to a Flask app instead of Django app to be more lightweight.
The Postgres SQL databases have been replaced with a Notion integration for easier updated of the content present there.

Also, GitHub Actions has been configured to build and push the current site to on commits to master and tagged releases.

The necessary update on my server have been made to serve the new containerized site including: a new nginx config, docker login to ghcr, and watchtower restarting the image when changes are detected.

A new release should be coming soon with a similar update for radio from a Django app -> Streamlit app.

Plots implemented on Radio app

17 Feb 21:37
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Some plots were added to the radio page, using the data stored in a csv-file in my Azure account. These plots includes both this listening history data form the previous 6 months (auto-updating), as well as some API calls the Spotify for song durations.