Web application to display ocean model output in a dynamic map view.
- scripts
- Python scripts to work with NetCDF files and produce sample output. Scripts may require octant package to run. Not used by the application.
- static
- HTML and javascript used in the frontend application. Includes Leaflet plotting code, controls, and configuration. Also contains cached JSON and NetCDF data for serving local files.
- tabs
- Backend code. Contains Python modules used to load data from THREDDS server or local NetCDF file, generate contours at each time step.
- app.py
- Flask application that ties it all together. Serves the static files, and does the mapping between URLs and python functions.
To start the application locally, run the command
python app.py
from this directory. Open a browser to http://localhost:5000 to view the application. Note that the default configuration is debug mode and should not be run on a public server.