Dungeon Wizard is a single-page app that allows users to create an account, browse through a list of Dungeons & Dragons campaigns that are looking for members, and request to join one that interests them. They can filter the list of campaigns based on a number of playing style and experience level options. In response, Dungeon Masters (those who create and manage the campaigns) can create campaigns, approve or reject join requests, and update their campaign page with the next play session date that only their approved players can see. Dungeon Wizard is a React/Rails application. This repository is the React front-end; in order to see the entire project please check out the Rails back-end repository.
Dungeon Wizard is the final group project for Web Development bootcamp at Lighthouse Labs. Group members: Peter Nolan, Matt Kelly, Erin Toth
- Front-end: HTML, CSS, Axios, React-Router, ReactJS, NodeJS
- Back-end: Ruby on Rails, Postgres
Clone this repository into the folder of your choice.
npm install
to install dependencies -
npm start
(make sure back-end server is also downloaded and running) -
Navigate to http://localhost:3002
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.