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Install and Run the Spigot Server

Arden Shackelford edited this page Aug 21, 2017 · 2 revisions

Install and Configure Spigot Minecraft Server for MC Panel

Download and install Java


To download and install the latest Java, please use openJDK.

sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk

Download and build Spigot

Now that we have Java installed, we're set to get Spigot built and running.

Download Spigot BuildTools

wget -O BuildTools.jar

To ensure there are no issues, we need to issue the following command for Git:

git config --global --unset core.autocrif

Now to run BuildTools:

java -jar BuildTools.jar --rev latest

This will generate the .jar files we need using the latest version.

Note: It is possible this will fail due to permissions. Do NOT use sudo to resolve this issue. Create a new user for minecraft and make sure that user has the correct permissions for the directory in which you want to run BuildTools.

Once BuildTools has completed, you'll find two jars in the directory that you ran BuildTools:

  • spigot-x.x.jar
  • craftbukkit-x.x.jar

For our purposes, we only need the spigot-x.x.jar file.

Note: In the future, we will use the API jar.

Start the Server

java -jar spigot-x.x.jar


Official Spigot Documentation

Official Spigot Build Tools