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Reachy2 symbolic inverse kinematics

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A kinematics library for Reachy2 7 DoF robotic arms, providing precise and reliable tools for motion control.

Key Features

  1. Symbolic Inverse Kinematics Solver:
    • Provides exact solutions, free from numerical solver pitfalls like initial seed dependence or local minima.
    • Handles joint limits.
    • Solves reachability questions.
    • Provides symbolic expressions for the null space — a fancy way of saying we can choose where to place the elbow on a circle.
  2. Task-Space Control Algorithm:
    • Ensures joint-space continuity, even for multi-turn joints (e.g., wrist_yaw).
    • Handles unreachable poses gracefully within trajectories.
    • Customizable workspace and configuration parameters.

Top Grasp Demo

Null Space Visualization

Table of Contents

Understanding how it works

Learn the core concepts behind our symbolic inverse kinematics approach (French with English subtitles):

IK explained


Use the following command to install:

$ pip install -e .[dev]

The optional [dev] option includes tools for developers.


Basics examples of an inverse kinematics call. The input is a Pose of dimension 6, the output is the 7 joints of the arm:

Example with SymbolicIK
import numpy as np
from reachy2_symbolic_ik.symbolic_ik import SymbolicIK

#Create the symbolic IK for the right arm
symbolic_ik = SymbolicIK(arm="r_arm")

# Define the goal position and orientation
goal_position = [0.55, -0.3, -0.15]
goal_orientation = [0, -np.pi / 2, 0]
goal_pose = np.array([goal_position, goal_orientation])

# Check if the goal pose is reachable
is_reachable, theta_interval, theta_to_joints_func, state = symbolic_ik.is_reachable(goal_pose)

# Get the joints for one elbow position, defined by the angle theta
if is_reachable:
   # Choose a theta in the interval
   # if theta_interval[0] < theta_interval[1], theta can be any value in the interval
   # else theta can be in the intervals [-np.pi, theta_interval[1]] or [theta_interval[0], np.pi]
   theta = theta_interval[0]

   # Get the joints 
   joints, elbow_position = theta_to_joints_func(theta)
   print(f"Pose is reachable \nJoints: {joints}")
   print("Pose not reachable")
Example with ControlIK
import numpy as np
from reachy2_symbolic_ik.control_ik import ControlIK
from reachy2_symbolic_ik.utils import make_homogenous_matrix_from_rotation_matrix
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R

# Create the control IK for the right arm
control = ControlIK(urdf_path="../config_files/reachy2.urdf")

# Define the goal position and orientation
goal_position = [0.55, -0.3, -0.15]
goal_orientation = [0, -np.pi / 2, 0]
goal_pose = np.array([goal_position, goal_orientation])
goal_pose = make_homogenous_matrix_from_rotation_matrix(goal_position, R.from_euler("xyz", goal_orientation).as_matrix())

# Get joints for the goal pose
# The control type can be "discrete" or "continuous"
# If the control type is "discrete", the control will choose the best elbow position for the goal pose
# If the control type is "continuous", the control will choose a elbow position that insure continuity in the joints
control_type = "discrete"
joints, is_reachable, state = control.symbolic_inverse_kinematics("r_arm", goal_pose, control_type)
if is_reachable:
    print(f"Pose is reachable \nJoints: {joints}")
    print("Pose not reachable")
Example with SDK

For this example, you will need Reachy2 SDK

import time
import numpy as np
from reachy2_sdk import ReachySDK
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R
from reachy2_symbolic_ik.utils import make_homogenous_matrix_from_rotation_matrix

# Create the ReachySDK object
print("Trying to connect on localhost Reachy...")
reachy = ReachySDK(host="localhost")

if reachy._grpc_status == "disconnected":
    print("Failed to connect to Reachy, exiting...")


# Define the goal pose
goal_position = [0.55, -0.3, -0.15]
goal_orientation = [0, -np.pi / 2, 0]
goal_pose = np.array([goal_position, goal_orientation])
goal_pose = make_homogenous_matrix_from_rotation_matrix(goal_position, R.from_euler("xyz", goal_orientation).as_matrix())

# Get joints for the goal pose
joints = reachy.r_arm.inverse_kinematics(goal_pose)

# Go to the goal pose
reachy.r_arm.goto(joints, duration=4.0, degrees=True, interpolation_mode="minimum_jerk", wait=True)

Check the /src/example folder for complete examples.

Unit tests

To ensure everything is functioning correctly, run the unit tests.

$ pytest 

Some unit tests need Reachy2 SDK.

You can decide which test you want to run with a flag.

  • sdk : run tests with sdk
  • cicd : run tests using only reachy2_symbolic_ik

Example :

$ pytest -m cicd


$ python3 -m pytest -m cicd


A URDF file is provided in 'src/config_files/reachy2.urdf'. This file is used if the user does not provide a URDF file when initializing the ControlIK class.

To regenerate the URDF file, you can use the following command from the root of the repository in the Docker container:

$ xacro ../../reachy_ws/src/reachy2_core/reachy_description/urdf/reachy.urdf.xacro "use_fake_hardware:=true" > src/config_files/reachy2.urdf


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. See the LICENSE file for details.


Inverse kinematics and control algorithm for the arms of Reachy2








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Contributors 4
