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DWM is suckless dynamic window manager. It is extremely fast, small and very customisable.
- Actual fullscreen - for making any windows fullscreen.
- Alpha - for making bar transparent.
- Barpadding - bar with spacers.
- Center - windows can be spawned on center of screen.
- Centered master - layout.
- Centered window name - window name in bar is now on center.
- Cool autostart - start programms with DWM.
- Cycle layouts - cycle through layouts with keys.
- ewmhtags - for programms that need workspce info.
- Focus on net active - for warping to windows.
- Hide vacant tags - for more cleaner look.
- Moveresize - move windows with keys.
- No border - no border when there is only one window.
- Restartsig - now you can restart DWM.
- Rotate stack - stack can be rotated.
- Statuscmd - for DWMblock to work.
- Swallow - can your terminal swallow?
- Vanitygaps - gaps for everyone.
- Warp - warps cursor to the center of window when it becomes focused.
- Moveresize doesn't respect bar padding.