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How getInitialProps work

It runs in both server and client:

  • Run only on the server at the initial page load.
  • Run on client if we make client-side navigation to other parts of your application through the <Link> and come back to the page using getInitialProps.

Let's say we have below pages:

function MyApp({Component, pageProps}: AppProps) {
    return <Component {...pageProps} />;

MyApp.getInitialProps = async (context: AppContext): Promise<AppInitialProps & any> => {
    const ctx = await App.getInitialProps(context)
    return {...ctx, example: 'data'}
export default MyApp

const Hello = () => {
    return (
Hello.getInitialProps = async (context: NextPageContext) => {
    return {name: 'Linh'}
export default Hello

The flow will be:

MyApp.getInitialProps → Hello.getInitialProps → MyApp render → Hello render

Note that: Each time we navigate to other page by using <Link> above flow will run again. That means MyApp re-render


yarn add @reduxjs/toolkit react-redux next-redux-wrapper

How next-redux-wrapper work

Let's say we have below snippet:

type MyAppProps = Omit<AppProps, 'pageProps'> &
    PageInitialProps &
    { someField: number } &
    { initialState: AppState }

 * MyAppProps contains 2 importance fields:
 *   - pageProps: Data return from appCallback
 *   - initialState: Data of Redux store
const MyApp = ({Component,}: MyAppProps) => {
    console.log('pageProps:', rest.pageProps);
    console.log('initialState:', rest.initialState);

    const {store, props} = wrapper.useWrappedStore(rest);

    return (
        <Provider store={store}>
            <h1> {rest.pageProps.someField}</h1>
            <Component {...props.pageProps} />

interface PageInitialProps {
    pageProps: any // any is anything return from children.getInitialProps (Hello.getInitialProps)

const appCallback: AppCallback<any, any> = store => async (appCtx): Promise<PageInitialProps> => {
    // childrenInitialProps.pageProps → { name: 'Linh' }
    const childrenInitialProps: PageInitialProps = await App.getInitialProps(appCtx);

    if (appCtx.ctx.req) {
        // If that process runs in server, we need to wait all thunk run complete
        // await allThunksPromise()

    // { name: 'Linh', someField: 42 }
    return {
        pageProps: {
            someField: 42,
 * wrapper.getInitialAppProps will:
 *   - Create store
 *   - Invoke appCallback
 *     - appCallback will invoke Hello.getInitialProps → update some data in store's state
 *   - Then return { initialState: AppState, pageProps: Return type of appCallback}
 *   @see wrapper.getInitialAppProps
 *   @see wrapper.makeProps
MyApp.getInitialProps = wrapper.getInitialAppProps(appCallback)
Run wrapper.getInitialAppProps. Call as makeProps phase. See: wrapper.makeProps
    Create store with default state
    Run MyApp.getInitialProps and Child.getInitialProps
    Store's state will be updated. 
        If running in serer we must wait all thunk run complete
    Pass data to MyApp as props: 
          pageProps: Data return from MyApp.getInitialProps
          initialState: State of redux store, 
Render MyApp
    Run wrapper.useWrappedStore;
        Create store with default state
        Dispatch __NEXT_REDUX_WRAPPER_HYDRATE__ action with payload is initialState above
Send to client
    Serialize MyApp's props to json
    Put to `<script id="__NEXT_DATA__" type="application/json">`

Server-side render

  1. Server: wrapper.getInitialAppProps
  • Create Store with initial state
  • Run app callback
    • Invoke appCallbackHello.getInitialProps
    • Above process will dispatch some actions → add some data into Store's state
  • Store's state now has data from appCallback and Hello.getInitialProps
  • If we config debug we can see log:
    • 1. getProps created store with state <initial_state> ({ user: { name: 'Linh' } })
    • 3. getProps after dispatches has store state <state_after_dispatch_some_action> { user: { name: 'Pham' } }
  • Then return {initialState: ReduxAppState, pageProps: Return type of appCallback}
const getInitialAppProps = (appCallback) => {
    const {initialProps, initialState} = await makeProps();
    return {

const makeProps = async () => {
    const store = initStore({context, makeStore});

    if (config.debug) console.log(`1. getProps created store with state`, store.getState());

    const initialProps = appCallback(context)

    if (config.debug) console.log(`3. getProps after dispatches has store state`, store.getState());

    return {
        initialProps, initialState: store.getState(),
  1. Server: Render MyApp
  • MyApp's props is data return from wrapper.getInitialAppProps: {initialState: ReduxAppState, pageProps: Return type of appCallback}
    • Above data will render as JSON inside script element <script id="__NEXT_DATA__" type="application/json"> then send to client
  • wrapper.useWrappedStore
    • Create store with the initialState field of MyApp's props
    • Dispatch an action __NEXT_REDUX_WRAPPER_HYDRATE__ with payload contains initialState
      • The reducer will fill all data from payload into state
  1. Client: Render MyApp
  • Don't run wrapper.getInitialAppProps
  • MyApp will receive props from <script id="__NEXT_DATA__" type="application/json">
  • Run wrapper.useWrappedStore
  • Create new store with default state
  • Dispatch an action __NEXT_REDUX_WRAPPER_HYDRATE__ with payload contains data of MyApp's props




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